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Germany to cancel order for 37 Euro fighters

I actually was pinpointing to the radical difference you laid out in comparison between the carrier-based jet and the shore-based maritime one. Although there isn't much of a real difference between both - as you stated - but we might take some specifications in the navalised version into the aircrafts the Navy may assign to carry a shore-based maritime operations/missions on.

Thanks for taking time pointing out the differences between both :) ...
It's possible that for a dedicated maritime strike version that you may incorporate certain features not found in the air force/shore version but most of these would likely be software/sensor or weapon related but you wouldn't need to have the major structural changes such as arrestor hooks, dropping the nose for better over the nose visibility, strengthened landing gear etc. As such I don't think that, as far as Suadi Arabia is concerned, that the fact the EFT doesn't have a fully developed naval/carrier variant and the Rafale does will mean much.

And you're welcome.
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