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Girl Admits Lying About French Teacher Who Was Branded Islamophobe and Beheaded

Song Hong

Jan 4, 2020
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Viet Nam
A 13-year-old girl has admitted to lying about a French schoolteacher who was beheaded by a Muslim immigrant last October, Le Parisien reported. The Muslim teenager only known as Z did not want her father to learn that she was suspended for skipping classes so she told him that her history and geography teacher Samuel Paty, 47, had suspended her from classes after she had a disagreement with him over his plan to show students caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad during a lesson on free speech.

More than a week later the lie led to a chain of events that culminated in the gruesome murder of the teacher.

To be or not to be Charlie?
Samuel Paty's lesson was dedicated to a controversial issue – the caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad printed by French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in 2015. The Quran, the central religious text in Islam, doesn't say anything about depictions of Allah or the Prophet Muhammad, nevertheless, many Muslims oppose portrayals of the prophet because it may lead to a temptation toward idol worship, while satire about the religion is considered blasphemous and in some countries is punishable by death.

After the magazine, which has created similar pieces on other religious figures, released the issue in 2015 it came under heavy criticism from Muslim countries. That same year, Islamists staged several attacks in France that left 17 people dead, including employees at Charlie Hebdo.

The attacks shocked the world and in order to show support for the victims many users online used the slogan "Je suis Charlie" (I am Charlie).

Paty's lesson was dedicated to freedom of speech and whether they considered it wrong or right to be Charlie.

False Accusations and Murder
The girl told her father that she had a disagreement with Paty over his plan to show caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad during the lesson and that the teacher instructed Muslim students to leave the classroom so that he could show the rest of the class a "photograph of the prophet naked". She also told her father that Paty had suspended her from classes for two days.

According to the French newspaper Le Parisien, the teenager lied to keep from getting in trouble with her father.

Afterward, her Moroccan-born father, Brahim Chnina, 48, shared a video on Facebook in which he condemned Paty's "actions" and called for his removal. He later posted a second video in which he accused the teacher of Islamophobia and "discrimination" and told school officials Paty was spreading "a pornographic image".

News about the "Islamophobic" teacher spread online. According to a later investigation, 18-year-old Chechen immigrant Abdullakh Anzorov, who lived in Normandy, learned about Paty from a video published by the Grand Mosque of Pantin. On 16 October, Anzorov travelled to a Paris suburb, paid two students to show him Paty, and then beheaded the 47-year-old.

The girl reportedly told the police the same things she told her father, but later several classmates told investigators she wasn't present in the classroom and that Paty never told Muslim students to leave.

"She lied because she felt trapped in a spiral because her classmates had asked her to be a spokesperson", her lawyer, Mbeko Tabula told AFP.
He insists it is the father and not the girl, who should be punished for the tragedy. "My client lied, but even if it had been true, the reaction of her father was still disproportionate", the lawyer said.

Brahim Chnina and an Islamist preacher were charged with complicity in the killing. The father said his actions were "idiotic" and "stupid".

"I never thought my messages would be seen by terrorists. I didn't want to harm anyone with that message. It's hard to imagine how we got here, that we've lost a history professor and everyone blames me", he said

The french and europeans have many red lines people cannot cross in the name of "Free speech"

holocaust being a notable example. with outright jail threatened for anyone who so much as questions any of the official "facts" or "narratives"

yet they go out of their way to purposefully insult a religous prophet that is extremely dear to billions of muslims.. to show off some sort of "free speech" thats exclusive to the ultra cultured francoise....

and then they are absolutely shocked afterwards when the inevitable backlash comes.... it just goes against any common sense or basic human decency. to go out of your way to deeply insult a major group of people.... wtf is wrong with these "cultured" francoisess? it seems to be a european enlightened thing... as the scandanavians do it as well.
Brahim Chnina and an Islamist preacher were charged with complicity in the killing. The father said his actions were "idiotic" and "stupid".

Can a lawyer explain how this charge makes sense? It sounds like it will be quashed in court
After all the teacher never did anything against Islam. The daughter lied against the teacher, because she skipped class. Then the father arranged for the teacher to be killed.

So much for the cheerleaders for the Muslim girl and father, who also bash the teacher for "insensitive towards Islam".
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After all there was no proof of weapons of mass destruction but the little general lied in front of the UN which arranged for the killing of more than a million innocent people.

So much for the cheerleaders for the only super power, which was doing it only because of hatred of Muslims.

After all the teacher never did anything against Islam. The daughter lied against the teacher, because she skipped class. Then the father arranged for the teacher to be killed.

So much for the cheerleaders for the Muslim girl and father, who also bash the teacher for "insensitive towards Islam".
After all the teacher never did anything against Islam. The daughter lied against the teacher, because she skipped class. Then the father arranged for the teacher to be killed.

So much for the cheerleaders for the Muslim girl and father, who also bash the teacher for "insensitive towards Islam".
As per the article, the father only called for disciplinary action or removal of the teacher. It was the 18 year old who took the drastic action of killing.
The problem is being too sensitive to religion. God is all-powerful and does not need protection of humans. Humans need protection of God.
But humans are so stupid that they fight each other in the name of God.
You believe things that are incomprehensible, inconsistent, impossible because we have commanded you to believe them; go then and do what is unjust because we command it. Such people show admirable reasoning. Truly, whoever can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. If the God‐given understanding of your mind does not resist a demand to believe what is impossible, then you will not resist a demand to do wrong to that God‐given sense of justice in your heart. As soon as one faculty of your soul has been dominated, other faculties will follow as well. And from this derives all those crimes of religion which have overrun the world.
- Voltaire

French quote from a Frenchman yet they still couldn't see this coming. :coffee:
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So Samuel Paty never showed blasphemous caricatures to his students???

BBC says this:

As he had done in similar lessons on free speech in previous years, Paty warned students that he was about to show a depiction of Muhammad. He said anyone who thought they might be offended could close their eyes.

The french and europeans have many red lines people cannot cross in the name of "Free speech"

holocaust being a notable example. with outright jail threatened for anyone who so much as questions any of the official "facts" or "narratives"

yet they go out of their way to purposefully insult a religous prophet that is extremely dear to billions of muslims.. to show off some sort of "free speech" thats exclusive to the ultra cultured francoise....

and then they are absolutely shocked afterwards when the inevitable backlash comes.... it just goes against any common sense or basic human decency. to go out of your way to deeply insult a major group of people.... wtf is wrong with these "cultured" francoisess? it seems to be a european enlightened thing... as the scandanavians do it as well.
There is a thing called freedom. If you don't want to see the picture, look the other way. Same as how those lovely westerners that welcomed your entire kind to enjoy their welfare tolerate your wife wearing a trashbag.
In an attempt to avoid her father's anger, the girl lied that her suspension was due to a disagreement she had with Paty over the cartoons, which supposedly depicted a naked Prophet.

So Samuel Paty never showed blasphemous caricatures to his students???

BBC says this:

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