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German state TV: Syrian rebels claim responsibility for attack on Turkey


Oct 17, 2011
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On October 4th, the German state TV channel ZDF reported on the attack on Turkey several times.

In its “Mittagsmagazin” at 13:00 hours it reports as follows:

“Rocket and mortar fire. Turkey takes revenge after an attack from the Syrian side. Yesterday afternoon Syrian rebels fired on a Turkish village close to the border. For weeks Ankara had warned against provoking Turkey. Meanwhile Syrian rebels officially claimed responsibility for the provocation.”

Only 3 hours later in its “Heute in Europa” at 16:00 hours it reports:

“Rocket and mortar fire. Last night Turkey took revenge for an attack from the Syrian side. Yesterday afternoon rebels fired on a Turkish village close to the border.

Testimony of a local Turk: “The Syrian rebels try to draw us into their conflict. We have to be very careful here.”

In their main evening news “Heute” at 19:00 hours they report:

“Rocket and mortar fire. Last night Turkey took revenge. Yesterday afternoon the Syrians fired on a Turkish village close to the border. The tensions between the neighbours had escalated – Ankara retaliated.”

In the late evening news “Heute Journal” at 23:00 hours they reported:

“Rocket and mortar fire. Last night Turkey took revenge. Yesterday afternoon a village close to the border had been fired upon from the Syrian side. The tension escalated – Ankara retaliated.”

“Houses shot to pieces and streets devoid of people. It is not even clear yet who really fired, the Syrian army or the rebels.”


The first victim of war is the truth.

The first report clearly states that the rebels officially claimed responsibility for the attack on Turkey.

It is telling to see how the pressure on this TV station worked. They had to back-paddle:

At 13:00 it was the Syrian Rebels officially claiming responsibility.

In the main evening news at 19:00 it was the Syrians (suggesting the Syrian army). This is a prime example of how the first and probably most authentic and truthful report is turned and twisted by the spin doctors to come to the desired result. In these times of Orwellian double speak we have to give credit to the ZDF that they did not stick with “The Syrians did it” but at least ended with a question mark - in the late evening they leave it open who was responsible.

Source: Updates on Military Action in Syria - Iran Military Forum

Syria: False Flag Attacks To Clear A Border Zone

It seems I was wrong in suggesting that Erdogan was made to step back from the brink. The false flag mortar shots from Syria onto Turkish grounds are said to continue. It defies any logic that the Syrian army would do such continues provocations. The Syrian government has no interest in giving Turkey a pretext for using its troops against Syria.

Each time such an unverifiable event happens the Turkish military is now using it (Dutch video report) to hold down Syrian army units with its artillery while the foreign sponsored insurgents take this or that town or army position.

This all together looks like a coordinated plan to push the Syrian army out of the border region with Turkey and to establish a zone there that the rebels can control and use for training and rest. It is Erdogan's solution for the increasing problem those insurgents create for him on the Turkish side of the border.

It is also an escalation that deserves a response.

Moon of Alabama
of course and Turkey will still support those terrorists.... since its masters in the west order AKP to do so :disagree:
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