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German parliament approves dual citizenship


Jul 15, 2012
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Germany's lower house of parliament passed new citizenship laws on Thursday, relaxing some of the strictest rules in Europe to allow young Germans of foreign origin to hold two passports -- a move that benefits the large Turkish community.

Until now, children of immigrants from most non-EU countries have had to choose at the age of 23 between German citizenship or that of their parents' country of origin.

The dual passport prohibition has long rankled the roughly 3 million people of Turkish origin living in Germany, just under half of whom have taken German citizenship.

The move reportedly came after long negotiations between the German Christian Democrat Union (CDU/CSU) and the Social Democrat Party (SPD). According to the new law, young people can now have two passports if, at the age of 21, they can prove they have lived in Germany for at least eight years or have gone to school in the country for six years and gained school-leaving qualifications. According to Cihan news agency, 500,000 children will benefit from the newly passed law in the beginning.

A commission under the name of “Härtefall Kommission” will be founded to discuss the situation of young people who cannot meet the criteria for holding two passports.

Turkish community leaders have criticized the new law because it applies only to young people and does not cover older people, many of whom have spent decades in Germany.

Dual citizenship was a pet project of the center-left Social Democrats (SPD) who share power with Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservatives.

Merkel's conservatives have long opposed dual citizenship, arguing it was impossible to be loyal to two countries at the same time. The SPD had been in favor of completely abolishing the obligation to choose between passports.

The interior affairs spokesman of Merkel's conservative group, Stephan Mayer, said Germany would continue to avoid the principle of double nationalities, according to Deutsche Welle.

"That is a good message, because it promotes societal cohesion," Deutsche Welle reported him as saying. He also reportedly stated that the long-standing German citizenship law represented an avoidance of "parallel communities."

Minister Özoğuz: Important decision regarding future of Germany

Aydan Özoğuz, a SPD politician of Turkish origin and the state minister for immigration, refugees and integration, called the law an “important decision for the future of Germany.”

“With the change in the citizenship law, dual citizenship will be accepted both politically and socially. I am sure that there will be more changes in the law,” Özoğuz said, adding that she is optimistic that the law will apply to everyone, including older people, in the future.
German parliament approves dual citizenship
What kind of bullschit is that, wasn't Germany allowing dual Citizenship before? Isn't that against EU Hooman rights?
Germany allowed dual citizenship for some countries

you could have russian and german cizizenship or japanese and german.. but they really didn't want to give turkish and german..

**** this ruling and **** the SPD. Everyone born before 1990 is not part of this ruling.

so it really don't changes much...
What kind of bullschit is that, wasn't Germany allowing dual Citizenship before? Isn't that against EU Hooman rights?

The conservative parties namely CDU and particularly its Bavarian sister party CSU are against Dual nationality for non-EU countries. The leftist parties SPD, The Greens and The LEFT party are in favor of dual nationality for non-EU.

**** this ruling and **** the SPD. Everyone born before 1990 is not part of this ruling.

The crazy CSU party is the main hurdle for the issue of dual nationality , CDU I believe will compromise at some point in future but cannot say this for CSU Bavarians.
Germany allowed dual citizenship for some countries

you could have russian and german cizizenship or japanese and german.. but they really didn't want to give turkish and german..

so it really don't changes much...
but can new born Russian child after 1990 can get dual citizenship?
but can new born Russian child after 1990 can get dual citizenship?
I don't think so :)

but the russian germans after 199x will have all german passport.. also the new generation does often do not speak russian.. its getting so that they will be assimilated fast.. except some of the first generation they see themselfs as german, germans see them as russian..

the biggest problem is turkish politics with military service and Passport matters .. if Turkey would not throw us like dogs away and accept us more (they see us as hey they live in Europe they are rich Almanci lets take some money) we would not have any problems and we could easy say "keep yor stinky german citizenship for yourself or give it a gypsy we dont want it"

I really think Turkey don't want us, that we are nothing for them or just a problem.. I think turkey wants us to be assimilated.. that we go lost and since then they take as much as money from us as they could get..

for excample we have to suffer so much to get a new passport or we are forced to get a new passport because of some changes it's not cheap pay something about 400 lira say it in turkey and no one will belive you..
you have to go 100 km to get one you have to wait hours ok it got better, years ago they had been very disdainfull to us.. now its ok they even say "hello" and "selam aleykum"

then the biggest problem is military service this is one of the biggest suffering.. mostly you cannot go for one year to turkey its impossible.. so they want so many money.. even if you do not have much you have to give.. so many turks change their citizenchip because of this.. if they would look how much you earn and say give me 3 month of your money it would be ok but instead they make it very hard

so if they would see us more like citizens and not as a problem we would have no problems but instead germans play with our pride.. thanks to Turkey!

in my young days my father said everytime "son go to school, lern something, be something.. the time will come when our country will call us back theen we need your skills" but this was just daydreaming they will never want us back..
Why did they apply this law in the first place? İ mean, İ refuse to believe that the German government is that simple minded to actually believed that they could change peoples loyalty by making them choose between nationalities.
Seems it was more like a popularist move towards their own voters base.

What's a pasport anyway? İn the end İ was born a Turk with out any paperwork. İt's very naive to think that forbidding dual citizenship will change this.

They are right about pne thing though.
The loyalty of Turks in Europe is indeed very questionnable :)
From what I understand (I don't know alot, don't live there). The SPD and the CDU are two major parties running and then three others in the Bundestag. The SPD and CDU negotiates for the dual citizenship but that doesn't necessarily mean CDU support it.

The Left party is apparently being or has been watched by the Verfassungsschutz which isn't good, the CSU are against duality, and the Green party is for duality. Or there's the FDP?

I'm betting the SPD just did this to grab more votes and polarize supporters.
Turks are voting SPD or the Green party anyway, with or without dual citizenship.
I'd go Green all the way, the SPD tried to use you guys for more votes. Plus you will get a cleaner environment.
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