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Excellent article about truth.
Genocide, Ignoring Lies In American President Obama's Middle East Speech
By Dr Gideon Polya
21 May, 2011
Obama's 19 May 2011 speech on the Middle East is extraordinary for its comprehensive dishonesty involving egregious deceit, lying by commission and lying by omission. Obama's ignoring of the US-imposed Muslim Genocide (about 12 million Indigenous deaths in Palestine , Iraq , Somalia and Afghanistan ) is far worse than genocide denial or holocaust denial because at least denial admits the possibility of public discussion.
One is reminded of Winston Churchill who completely omitted from the text of his Nobel Prize-winning, 6-volume treatise The Second World War any mention the 1942-1945 Bengali Holocaust in which he deliberately starved to death 6-7 million Indians (for details see my book Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History. Colonial rapacity, holocaust denial and the crisis in biological sustainability: Jane Austen and ... ; Churchill's Secret War. The British Empire ands the ravaging of India during World War II by Madhusree Mukerjee; and the transcript of a 2008 BBC broadcast entitled Bengal Famine involving myself, Economics Nobel Laureate Professor Amartya Sen and other scholars: BBC/OU - History - Listen to The Bengal Famine ).
At the heart of the genocide ignoring by mass murderers Churchill and Obama may be narcissistic self-deception. Thus on p16 of her book Churchill's Secret War Madhusree Mukerjee quotes Winston Churchill as saying I therefore adopted quite early in life a system of believing whatever I wanted to believe.
Obama's falsehoods in his 19 May 2011 Middle East speech are so numerous that one must confine analysis to the biggest lies as set out below (for the transcript of Obama's 19 May 2011 Middle East speech see : New Statesman - Full transcript | Barack Obama | Middle East speech | Washington, DC | 19 May 2011 ).
1. Iraqi Holocaust, Iraqi Genocide.
Obama: After years of war in Iraq , we have removed 100,000 American troops and ended our combat mission there. In Afghanistan , we have broken the Taliban's momentum, and this July we will begin to bring our troops home and continue transition to Afghan lead.
Reality: ignoring US interference in Iraq 's internal affairs and Israeli bombing of Iraq prior to 1990, the US has been making war on Iraq since 1990. In the Sanctions period 1990-2003, violent Iraqi deaths in the Gulf War totalled 0.2 million, avoidable deaths from war- and sanctions-imposed deprivation totalled 1.7 million and under-5 infant deaths totaled 1.2 million, 90% avoidable and due to US Alliance war crimes. Post-invasion in the period 2003-2011, violent deaths have totaled 1.5 million (see US Just Foreign Policy), post-invasion non-violent avoidable deaths from war-imposed deprivation total 1.2 million, under-5 infant deaths total 0.8 million (90% avoidable and due to US Alliance war crimes in gross violation of the Geneva Convention) and refugees total 5-6 million. 1990-2011 has seen an Iraqi Holocaust involving 4.6 million dead, an Iraqi Genocide as defined by Article 2 of the UN Genocide Convention. 50,000 US troops remain in Occupied Iraq backing a puppet Iraqi Government elected under Occupier guns and a semi-autonomous Kurdish Government in northern Iraq . Under the lying Bush-Obama official version of 9-11 no Iraqis were involved in the 9-11 atrocity and the illegal, war criminal US Alliance invasion was based on the lie about actually non-existent Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction.
Obama's personal contribution to this carnage in Occupied Iraq in the 2.3 years since his inauguration can be crudely assessed as 2.7 million x 2.3 years/ 8.3 years of Occupation = 0.75 million dead Iraqis, this including 0.9 x 0.8 million infant deaths x 2.3 years/ 8.3 years of Occupation = 0.2 million dead Iraqi infants.
2. Afghan Holocaust, Afghan Genocide.
Obama: In Afghanistan , we have broken the Taliban's momentum, and this July we will begin to bring our troops home and continue transition to Afghan lead.
Reality: the US-backed coup against a progressive secular government led ultimately to Russian invasion and war and civil war with the US backing Muslim fundamentalists such as the Mujahedeen, the Taliban and al-Qaeda led by Osama bin Laden. Excess deaths in the period of the war against the Russians and their indigenous supporters (1979-1989) totalled 2.9 million. Excess deaths in the subsequent Afghan civil war (1989-1999) totaled 3.3 million (see Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950 by Gideon Polya: Global Avoidable Mortality ). Although the Taliban Afghan Government offered to send Osama bin Laden to a third country for investigation over the 9-11 atrocity (3,000 dead), the US preferred war that so far has killed 5.0 million Afghans, this including 1.2 million violent deaths, 3.8 non-violent avoidable deaths from war-imposed deprivation and 2.7 million under-5 infant deaths (90% avoidable and due to US Alliance war crimes in gross violation of the Geneva Convention). There are 3-4 million Afghan refugees and Obama's extension of the war to Pakistan has created 2.5 million Pashtun refugees, with US bombing of Pakistan being obscenely expanded after the devastating floods that made 20 million Pakistanis homeless. According to UNICEF Under the lying Bush-Obama official version of 9-11 no Afghans were involved in the 9-11 atrocity. Indeed Osama bin Laden denied involvement in 9-11 and was not wanted for that crime by the US FBI.
Obama's personal contribution to this carnage in Afghanistan in the 2.3 years since his inauguration can be crudely assessed as 5.0 million x 2.3 years/ 9.75 years of Occupation = 1.2 million dead Afghans, this including 0.9 x 2.7 million infant deaths x 2.3 years/ 9.75 years of Occupation = 0.6 million dead Afghan infants.
3. Somali Holocaust, Somali Genocide.
Obama made no reference to Occupied Somalia, Occupied Haiti or Occupied Diego Garcia in his speech.
Reality: Somalia has been variously invaded and partly occupied by the US and thence by US-backed UN forces (December 1992- May 1995) or US surrogate forces (in the period 2006-2011) and it remains substantially occupied by US-backed foreign forces. Post-invasion excess deaths in this 18.5 year period (December 1992 May 2011) can be crudely assessed from infant mortality data to be about 1.8 million. Excess deaths from deprivation are 1.4 times under-5 infant deaths, 69,000 under-5 year old Somali infants die each year (UNICEF) and hence on this basis total excess deaths in the post-9-11 era total 920,000. It is difficult to assess the number of post-9-11 violent deaths but comparisons with Occupied Afghanistan would suggest 0.29 million, this yielding an estimate of post-9-11 violent deaths plus avoidable deaths due to deprivation totalling 1.2 million. Somali refugees inside and outside the country total 2.1 million (UNHCR). This catastrophe merits the term Somali Holocaust and indeed Somali Genocide, with genocide as defined by Article 2 of the UN Genocide Convention which states that In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such: a) Killing members of the group; b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
Obama's personal contribution to the post-9-11 part of the Somali Holocaust and Somali Genocide can be estimated as 1.2 million x 2.3 years in office/ 9.75 years post-9-11 = 0.3 million, this including 0.9 x 9.75 years x 60,000 under-5 infant deaths per year x 2.3 years /9.75 years = 124,000 dead Somali infants.
4. US-linked 9-11 atrocity and murder of alleged master-mind Osama bin Laden.
Obama:: And after years of war against al-Qaeda and its affiliates, we have dealt al-Qaeda a huge blow by killing its leader Osama Bin Laden. Bin Laden was no martyr. He was a mass murderer who offered a message of hate an insistence that Muslims had to take up arms against the West, and that violence against men, women and children was the only path to change. He rejected democracy and individual rights for Muslims in favour of violent extremism; his agenda focused on what he could destroy not what he could build. Bin Laden and his murderous vision won some adherents. But even before his death, al-Qaeda was losing its struggle for relevance, as the overwhelming majority of people saw that the slaughter of innocents did not answer their cries for a better life.
Reality: Osama denied involvement in 9-11 and was clearly not physically involved according to the lying Bush-Obama official version (in which all the alleged perpetrators conveniently allegedly died). Scientific evidence (notably compelling evidence for the explosive demolition of the 3 World Trade Center buildings) and science, architecture, engineering, military and intelligence experts say that the US did 9-11 (possibly with Israeli involvement) and not men in caves in Afghanistan (see Experts; US did 9-11: ).
In paragraph 4 of Obama's speech (quoted above) with a transposition of "Muslims" and "the West" Obama could have been talking about himself: "He [Obama] was a mass murderer who offered a message of hate - an insistence that the West had to take up arms against the Muslims, and that violence against men, women and children was the only path to change. He rejected democracy and individual rights for Muslims in favour of violent extremism; his agenda focused on what he could destroy - not what he could build."
Osama was wanted by the FBI in relation to the killing of 29 Americans in the 1998 East Africa Embassy bombing and the 2000 USS Cole bombing (29 Americans killed in all, 5 fewer than killed by the Apartheid Israelis in the attack on the USS Liberty in 1967) and not for the 9-11 atrocity (3,000 killed, almost certainly by the US, certainly not by Osama and very likely involving the Israelis).
Osama's great crime was rhetoric that helped enable the war criminal US War on Terror that has so far actively or passively killed about 9 million Muslims in the 21st century (mainly in Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia, 2.3 million dying under Nobel Peace Prize winner and mass murderer Obama) plus a further 1 million people who have died from opiate drug-related causes due to the US restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry (see "Obama blocks 9-11 truth by extra-judicial murder of Osama, most valuable US terrorist asset for 30 years" : BELLACIAO - Obama blocks 9-11 truth by extra-judicial murder of Osama, most valuable US terrorist asset for 30 years - Dr Gideon Polya ).
Obama is an accessory after the fact of 9-11 by murdering an alleged key witness, Osama (see "Experts: US did 9-11": ).
5. US role in the Middle East region.
Obama: The question before us is what role America will play as this story unfolds. For decades, the United States has pursued a set of core interests in the region: countering terrorism and stopping the spread of nuclear weapons; securing the free flow of commerce, and safe-guarding the security of the region; standing up for Israel 's security and pursuing Arab-Israeli peace. We will continue to do these things, with the firm belief that America 's interests are not hostile to people's hopes; they are essential to them.. We believe that no-one benefits from a nuclear arms race in the region, or al-Qaeda's brutal attacks. People everywhere would see their economies crippled by a cut-off in energy supplies. As we did in the Gulf War, we will not tolerate aggression across borders, and we will keep our commitments to friends and partners. This statement involves egregious lying by Obama..
Reality: the US first invaded this region in the 1801-1805 Tripolitania War in Libya . In the 20th and/or 21st centuries the US invaded most of the countries in this region, the list of countries invaded by the US including (West to East) Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Sudan, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Middle East countries variously attacked by US-backed Israel include Tunisia, Libya, Sudan, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Iraq, Turkey (9 killed on the Gaza Flotilla) and the US itself (34 killed on the USS Liberty, noting that the US could be considered part of the Middle East because it has forces in so many ME countries (notably Iraq, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and Afghanistan) and has variously attacked and occupied so many Middle East countries). Many of these countries have been variously invaded and occupied by the US allies Britain (Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Palestine, Jordan, Syria, Turkey, Cyprus, Iraq, Iran, Gulf States, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea, Afghanistan, Pakistan) , France (Morocco , Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Afghanistan), Germany (Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Afghanistan) and Italy (Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia). Post-invasion deaths and non-violent avoidable deaths from deprivation in Occupied Palestine, in Sanctioned and thence Occupied Iraq and in Occupied Afghanistan total 0.3 million, 4.6 million and 5.0 million, roughly twice the number of deaths in the WW2 Jewish Holocaust.
Obama said that For decades, the United States has pursued a set of core interests in the region: countering terrorism and stopping the spread of nuclear weapons; securing the free flow of commerce, and safe-guarding the security of the region; standing up for Israel's security and pursuing Arab-Israeli peace - but in reality the US has devastated the region with US and US-backed Israeli, French and UK state terrorism; the US has permitted Apartheid Israel to acquire reportedly 400 nuclear weapons; the US has applied Sanctions to Libya, Palestine, Syria, Iraq and Iran, thus preventing the free flow of commerce; the US has undermined Israel's long-term security by backing the racism-, violence-, theft-, genocide- and militarism-based racist Zionist regime running Apartheid Israel to the exclusion of
Peace based on justice, equity and reconciliation.
Obama said that : We will continue to do these things, with the firm belief that America's interests are not hostile to people's hopes; they are essential to them- but as for people's hopes just tell that to the parents of the 0.9 x 6.3 million = 5.7 million under-5 year old infants who have died due to US- or US surrogate-imposed deprivation in the in Palestine, Iraq, Somalia and Afghanistan.
Obama said: We believe that no-one benefits from a nuclear arms race in the region, or al-Qaeda's brutal attacks. But the US backs nuclear armed, nuclear terrorist Apartheid Israel and refuses to support the nuclear-free zone proposed repeatedly for the Middle East by Iran . Al-Qaeda's terrorist crimes against Americans (according to the FBI) left 29 Americans dead, 34 fewer than the pre-9-11 American victims of Israeli sate terrorism. Yet US state terrorism has so far killed 4.6 million Iraqis and 5.0 million Afghans.
Obama said: As we did in the Gulf War, we will not tolerate aggression across borders - but the US has tolerated Israeli attack on Tunisia, Libya, Sudan, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Iraq, Turkey (9 killed on the Gaza Flotilla) and the US itself. The US green-lighted the Iraqi attack on Kuwait and tolerates the Saudi invasion of Bahrain . Not satisfied with devastating Palestine , Iraq and Afghanistan , the US (which has invaded about 32 countries post-1945) is now part of a France-UK-US (FUKUS) Coalition bombing Libya back to the pre-industrial age.
Simple analysis of this paragraph alone from Obama's 19 May Middle East speech proves Obama to be a pathological liar, holocaust ignorer and holocaust denier, as well as an anti-Arab anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, racist warmonger, war-maker and war criminal.
6. US violence and repression in the region.
Obama said: The United States opposes the use of violence and repression against the people of the region. We support a set of universal rights. Those rights include free speech; the freedom of peaceful assembly; freedom of religion; equality for men and women under the rule of law; and the right to choose your own leaders whether you live in Baghdad or Damascus; Sanaa or Tehran.
Reality: the US has backed repressive dictatorships from Morocco to Pakistan; has invaded and imposed its will on nearly all the countries in the region; has been party to murderously attempting to exterminate major political groups it doesn't like in North Africa (the Muslim Brotherhood), Palestine (Hamas), Iraq (the secular Ba'athists), Afghanistan (both the secular socialists and the religious Taliban), democrats (Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States) and secular and religious democrats (Iran under the US-backed Shah) .
7. Iran .
Obama said: Our opposition to Iran 's intolerance as well as its illicit nuclear program, and its sponsorship of terror is well known. But if America is to be credible, we must acknowledge that our friends in the region have not all reacted to the demands for change consistent with the principles that I have outlined today. That is true in Yemen , where President Saleh needs to follow through on his commitment to transfer power. And that is true, today, in Bahrain .
Reality: Zionist-beholden US is a racist Zionist-dominated Lobbyocracy (money buys votes and influence) and Murdochracy (money determines public perception of reality) that has killed scores of millions of people around the world imposing US-acceptable regimes on other countries. 1950-2005 avoidable deaths from deprivation in countries variously occupied by the US in the post-1945 era total 82 million (see Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950 by Gideon Polya: Global Avoidable Mortality ). Iran has not invaded another country for several centuries and has democratic elections but with a theocratic oversight (just as the Western democracies have Big Money and Big Media oversight) but anti-democracy US dismisses the election outcome. Likewise Lebanon has a vigorous democracy but the US Alliance dismisses the major Hezbollah group as terrorists. Unlike nuclear terrorist Apartheid Israel , US, UK and France, Iran does not have nuclear weapons and does not seek nuclear weapons. Unlike Apartheid Israel , Iran is a signatory to the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty and has repeatedly suggested a non-nuclear arms Middle East (this being opposed by the US and Apartheid Israel ).
And as for terror, Muslim-origin non-state terrorists have killed about 2,000 Westerners in 40 years (this figure excluding about 2,000 Israelis killed on stolen Palestinian land by aggrieved Palestinians since 1950 and the 3,000 killed on 9-11 the latter almost certainly killed by the US and quite likely with Israeli participation. Compare this evil killing of 2,000 Westerners over 40 years by Muslim-origin fanatics (some US-backed) with the circa 5,000 Americans killed every decade in Detroit, Michigan, the 29,000 Americans dying from guns every year, and the estimated 2.3 million Muslims killed by Obama alone in 2.3 years and the 0.9 million Muslim infants killed by Obama over the same period.
8. Apartheid Israel should go back to 1967 borders.
The good thing in mass murderer Obama's speech was his (qualified) insistence on the pre-1967 borders between Apartheid Israel and Palestine , something that has been supported by international law, the UN General Assembly, the UN Security Council and all decent, anti-racist humanity for over 40 years.
Of course the racist Zionists have immediately rejected this proposal to obey international law and international humanitarian conventions. Mehdi Hasan writing in the UK New Statesman commented on the US reaction from the traitorous racist Zionists and the racist Zionist beholden Congressmen in an article entitled The 535 Americans who are blocking peace in the Middle East (see New Statesman, 19 May 2011: New Statesman - The 535 Americans who are blocking peace in the Middle East ), stating: The US Congress is so in thrall to the American Israel lobby AIPAC that it more of a hindrance to the peace process than the Knesset itself The Congress of the United States consists of 100 senators and 435 members of the House of Representatives; in effect, just 535 Americans are blocking efforts to bring peace to the Middle East . Why?... In September, the UN General Assembly will prepare for a vote on whether to recognise Palestine as a sovereign state. But Israel 's illegal occupation of the West Bank is a reminder of just how irrelevant UN votes are. It is the votes on Capitol Hill that matter.
I repeatedly submitted the following comment on the New Statesman article but it somehow didn't get published: The "535 Americans blocking peace in the Middle East" raise the old-fashioned issue of "treason" by supporting a nuclear terrorist foreign rogue state that in the 20th century had murdered more Americans that Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda (34 US servicemen murdered by Israel state terrorists in the attack on the USS Liberty in 1967 versus 29 Americans killed in the attacks on the East African Embassies in 1998 and the 2000 attack on the USS Cole).
And as for 21st century deaths, the racist Zionist (RZ)-promoted War on Terror has involved the deaths so far of about 6,034 US servicemen, 100,000 Americans [and 1 million people world-wide] who have died opiate drug-related deaths due to US restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry, 200,000 under-5 year old American infants and millions more Americans who have died avoidably due to massive AIPAC-backed diversion of US funds from health and preventative medicine to killing Muslims (see "Obama blocks 9-11 truth by extra-judicial murder of Osama, most valuable US terrorist asset for 30 years": BELLACIAO - Obama blocks 9-11 truth by extra-judicial murder of Osama, most valuable US terrorist asset for 30 years - Dr Gideon Polya ).
And then there's the 9-11 atrocity, almost certainly done by the US and with likely Israeli involvement (for a compendium of science, engineering, architecture, military, aviation and intelligence experts see "Experts: US did 9-11": ).
Moves by JFK and Robert Kennedy to register pro-Zionist Lobbyists as agents of a foreign country were blocked by the respective assassinations (Robert Kennedy's assassination done by a Palestinian whose family were hostages of the racist Zionists in the Occupied Palestinian Territory ). Racist Zionism represents a huge threat to America , the West, Humanity, democracy and to decent, anti-racist Jews who condemn racist Zionism (for a detailed compendium of such eminent opinions see "Jews against racist Zionism": ). The genocidal racist Zionists should be sidelined in public life as have been like racists such as the Nazis, neo-Nazis, Apartheiders and KKK.
Summary and conclusions.
Obama's speech was a disgraceful litany of lying by commission and lying by omission. Of course the biggest lie of all was implicit in the Obama back to 1997 borders with swaps. If Obama seriously wanted Apartheid Israel to obey the UN and International Law and return to the 1967 borders he would simply suspend the gigantic aid that permits this nuclear-armed racist Zionist colony to survive economically while treating its Indigenous Subjects and neighbours like untermenschen (sub-humans).
Lying, racist, genocidal, anti-Arab anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim, Islamophobic, warmongering, war-making, war criminal Obama simply won't do it because of the power of the traitorous racist Zionist Lobby in the US. However decent people can say Yes we can by (a) informing everyone they can and (b) by imposing Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) on Apartheid Israel and on all countries, corporations, people and politicians who support racist Zionism.
Genocide-Ignoring Lies In Obama's Middle East Speech By Dr Gideon Polya
Genocide, Ignoring Lies In American President Obama's Middle East Speech
By Dr Gideon Polya
21 May, 2011
Obama's 19 May 2011 speech on the Middle East is extraordinary for its comprehensive dishonesty involving egregious deceit, lying by commission and lying by omission. Obama's ignoring of the US-imposed Muslim Genocide (about 12 million Indigenous deaths in Palestine , Iraq , Somalia and Afghanistan ) is far worse than genocide denial or holocaust denial because at least denial admits the possibility of public discussion.
One is reminded of Winston Churchill who completely omitted from the text of his Nobel Prize-winning, 6-volume treatise The Second World War any mention the 1942-1945 Bengali Holocaust in which he deliberately starved to death 6-7 million Indians (for details see my book Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History. Colonial rapacity, holocaust denial and the crisis in biological sustainability: Jane Austen and ... ; Churchill's Secret War. The British Empire ands the ravaging of India during World War II by Madhusree Mukerjee; and the transcript of a 2008 BBC broadcast entitled Bengal Famine involving myself, Economics Nobel Laureate Professor Amartya Sen and other scholars: BBC/OU - History - Listen to The Bengal Famine ).
At the heart of the genocide ignoring by mass murderers Churchill and Obama may be narcissistic self-deception. Thus on p16 of her book Churchill's Secret War Madhusree Mukerjee quotes Winston Churchill as saying I therefore adopted quite early in life a system of believing whatever I wanted to believe.
Obama's falsehoods in his 19 May 2011 Middle East speech are so numerous that one must confine analysis to the biggest lies as set out below (for the transcript of Obama's 19 May 2011 Middle East speech see : New Statesman - Full transcript | Barack Obama | Middle East speech | Washington, DC | 19 May 2011 ).
1. Iraqi Holocaust, Iraqi Genocide.
Obama: After years of war in Iraq , we have removed 100,000 American troops and ended our combat mission there. In Afghanistan , we have broken the Taliban's momentum, and this July we will begin to bring our troops home and continue transition to Afghan lead.
Reality: ignoring US interference in Iraq 's internal affairs and Israeli bombing of Iraq prior to 1990, the US has been making war on Iraq since 1990. In the Sanctions period 1990-2003, violent Iraqi deaths in the Gulf War totalled 0.2 million, avoidable deaths from war- and sanctions-imposed deprivation totalled 1.7 million and under-5 infant deaths totaled 1.2 million, 90% avoidable and due to US Alliance war crimes. Post-invasion in the period 2003-2011, violent deaths have totaled 1.5 million (see US Just Foreign Policy), post-invasion non-violent avoidable deaths from war-imposed deprivation total 1.2 million, under-5 infant deaths total 0.8 million (90% avoidable and due to US Alliance war crimes in gross violation of the Geneva Convention) and refugees total 5-6 million. 1990-2011 has seen an Iraqi Holocaust involving 4.6 million dead, an Iraqi Genocide as defined by Article 2 of the UN Genocide Convention. 50,000 US troops remain in Occupied Iraq backing a puppet Iraqi Government elected under Occupier guns and a semi-autonomous Kurdish Government in northern Iraq . Under the lying Bush-Obama official version of 9-11 no Iraqis were involved in the 9-11 atrocity and the illegal, war criminal US Alliance invasion was based on the lie about actually non-existent Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction.
Obama's personal contribution to this carnage in Occupied Iraq in the 2.3 years since his inauguration can be crudely assessed as 2.7 million x 2.3 years/ 8.3 years of Occupation = 0.75 million dead Iraqis, this including 0.9 x 0.8 million infant deaths x 2.3 years/ 8.3 years of Occupation = 0.2 million dead Iraqi infants.
2. Afghan Holocaust, Afghan Genocide.
Obama: In Afghanistan , we have broken the Taliban's momentum, and this July we will begin to bring our troops home and continue transition to Afghan lead.
Reality: the US-backed coup against a progressive secular government led ultimately to Russian invasion and war and civil war with the US backing Muslim fundamentalists such as the Mujahedeen, the Taliban and al-Qaeda led by Osama bin Laden. Excess deaths in the period of the war against the Russians and their indigenous supporters (1979-1989) totalled 2.9 million. Excess deaths in the subsequent Afghan civil war (1989-1999) totaled 3.3 million (see Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950 by Gideon Polya: Global Avoidable Mortality ). Although the Taliban Afghan Government offered to send Osama bin Laden to a third country for investigation over the 9-11 atrocity (3,000 dead), the US preferred war that so far has killed 5.0 million Afghans, this including 1.2 million violent deaths, 3.8 non-violent avoidable deaths from war-imposed deprivation and 2.7 million under-5 infant deaths (90% avoidable and due to US Alliance war crimes in gross violation of the Geneva Convention). There are 3-4 million Afghan refugees and Obama's extension of the war to Pakistan has created 2.5 million Pashtun refugees, with US bombing of Pakistan being obscenely expanded after the devastating floods that made 20 million Pakistanis homeless. According to UNICEF Under the lying Bush-Obama official version of 9-11 no Afghans were involved in the 9-11 atrocity. Indeed Osama bin Laden denied involvement in 9-11 and was not wanted for that crime by the US FBI.
Obama's personal contribution to this carnage in Afghanistan in the 2.3 years since his inauguration can be crudely assessed as 5.0 million x 2.3 years/ 9.75 years of Occupation = 1.2 million dead Afghans, this including 0.9 x 2.7 million infant deaths x 2.3 years/ 9.75 years of Occupation = 0.6 million dead Afghan infants.
3. Somali Holocaust, Somali Genocide.
Obama made no reference to Occupied Somalia, Occupied Haiti or Occupied Diego Garcia in his speech.
Reality: Somalia has been variously invaded and partly occupied by the US and thence by US-backed UN forces (December 1992- May 1995) or US surrogate forces (in the period 2006-2011) and it remains substantially occupied by US-backed foreign forces. Post-invasion excess deaths in this 18.5 year period (December 1992 May 2011) can be crudely assessed from infant mortality data to be about 1.8 million. Excess deaths from deprivation are 1.4 times under-5 infant deaths, 69,000 under-5 year old Somali infants die each year (UNICEF) and hence on this basis total excess deaths in the post-9-11 era total 920,000. It is difficult to assess the number of post-9-11 violent deaths but comparisons with Occupied Afghanistan would suggest 0.29 million, this yielding an estimate of post-9-11 violent deaths plus avoidable deaths due to deprivation totalling 1.2 million. Somali refugees inside and outside the country total 2.1 million (UNHCR). This catastrophe merits the term Somali Holocaust and indeed Somali Genocide, with genocide as defined by Article 2 of the UN Genocide Convention which states that In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such: a) Killing members of the group; b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
Obama's personal contribution to the post-9-11 part of the Somali Holocaust and Somali Genocide can be estimated as 1.2 million x 2.3 years in office/ 9.75 years post-9-11 = 0.3 million, this including 0.9 x 9.75 years x 60,000 under-5 infant deaths per year x 2.3 years /9.75 years = 124,000 dead Somali infants.
4. US-linked 9-11 atrocity and murder of alleged master-mind Osama bin Laden.
Obama:: And after years of war against al-Qaeda and its affiliates, we have dealt al-Qaeda a huge blow by killing its leader Osama Bin Laden. Bin Laden was no martyr. He was a mass murderer who offered a message of hate an insistence that Muslims had to take up arms against the West, and that violence against men, women and children was the only path to change. He rejected democracy and individual rights for Muslims in favour of violent extremism; his agenda focused on what he could destroy not what he could build. Bin Laden and his murderous vision won some adherents. But even before his death, al-Qaeda was losing its struggle for relevance, as the overwhelming majority of people saw that the slaughter of innocents did not answer their cries for a better life.
Reality: Osama denied involvement in 9-11 and was clearly not physically involved according to the lying Bush-Obama official version (in which all the alleged perpetrators conveniently allegedly died). Scientific evidence (notably compelling evidence for the explosive demolition of the 3 World Trade Center buildings) and science, architecture, engineering, military and intelligence experts say that the US did 9-11 (possibly with Israeli involvement) and not men in caves in Afghanistan (see Experts; US did 9-11: ).
In paragraph 4 of Obama's speech (quoted above) with a transposition of "Muslims" and "the West" Obama could have been talking about himself: "He [Obama] was a mass murderer who offered a message of hate - an insistence that the West had to take up arms against the Muslims, and that violence against men, women and children was the only path to change. He rejected democracy and individual rights for Muslims in favour of violent extremism; his agenda focused on what he could destroy - not what he could build."
Osama was wanted by the FBI in relation to the killing of 29 Americans in the 1998 East Africa Embassy bombing and the 2000 USS Cole bombing (29 Americans killed in all, 5 fewer than killed by the Apartheid Israelis in the attack on the USS Liberty in 1967) and not for the 9-11 atrocity (3,000 killed, almost certainly by the US, certainly not by Osama and very likely involving the Israelis).
Osama's great crime was rhetoric that helped enable the war criminal US War on Terror that has so far actively or passively killed about 9 million Muslims in the 21st century (mainly in Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia, 2.3 million dying under Nobel Peace Prize winner and mass murderer Obama) plus a further 1 million people who have died from opiate drug-related causes due to the US restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry (see "Obama blocks 9-11 truth by extra-judicial murder of Osama, most valuable US terrorist asset for 30 years" : BELLACIAO - Obama blocks 9-11 truth by extra-judicial murder of Osama, most valuable US terrorist asset for 30 years - Dr Gideon Polya ).
Obama is an accessory after the fact of 9-11 by murdering an alleged key witness, Osama (see "Experts: US did 9-11": ).
5. US role in the Middle East region.
Obama: The question before us is what role America will play as this story unfolds. For decades, the United States has pursued a set of core interests in the region: countering terrorism and stopping the spread of nuclear weapons; securing the free flow of commerce, and safe-guarding the security of the region; standing up for Israel 's security and pursuing Arab-Israeli peace. We will continue to do these things, with the firm belief that America 's interests are not hostile to people's hopes; they are essential to them.. We believe that no-one benefits from a nuclear arms race in the region, or al-Qaeda's brutal attacks. People everywhere would see their economies crippled by a cut-off in energy supplies. As we did in the Gulf War, we will not tolerate aggression across borders, and we will keep our commitments to friends and partners. This statement involves egregious lying by Obama..
Reality: the US first invaded this region in the 1801-1805 Tripolitania War in Libya . In the 20th and/or 21st centuries the US invaded most of the countries in this region, the list of countries invaded by the US including (West to East) Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Sudan, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Middle East countries variously attacked by US-backed Israel include Tunisia, Libya, Sudan, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Iraq, Turkey (9 killed on the Gaza Flotilla) and the US itself (34 killed on the USS Liberty, noting that the US could be considered part of the Middle East because it has forces in so many ME countries (notably Iraq, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and Afghanistan) and has variously attacked and occupied so many Middle East countries). Many of these countries have been variously invaded and occupied by the US allies Britain (Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Palestine, Jordan, Syria, Turkey, Cyprus, Iraq, Iran, Gulf States, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea, Afghanistan, Pakistan) , France (Morocco , Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Afghanistan), Germany (Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Afghanistan) and Italy (Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia). Post-invasion deaths and non-violent avoidable deaths from deprivation in Occupied Palestine, in Sanctioned and thence Occupied Iraq and in Occupied Afghanistan total 0.3 million, 4.6 million and 5.0 million, roughly twice the number of deaths in the WW2 Jewish Holocaust.
Obama said that For decades, the United States has pursued a set of core interests in the region: countering terrorism and stopping the spread of nuclear weapons; securing the free flow of commerce, and safe-guarding the security of the region; standing up for Israel's security and pursuing Arab-Israeli peace - but in reality the US has devastated the region with US and US-backed Israeli, French and UK state terrorism; the US has permitted Apartheid Israel to acquire reportedly 400 nuclear weapons; the US has applied Sanctions to Libya, Palestine, Syria, Iraq and Iran, thus preventing the free flow of commerce; the US has undermined Israel's long-term security by backing the racism-, violence-, theft-, genocide- and militarism-based racist Zionist regime running Apartheid Israel to the exclusion of
Peace based on justice, equity and reconciliation.
Obama said that : We will continue to do these things, with the firm belief that America's interests are not hostile to people's hopes; they are essential to them- but as for people's hopes just tell that to the parents of the 0.9 x 6.3 million = 5.7 million under-5 year old infants who have died due to US- or US surrogate-imposed deprivation in the in Palestine, Iraq, Somalia and Afghanistan.
Obama said: We believe that no-one benefits from a nuclear arms race in the region, or al-Qaeda's brutal attacks. But the US backs nuclear armed, nuclear terrorist Apartheid Israel and refuses to support the nuclear-free zone proposed repeatedly for the Middle East by Iran . Al-Qaeda's terrorist crimes against Americans (according to the FBI) left 29 Americans dead, 34 fewer than the pre-9-11 American victims of Israeli sate terrorism. Yet US state terrorism has so far killed 4.6 million Iraqis and 5.0 million Afghans.
Obama said: As we did in the Gulf War, we will not tolerate aggression across borders - but the US has tolerated Israeli attack on Tunisia, Libya, Sudan, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Iraq, Turkey (9 killed on the Gaza Flotilla) and the US itself. The US green-lighted the Iraqi attack on Kuwait and tolerates the Saudi invasion of Bahrain . Not satisfied with devastating Palestine , Iraq and Afghanistan , the US (which has invaded about 32 countries post-1945) is now part of a France-UK-US (FUKUS) Coalition bombing Libya back to the pre-industrial age.
Simple analysis of this paragraph alone from Obama's 19 May Middle East speech proves Obama to be a pathological liar, holocaust ignorer and holocaust denier, as well as an anti-Arab anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, racist warmonger, war-maker and war criminal.
6. US violence and repression in the region.
Obama said: The United States opposes the use of violence and repression against the people of the region. We support a set of universal rights. Those rights include free speech; the freedom of peaceful assembly; freedom of religion; equality for men and women under the rule of law; and the right to choose your own leaders whether you live in Baghdad or Damascus; Sanaa or Tehran.
Reality: the US has backed repressive dictatorships from Morocco to Pakistan; has invaded and imposed its will on nearly all the countries in the region; has been party to murderously attempting to exterminate major political groups it doesn't like in North Africa (the Muslim Brotherhood), Palestine (Hamas), Iraq (the secular Ba'athists), Afghanistan (both the secular socialists and the religious Taliban), democrats (Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States) and secular and religious democrats (Iran under the US-backed Shah) .
7. Iran .
Obama said: Our opposition to Iran 's intolerance as well as its illicit nuclear program, and its sponsorship of terror is well known. But if America is to be credible, we must acknowledge that our friends in the region have not all reacted to the demands for change consistent with the principles that I have outlined today. That is true in Yemen , where President Saleh needs to follow through on his commitment to transfer power. And that is true, today, in Bahrain .
Reality: Zionist-beholden US is a racist Zionist-dominated Lobbyocracy (money buys votes and influence) and Murdochracy (money determines public perception of reality) that has killed scores of millions of people around the world imposing US-acceptable regimes on other countries. 1950-2005 avoidable deaths from deprivation in countries variously occupied by the US in the post-1945 era total 82 million (see Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950 by Gideon Polya: Global Avoidable Mortality ). Iran has not invaded another country for several centuries and has democratic elections but with a theocratic oversight (just as the Western democracies have Big Money and Big Media oversight) but anti-democracy US dismisses the election outcome. Likewise Lebanon has a vigorous democracy but the US Alliance dismisses the major Hezbollah group as terrorists. Unlike nuclear terrorist Apartheid Israel , US, UK and France, Iran does not have nuclear weapons and does not seek nuclear weapons. Unlike Apartheid Israel , Iran is a signatory to the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty and has repeatedly suggested a non-nuclear arms Middle East (this being opposed by the US and Apartheid Israel ).
And as for terror, Muslim-origin non-state terrorists have killed about 2,000 Westerners in 40 years (this figure excluding about 2,000 Israelis killed on stolen Palestinian land by aggrieved Palestinians since 1950 and the 3,000 killed on 9-11 the latter almost certainly killed by the US and quite likely with Israeli participation. Compare this evil killing of 2,000 Westerners over 40 years by Muslim-origin fanatics (some US-backed) with the circa 5,000 Americans killed every decade in Detroit, Michigan, the 29,000 Americans dying from guns every year, and the estimated 2.3 million Muslims killed by Obama alone in 2.3 years and the 0.9 million Muslim infants killed by Obama over the same period.
8. Apartheid Israel should go back to 1967 borders.
The good thing in mass murderer Obama's speech was his (qualified) insistence on the pre-1967 borders between Apartheid Israel and Palestine , something that has been supported by international law, the UN General Assembly, the UN Security Council and all decent, anti-racist humanity for over 40 years.
Of course the racist Zionists have immediately rejected this proposal to obey international law and international humanitarian conventions. Mehdi Hasan writing in the UK New Statesman commented on the US reaction from the traitorous racist Zionists and the racist Zionist beholden Congressmen in an article entitled The 535 Americans who are blocking peace in the Middle East (see New Statesman, 19 May 2011: New Statesman - The 535 Americans who are blocking peace in the Middle East ), stating: The US Congress is so in thrall to the American Israel lobby AIPAC that it more of a hindrance to the peace process than the Knesset itself The Congress of the United States consists of 100 senators and 435 members of the House of Representatives; in effect, just 535 Americans are blocking efforts to bring peace to the Middle East . Why?... In September, the UN General Assembly will prepare for a vote on whether to recognise Palestine as a sovereign state. But Israel 's illegal occupation of the West Bank is a reminder of just how irrelevant UN votes are. It is the votes on Capitol Hill that matter.
I repeatedly submitted the following comment on the New Statesman article but it somehow didn't get published: The "535 Americans blocking peace in the Middle East" raise the old-fashioned issue of "treason" by supporting a nuclear terrorist foreign rogue state that in the 20th century had murdered more Americans that Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda (34 US servicemen murdered by Israel state terrorists in the attack on the USS Liberty in 1967 versus 29 Americans killed in the attacks on the East African Embassies in 1998 and the 2000 attack on the USS Cole).
And as for 21st century deaths, the racist Zionist (RZ)-promoted War on Terror has involved the deaths so far of about 6,034 US servicemen, 100,000 Americans [and 1 million people world-wide] who have died opiate drug-related deaths due to US restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry, 200,000 under-5 year old American infants and millions more Americans who have died avoidably due to massive AIPAC-backed diversion of US funds from health and preventative medicine to killing Muslims (see "Obama blocks 9-11 truth by extra-judicial murder of Osama, most valuable US terrorist asset for 30 years": BELLACIAO - Obama blocks 9-11 truth by extra-judicial murder of Osama, most valuable US terrorist asset for 30 years - Dr Gideon Polya ).
And then there's the 9-11 atrocity, almost certainly done by the US and with likely Israeli involvement (for a compendium of science, engineering, architecture, military, aviation and intelligence experts see "Experts: US did 9-11": ).
Moves by JFK and Robert Kennedy to register pro-Zionist Lobbyists as agents of a foreign country were blocked by the respective assassinations (Robert Kennedy's assassination done by a Palestinian whose family were hostages of the racist Zionists in the Occupied Palestinian Territory ). Racist Zionism represents a huge threat to America , the West, Humanity, democracy and to decent, anti-racist Jews who condemn racist Zionism (for a detailed compendium of such eminent opinions see "Jews against racist Zionism": ). The genocidal racist Zionists should be sidelined in public life as have been like racists such as the Nazis, neo-Nazis, Apartheiders and KKK.
Summary and conclusions.
Obama's speech was a disgraceful litany of lying by commission and lying by omission. Of course the biggest lie of all was implicit in the Obama back to 1997 borders with swaps. If Obama seriously wanted Apartheid Israel to obey the UN and International Law and return to the 1967 borders he would simply suspend the gigantic aid that permits this nuclear-armed racist Zionist colony to survive economically while treating its Indigenous Subjects and neighbours like untermenschen (sub-humans).
Lying, racist, genocidal, anti-Arab anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim, Islamophobic, warmongering, war-making, war criminal Obama simply won't do it because of the power of the traitorous racist Zionist Lobby in the US. However decent people can say Yes we can by (a) informing everyone they can and (b) by imposing Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) on Apartheid Israel and on all countries, corporations, people and politicians who support racist Zionism.
Genocide-Ignoring Lies In Obama's Middle East Speech By Dr Gideon Polya