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George Friedman views on some current trends

WTF? Is this for real? Or is this from The Onion Network?
I don't know. All, I can tell u is, this guy is well know in the arena for his previous predictions which turns out to be true. His organisation calls "Stratfor" an intelligence company.
Well he recently came out with an interesting book The next decade.

Some points the book makes to maintain the US power and influence in the world are
(1) There will have to be a distancing of the relationship between Israel and US
(2) China will not power along anymore and will not be a major threat mainly because of its problem with political reforms.
(3) Relation with India should be cooled down and Pakistan should be rebalanced in the S. Asia context. Indian Navy can be a very significant challenger in the IOR so US should make India focus on land and air power instead focusing on China and Pakistan.
(4) Germany and Russia will become closer as they form an energy and manufacturing alliance.
(5) WoT and involment in Iraq and Afghanistan were counter productive and the US should get out of these draining wars asap.

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