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Germany ups reliance on Huawei for 5G despite security fears

Wrong the must studied is Linux, when you go into server real it's Linux, your Android device or harmony device has Linux core. Those communication device probably have a core based on Linux
I'm sure USA industry as general can learn a lot from Chinese to learn how to be profitable. By the way its non 60s that USA industry was generation ahead of many other countries

Because it's all political and western countries wanted to stop advance of Huawei as a successful Chinese company that was surpassing Samsung and Apple.
What are you saying? Apple or Samsung doesnt manufacture service providers devices.

Western states didnt complain about Huawei smartphones/tablets/routers.

They complained about Huawei devices in the service providers side.

And that's because the danger is in spy without state monitoring.
And access to smartphones even if they dont use internet, just through 5g isp internal network.

Linux is open source.
The most watched bugs in privative software is Microsoft and Cisco, because it's the most privative software used.
What are you saying? Apple or Samsung doesnt manufacture service providers devices.
they produce consumer devices and in case of huawei , both service oriented manufacturing branch and consumer oriented section get targeted.
Western states didnt complain about Huawei smartphones/tablets/routers.
usa sanction target it and effectively throw huawei out of top of the list .
And that's because the danger is in spy without state monitoring.
And access to smartphones even if they dont use internet, just through 5g isp internal network.
no evidence actually provided , in fact some say the actual danger was something else , their spook didn't had access to any actual access to Huawei devices and they fail to provide them with one .

Linux is open source.
The most watched bugs in privative software is Microsoft and Cisco, because it's the most privative software used.
I'm not talking about Bugs , I'm talking about intended backdoor
It's the same thing, all backdoors are disguised as "bugs" :lol:

Why Western states are worried about Huawei use in service providers and they are not worry in Huawei as smartphones brands?

Because Western states can monitor data leaks and avoid it if they hack only is in the user device (computer, smartphone, tablet). But if you control access to network, you can avoid state monitoring and spy without to be spied.
Huawei smartphone is finished. The sale is forbidden in the US. In Europe hardly anyone buys Huawei phone. What will you do with a phone without 5g chip, without google service, without genuine android? Huawei downsize in Europe. rumors say they will lay off 13,000 employees.

Yes the Germans are naive folks they look at the price because huawei is cheaper they buy it. The lesson with cheap Russian gas is not learned. Too much dependency on a single provider is not good.
that hidden back door was a telnet service for debugging and optimizing's system operation and was necessary for setting up the network and 6 month later patched by Huawei and as you see Vodaphone itself said it didn't provide access to hackers . so try harder next time , please

Huawei smartphone is finished. The sale is forbidden in the US. In Europe hardly anyone buys Huawei phone. What will you do with a phone without 5g chip, without google service, without genuine android? Huawei downsize in Europe. rumors say they will lay off 13,000 employees.

Yes the Germans are naive folks they look at the price because huawei is cheaper they buy it. The lesson with cheap Russian gas is not learned. Too much dependency on a single provider is not good.
well I have a Huawei smartphone with 5G and with genuine android (well a little old) and harmony Os 2.0 is actually good , the problem is Huawei is only provide it in Chinese models of its phone .
about google play services well actually i learned to live without it and its not the end of the world

Yes the Germans are naive folks they look at the price because huawei is cheaper they buy it. The lesson with cheap Russian gas is not learned. Too much dependency on a single provider is not good.
you can say too much dependency on usa also is not good
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that hidden back door was a telnet service for debugging and optimizing's system operation and was necessary for setting up the network and 6 month later patched by Huawei and as you see Vodaphone itself said it didn't provide access to hackers . so try harder next time , please

well I have a Huawei smartphone with 5G and with genuine android (well a little old) and harmony Os 2.0 is actually good , the problem is Huawei is only provide it in Chinese models of its phone .
about google play services well actually i learned to live without it and its not the end of the world

you can say too much dependency on usa also is not good
I said “provider”, no matter which country is behind it, certainly including the US.

On 5g topic, it’s an overblown advertisement in my opinion. What is the use cases for 5g?
It’s good when you are middle of somewhere.

In office, at home, inflight, in train, rail stations you use wifi, not cellular service as 4g or 5g. Now with WiFi 6, the speed and performance surpass 5g by great margin. And the costs of buying and operating it is cheaper.

There are talks about 5g in autonomous driving maybe that is the greatest plus.
But the biggest problem with 5g is you have to build thousands of thousands 5g towers. The range of 5g wave is very short. If you have money then ok. If not then, well.

I had a Huawei router with firmware that uses some GPL source code, and I asked them to free the source code in 2015.

I wrote a email to foss@huawei.com and they kindly published it in their website to everyone who wants to download it.

When you ask to liberate GPL source code they ask you some data from the router: “Device Type”, “SN”, “Software Version”, “manufacture info” (Device Information page in router admin menu).

I recommend everyone with Huawei routers that use GPL source code to ask Huawei to liberate the source code as GPL license says they must do. That information can be seen in the administration menu of the router.

Moreover I recommend everyone to use OpenWRT (linux based dist) in generic routers.

It can have bugs (and/or backdoors) too, but you can choose better what is open and what is close.
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