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Georgia woman wanted for battery after brutal restaurant beatdown

Do your countrymen consider your kind the same?

Easy there Bongabandhu. Easy
Easy there Bongabandhu. Easy
Speechless what can I say
The bystander effect?

Maybe but most of the times it people who record ended up posting it on world star to get views/likes.
These black animals are perfect antidote to white colonizers. More power to both parties.✊🏿🏳️‍🌈🇺🇲
I'm so ready to leave this racist hell hole.
Don't squeal after getting caught Pakjeet
What getting caught? I specifically said "these black" meaning those who attack whites without any provocation, don't put words in my mouth.
Stamping on a persons head should be a charge of attempted murder. Unacceptable by all means.
This is norm in a street/School fight in the UK.
Stomping on the head can kill, it’s like standing or kneeling on the neck it can kill the person.
This is attempt to murder..!
That's fuk3d up.
Was she trying to take revenge for cotton pickin slavery or something?
Squealing? Don't confuse me with your Mom.
First caught red-handed for racist diatribe against people of African origin and now Oedipus complex

You are poster child quintessential Pakistani
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