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George Bush Should Learn the Meaning of “Fascism” Before Using the Word


Feb 12, 2006
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By now we know that all of Mr. Bush’s prepared speeches are written for him by a large staff of professional writers. That is why he usually sound intelligent when reading one of these speeches and why he sounds stupid when he speaks “off-the-cuff”.

In order to make his speeches more realistic, and closer to his personality, I suggest the White House fire all these professional writers and hire a whole new staff of Texas-grown school dropouts to write (hopefully they learned how) his future speeches.
On Thursday, Bush, in a prepared speech, said a foiled plot to blow up US-bound passenger jets from Britain showed the nation was “at War with Islamic fascists who will use any means to destroy those of us who love freedom, to hurt our nation”.

I believe that the use of “Islamic Fascists” is the new key phrase to replace “War on terror” which the general US public no longer accepts as meaningful. With over-use many key Bush slang gets worn out and the skillful professional staff writers find new words that I’m sure have to be approved by Karl Rove and Dick Cheney before Mr. Bush is allowed to use them.

By using the words “Islamic Fascists” he has further infuriated the Islamic world by emphasising that maybe he is on a Christian Crusade against all Muslims and not just “terrorists”.

Maybe this is war on Islam in disguise of war of terrorism?
(judging on this comments)

Shortly before the US-led invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, Bush had called his War on Terrorism a “crusade”. A day later, the White House apologised for using the loaded term which recalls the Christians’ medieval wars against Muslims in the Holy Land.

The word ‘fascist’ is associated with ideologies such as that of dictator Mussolini and not that of jihadists such as Sunni extremists. The term is being used by Bush improperly and is being used as a political tool to increase hysteria.

Mr. Bush should learn the meaning of words before uttering them to the US public and the world. Just because his expert writers and Karl and Dick say it’s ok to use, does not mean its appropriate. For all we know maybe they all wanted to further infuriate the Islamic world.

Wikipedia defines Fascism as a radical totalitarian political philosophy that combines elements of corporatism, authoritarianism, extreme nationalism, militarism, anti-anarchism, anti-communism and anti-liberalism.

Gee, the above definition seems to describe the new Bush Administration to a “T”. Every word above makes me think of where this country is since Bush’s shadow engulfed us in 2000. But most of the definitions have nothing to do with Terrorism.
Dude, there is a lot he needs to learn!!! I was a staunch Republican till Bush's second term. Yes he made a Democrat out of me!!

Check out this countdown clock. Maybe we will still have a country....

http://bushclock.lose.com/ :rolleyes:
Dude, there is a lot he needs to learn!!! I was a staunch Republican till Bush's second term. Yes he made a Democrat out of me!!

Check out this countdown clock. Maybe we will still have a country....

http://bushclock.lose.com/ :rolleyes:

I dont know, the economy is still blistering hot in the U.S. It's suprising that the economic performance is better than the wars he launched. Its nto all his fault though, Rumsfeld and Cheyney and Wolfwoitz should take their (lion's) share of the blame for pushing the Iraq war. The military also has to take their share of the blame as well, none of the top brass spoke out against it because they believed they could succeed and they being experts should have known better.
The military also has to take their share of the blame as well, none of the top brass spoke out against it because they believed they could succeed and they being experts should have known better.

They spoke out ... and was promptly fired. Generals Shinseki and Bremer comes to mind.
They spoke out ... and was promptly fired. Generals Shinseki and Bremer comes to mind.

Shinseki is a brave and honest soldier. They recently had a reunion of his graduating class, and everyone wore a "Eric was right" cap!

Bremer on the other hand pulled many bonehead moves. Do you mean his predessor, Garder who was fired for suggesting leaving the Iraqi Army intact and holding elections immediately, just like Sistani wanted?
One can fault Bush for his incorrect usage, but then it appears that whatever he speaks become the cynosure of the world.

"Islamofascism" is the new buzz word that is catching on like a Bushfire (sic!)!

Unfortunate, but nevertheless true.
Shinseki is a brave and honest soldier. They recently had a reunion of his graduating class, and everyone wore a "Eric was right" cap!

Bremer on the other hand pulled many bonehead moves. Do you mean his predessor, Garder who was fired for suggesting leaving the Iraqi Army intact and holding elections immediately, just like Sistani wanted?
General Shinseki is the only one I think who testified before Congress about the need for large occupation forces. About 12 other generals spoke out after they retired/resigned that they requested larger occupation forces, among them, the former SECSTATE General Powell.

The other Generals in keeping with their posts did not embarrass the administration nor CENTCOM, ie Generals Franks Jr and Meyers. It is only after that they left their posts that they spoke out.
By now we know that all of Mr. Bush’s prepared speeches are written for him by a large staff of professional writers. That is why he usually sound intelligent when reading one of these speeches and why he sounds stupid when he speaks “off-the-cuff”.

This the dilema that even US citizen choose or vote for such a goof.

If they blam us for electing non-sens people to the power its ok cuz that democracy never been in progress in this part of the wolrd.

However Bush's election was not only unfortunate for the world but also for US citizens.

Officer why your people believe or act upon media coverage instead of looking things into depth and thn decide.

It is for the citizens of the US to vote for who they feel like. They are voting as per their domestic requirement as we are voting as per our requirement.

It is always felt that the others vote incorrectly and foolishly. But that is as each country perceives an election from its standpoint and it need not be very pleasant for citizens of some countries. But then, that is what democracy is all about. It is the will of those who vote and it is not a vote for the world population! And how many understand foreign policy?

Many people felt that the Hamas should not have been elected. But that's just too bad. The Palestinian people, in their wisdom, thought Hamas is good. It was a fair democratic election. Too bad, if some don't like it, right? /and dashed good for those who like it, right?

I am sure neither you or I or the Americans vote for what it will mean to the world. They vote because they know what it means to them!

The Americans think that we don't look at issues in depth when we vote, as you feel that they don't look at matters in depth. It is a mutual opinion.

We can't chose world leaders. We can chose our leaders.

So, let us hope at least we chose a good leader.

That will be a good start!
Officer why your people believe or act upon media coverage instead of looking things into depth and thn decide.

You mean your profession is not accurate? Like everybody else on the planet. You work your 15 hour days (including home and cooking and cleaning and putting #1 Daughter to sleep), you have little energy left to look into things that are of no interest to you.

My wife is looking on the internet right now researching school fashion for 6 year old. Am I going to research with her? Only to the point of paying the credit card bills.
They have official sites for this?? :disappointed:

To the point of nausea. Don't ask me to point them out. I ain't about going to look for torture. My wife for the past hour has kept asking me "does this look cute? Oh, this would look so good on her. We've got to get her these shoes ..."
President Bush has nothing to do with it. Blame his speech writers for that term. Its too big a word.
And yet he is the President and making life miserable for some,who either are subservient or merely his slaves! :) (to quote from another thread news article)
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