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Ghulam Azam synonymous with Hitler: Sultana Kamal


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Ghulam Azam synonymous with Hitler: Sultana Kamal

UNBconnect... - Ghulam Azam synonymous with Hitler: Sultana Kamal

Reported by: UNBConnect
Reported on: September 13, 2012 20:27 PM
Reported in: National

Dhaka, Sept 13 (UNB) – In brutality, Ghulam Azam is synonymous with German ruler Hitler who had influential role in implementation and execution of genocide and ethnic cleansing, said Sultana Kamal.

Former caretaker government adviser Sultana Kamal made the remark as a prosecution witness before the International Crimes Tribunal-1 on Thursday while hitting back a defence question whether the accused, former Jamaat-e-Islami ameer, was a formal leader of the Peace Committee (collaborator), Razakar, Al Badr and Al Shams, the auxiliary forces of the Pakistan occupation army in 1971.

In support of her contention, human rights activist Sultana Kamal said Hitler, despite his political party leadership, had covertly maintained command of the Nazis which he formed without holding any official position in it.

Hitler was the mastermind of the atrocities carried out by the Nazis, she said adding that similarly Jamaat–e-Islami leader Ghulam Azam had made his close aide Matiur Rahman Nizami the chief of Al Badr. Ghulam Azam had played a key role in forming these vigilante groups from behind the scene, she added.

Sultana Kamal, also the executive director of Ain–o-Salish Kendra (ASK), told the tribunal that although Ghulam Azam was not the prime leader of these outfits institutionally, it was used to run by his command and directives.

“I think Ghulam Azam had done the similar acts what Hitler did, who bears the responsibility for the deaths of millions in the II World War,” she said.

Asked whether the prosecution distorts the history branding Ghulam Azam synonymous with Hitler as the books so far published over the Liberation War of Bangladesh compare Hitler with Pakistan President Gen Yahyia Khan and governor of occupied Bangladesh Gen Tikka Khan, not Ghulam Azam, the PW said, “It’s not true, I add Ghulam with the duo Generals.”

During the cross-examination, Sultana Kamal said it was true that Nurul Amin was made the Prime Minister of Pakistan and Raja Tridib Roy inducted as a cabinet minister during the Liberation War in 1971. “There’s nothing to be surprised.”

“It’s a maneuvering of the usurpers in any liberation struggle to make people fool choosing some people from the invaded community in its government to suppress the incidents of genocide and ethnic cleansing,” said Sultana Kamal.
Similarly, Aung Shue Pru Chowdhury, a leader of ethnic group Buddhist, was inducted as minister in the Malek government during the Liberation War, she added.

Replying to a defence lawyer’s question, Sultana Kamal, also a non-practicing lawyer, told the tribunal that the Peace Committee (collaborator) was a social force, while Razakar, Al Badr and al Shams were the auxiliary forces of the Pakistani junta. After Bangladesh’s independence, these outfits became non-existent.

Advocate Mizanul Islam and Kafil Uddin Chowdhury, the defence counsel for detained Jammat leader facing trial on charges of the 1971 crimes against humanity, cross-examined the prosecution witness.

As the defence counsel closed the cross-examinations, the three-member tribunal headed by Justice M Nizamul Huq adjourned trial proceedings till Sunday (Sept 16).


'Ghulam Azam was like Hitler'

'Ghulam Azam was like Hitler' | Politics | bdnews24.com

Thu, Sep 13th, 2012 4:46 pm BdST

Tanim Ahmed

Dhaka, Sep 13 (bdnews24.com)—Human rights activist Sultana Kamal on Thuesday drew an analogy between Jamaat-e-Islami guru Ghulam Azam and Adolf Hitler during her cross-examination by Azam's defence.

Appearing as the third defence witness at the first war crimes tribunal against the 89-year-old former Jamaat chief, Sultana Kamal was asked whether Ghulam Azam headed any of the wartime vigilante groups like Razakar, Al Badr or Al Shams.

The 63-year old wartime nurse told the tribunal that just as the German Chancellor, who led the Holocaust, was not officially at the helm of the Nazi Party, so was Ghulam Azam not directly linked with the vigilante groups. "Azam was not in charge officially," she said pointing out, "Motiur Rahman Nizami, who headed the infamous Al Badr was [Azam's] subordinate in Jamaat. As such Azam was a supra power."

Regarding the social front of the anti-liberation forces during the 1971 war, the witness conceded that Azam might not have been among the main leaders, "But he took it upon himself to organise and strengthen the Peace Committees and the Razakars."

She said Ghulam Azam was like the public face of these forces.

The three-judge International Crimes Tribunal-1, set up to try crimes against humanity during the War of Independence in 1971, indicted Ghulam Azam for complicity, incitement, planning and conspiracy of war crimes.

Azam, as the leader of Jamaat during the war, is also widely said to have acted as the springboard for vigilante militia groups like the Razakars, Al Badr and Al Shams which are alleged to have committed widespread atrocities during the war.

She asked, "How else then could Ghulam Azam boast of the Razakars being enough to annihilate the liberation forces on Dec 1, 1971 in Pakistan? He must have had strong control over those forces."

Sultana Kamal, daughter of the famous poet and activist Sufia Kamal, said during her long reply of the question that she believed Ghulam Azam and Hitler were comparable to each other.

Mohammed Kafil Uddin Chowdhury, Azam's defence counsel conducting the cross-examination for the day, as counsel Mizanul Islam was busy cross-examining another high profile witness at the second tribunal, protested that such a long statement need not have come in as an answer to his question, which he said was quite relevant.

The tribunal Chairman, Justice Mohammad Nizamul Huq, after recording the gist of Sultana Kamal's answer, over the audible mutters among the defence counsels, told Kafil Uddin that he should not ask such questions that allow the witness pass an opinion, which would naturally make his task more difficult.

The defence counsel then had the witness confirm that Hitler was at the helm of Germany before and during the World War II, and President Yahiya Khan was at the helm of Pakistan. The witness then also agreed that Tikka Khan was the Governor of the then East Pakistan but Ghulam Azam, the accused, was not in such a position of authority at that time.

Mizanul Islam was at hand after lunch and registered a slight protest saying the answers were rather long and making it difficult for the defence to wrap their part by the cut-off time.

He resumed the cross-examination suggesting that Sultana Kamal was distorting history, since she drew an analogy between Ghulam Azam and Hitler, although all books and historical records drew that analogy between Hitler and Pakistan's President, Yahiya Khan or East Pakistan Chief Martial Law Administrator General Tikka Khan.

The witness replied, "Then I am adding Ghulam Azam with them."

"And you are adding that from today?" asked Mizanul Islam to which Sultana Kamal, a lawyer by training, said, "I mention it today since the question did not come up before."

This was not, however, included in the records.


The second half of the proceedings saw much animated discussion over non-military influence in military activities going back and forth.

The defence had at first asked Sultana Kamal whether strategy and tactic of any mission would be either decided upon or approved by the regular military forces.

Sultana Kamal reminded the counsel that this was a theoretical question hinting that it may not apply to the context at hand. She said under normal circumstances, it was generally the case that military forces were in control.

Although prosecutor Syed Haider Ali protested to say that these questions were a matter of military policy and the witness was not in a position to answer such question, Justice Huq told him to sit down saying, "We have already spent much and we want to finish this by today."

The defence counsel after a few other questions then made a suggestion that opened the literal can of worms.

Mizanul Islam suggested that only civilian whose name is linked to the Operation Searchlight on March 25, 1971 was Zulfikar Ali Bhutto besides Yahiya Khan and Tikka Khan.

Bhutto, then the leader of Pakistan People's Party, went on to become the Pakistani Prime Minister.

Sultana Kamal agreed with the suggestion and quickly added that she wanted to remind the court of something and referred to the defence suggestion that the military did not always have control over the non-military forces.

"We clearly see here that non-military quarters may well have strong influence over military operations as is the case here," said the witness to much satisfaction of the conducting prosecutor Zead-Al-Malum.

He kept dipping his head to one side approvingly as the witness glanced at his direction while Malum looked eager to see how the defence counsel ventured from there.

The tribunal had also found it amusing and after recording the initial answer asked Mizanul Islam, "Should I have the rest noted down too? What do you say?"

The defence counsel said he had no objection but thought it was quite unnecessary.

But as the tribunal recorded the witness pointing out that there were indeed cases where non-military personnel had influence and control over military actions, the defence rose up in protest saying that his question was only regarding Operation Searchlight.

In the end, however, Sultana Kamal's point was recorded in the proceedings.

The defence counsel did not proceed any further with his questions and quickly switched to contradiction at a slight suggestion of the tribunal. The cross-examination was wrapped up in another hour after that.

@ During the Liberation War of 1971 Sufia Kamal, the mother of Sultana Kamal was in Dacca and under the pay-roll of Pakistan Army. In many social and political occassions she was seen and she talked in support of Pakistan army.

@ I am not a supporter of Gulam Azam nor I am at all related with their politics but I tell you Golam Azam is very popular. Where ever I am gone throughout Bangladesh peaple have talked good about him. Even many even commented he is the real patriot of Bangladesh in the true sense.

@ Whatever allegations are given agaist him is fabricated. He is the real politicaian. Still he boldly says whatever he has done in 1971 means supporting the cause of Pakistan was right. A politician or a political party may have different thinking but it does not mean that he is a traitor.

@ Comparing Golam Azam with Hitler !!!! O ! what a fun ???????? Does Sultana Kamal knows who was Hitler ???????
according to Gulam Azam, if he is executed by this govt, he will become a Martyr! So good for him, it is the best thing that can happen to a muslim. Paradise without Pulsirat!! He will have his revenge in the afterlife!!
I wonder what will happen to this Maloon sulatna Kamal chakroborty after the fall of ghaddar Al. This munafiq riding on her late moter name for personal gain. Bloody sharmuta.
And her Malaun Hubby, Chakrabarti Babu had the biggest of the uncircumsized SHIV lingam's type, by which he made her mouth so fertile that she gave birth of a bigger Imagining story than Valmiki's one, The Ramayan. But hey, as commie ra oder Maa'er Putki diya prithibite aise, her mouth rightly got putki's attribute as above and vice versa at the following...

The Daily Sangram | Oldest Bengali Newspaper . So the wannabe Malauni needed to fix the trajectory of her mouth before being venomous again.

Your mom must be very proud of what she taught you in those long nights.

Proper way of articulating off course, all I meant!
I wonder what will happen to this Maloon sulatna Kamal chakroborty after the fall of ghaddar Al. This munafiq riding on her late moter name for personal gain. Bloody sharmuta.

@ Let me tell you a true story. In those days back in 1978/79, I was studying in Dhaka university in 1st/2nd year. One day one man came to my hostel and requested me to accompany him to a Minister's house for a "Shuparish" for a candiate for MP election.

@ It was a big rush and we had to wait for three hour in the drawing room for 4/5 hours. One by one all the guest went to meet the minister so I was along. I saw one old lady but still looking very smart also seating at the corner of the sofa. After some this lady called me closer and enquired about me. I said, I am a student of Dhaka University and one of my relative has come for a "Shuparish" for a MP election. Then she was enquiring about my subject and about my future. One thing I marked about her he was feeling very charming and then she hold my right hand. And I tell you he kept it for about an hour. I was feeling very embrassing how could an old lady could do like that ??? At that time I could feel that what she was trying to do with me ???? And you know who was she ????? It was the great Sufia Kamal , the mother of Sultana Kamal !!!!!!!!
@ Let me tell you a true story. In those days back in 1978/79, I was studying in Dhaka university in 1st/2nd year. One day one man came to my hostel and requested me to accompany him to a Minister's house for a "Shuparish" for a candiate for MP election.

@ It was a big rush and we had to wait for three hour in the drawing room for 4/5 hours. One by one all the guest went to meet the minister so I was along. I saw one old lady but still looking very smart also seating at the corner of the sofa. After some this lady called me closer and enquired about me. I said, I am a student of Dhaka University and one of my relative has come for a "Shuparish" for a MP election. Then she was enquiring about my subject and about my future. One thing I marked about her he was feeling very charming and then she hold my right hand. And I tell you he kept it for about an hour. I was feeling very embrassing how could an old lady could do like that ??? At that time I could feel that what she was trying to do with me ???? And you know who was she ????? It was the great Sufia Kamal , the mother of Sultana Kamal !!!!!!!!

Well you were a first year student, and you went to lobby for MP selection board. Then the old Madam Sufia Kamal wanted to rape you in public.. ??? Is that what you meant??

Jaiga moto porle, dhon kaita hate dhoraia dibe manush..
Sufia Kamal, who tried to rape Md. Akmal in Minsiter's living room in public.


Public sex what she liked most in her life according to Akmal the great.

More about rapist Sufia Kamal can be found here

Sufia Kamal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
@ "Are bhai iajdani, kano til ke tal banachen ". Whatever is fact I have written, I have not said that she has raped me or tried to rape me. She was just enjoying my accompany upto the fullest extent.

@ The minister belonged to our area. The man who came to Dhaka for the MP candidate was my relative. He hardly visited Dhaka. He came just to accompany him as the roads and areas of Dhaka were not fimilar to him. In those days it was common. Since I was in Dhaka for couple of yeas so these areas were well known to me. O ! it was not a living room ! It was drawing room.
Drawing room is living room. Anyway, wasn't she married 3-4 times? and whats wrong with people, using bad words! Its disgusting..... Its public forum and you people are not teenagers!
Perhaps, you have no idea that what is known as Drawing Room in certain western countries is called Living Room in some other countries. But, the way you have elaborated your encounter it seems Begum Sufia Kamal was trying to be intimate with you physically. Perhaps she wanted to elope with you to a Warmland! Your dishonest mind could not think anything better. I feel pity on you, what kind of human being are you without a trace of morality. So, it is no strange your kind of people went to support the west Pakistani troops by killing and raping the people of Bangladesh.

Anyway, this thread is dedicated to what Sultana Kamal said about Ghulam Azam. Every one knows what he is and what he was during 1971.
@ Let me tell you a true story. In those days back in 1978/79, I was studying in Dhaka university in 1st/2nd year. One day one man came to my hostel and requested me to accompany him to a Minister's house for a "Shuparish" for a candiate for MP election.

@ It was a big rush and we had to wait for three hour in the drawing room for 4/5 hours. One by one all the guest went to meet the minister so I was along. I saw one old lady but still looking very smart also seating at the corner of the sofa. After some this lady called me closer and enquired about me. I said, I am a student of Dhaka University and one of my relative has come for a "Shuparish" for a MP election. Then she was enquiring about my subject and about my future. One thing I marked about her he was feeling very charming and then she hold my right hand. And I tell you he kept it for about an hour. I was feeling very embrassing how could an old lady could do like that ??? At that time I could feel that what she was trying to do with me ???? And you know who was she ????? It was the great Sufia Kamal , the mother of Sultana Kamal !!!!!!!!

I will take your word for it. I am not fan of this hypocrite Bengali pagan culture loving intellectual. We can imagine her character by comparing her maloon loving daughter.
Even Hitler was morally far righteous than this bootlicking intellectually bankrupt dalal
sultana Kamal

Anyway, this thread is dedicated to what Sultana Kamal said about Ghulam Azam. Every one knows what he is and what he was during 1971.

Every knows what kind of munafiq hypocrites awamilegers are. Check this news out and tell me what kind of shameless munafiqi is this?

?????? ?????? ???? ????? ???? ?. ???! সাঈদীর ওয়াজের সিডি বিতরণ করছে আ. লীগ! :lol:

And this is done to prove to the people that Dr.younus was involved in unislamic practices of usury. What's the matter , doesn't awami pet "imams/maulovis" have any credentials.
Your mom must be very proud of what she taught you in those long nights.

Proper way of articulating off course, all I meant!

Actually M_saint bhai was far too decent in describing her. What do U expect him to call this intellectually and morally bankrupt women.
Drawing room is living room. Anyway, wasn't she married 3-4 times? and whats wrong with people, using bad words! Its disgusting..... Its public forum and you people are not teenagers!

She married twice. Her first husband died at very young age.
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