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Gerald R Ford Class Super Aircraft Carrier

That is right. America air technology is, indeed, unrivaled. And I am trying to be objective here:

F14, F15, F-16 (and variants), F-18, F22, F-35.....!
And who denies that. US is years and years ahead of rest of the world in every faucet of military tech, not just air power.
Very impressive ship indeed.
It is said that if an enemy destroys an aircraft carrier, it would have done 30 billion dollars worth of damage (12 billion for the AC, 18 billion for the aircraft/weapons/equipment.)
Compare this beheamoth to the American Nimitz Class Super carrier:


Wrong pics. These are Nimitz.

America is planning to have 10 of these. They already have 2 active.

One built, but not active yet.
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Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) is the first new design for an aircraft carrier since Nimitz (CVN 68). The shipbuilders found hidden value in every square inch of the ship, saving the Navy a projected $4 billion in ownership costs over the ship’s 50-year lifespan. The ship will be equipped with two newly-designed reactors and has 250 percent more electrical capacity than previous carriers. The improvements will allow the ship to load weapons and launch aircraft faster than ever before.

Just my taxes put to work! :D

These ships will project US power worldwide for a long time to come.
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