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Genghis Khan


Oct 31, 2014
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Genghis Khan
(c. 1167–1227)
Genghis or Chinggis Khan means “universal ruler.” He was born Temuchin, the son of a minor Mongol chief, and overcame early obstacles to conquer the greatest empire of the world to date, which he bequeathed to his sons. Some believe he was a greater military strategist than Alexander the Great, Hannibal, Julius Caesar, and Napoleon Bonaparte. At the time of his birth the varied people of the steppes (Turkic, Mongol, and others) lived in mutually warring tribes, raiding one another for animals and women and looting nearby sedentary populations. The harsh environment of the steppes where they lived provided little opportunity for agriculture, limiting the peoples to a nomadic lifestyle of herding and hunting.

His father, Yesugei, died of poisoning at the hands of foes when Temuchin was eight years old, en route home after betrothing him to a girl from his mother, H’oelun’s, tribe. H’oelun and her sons were cast out to fend for themselves after Yesugei died; thanks to Temuchin’s cunning and ruthless determination, they survived.

Eventually he married his betrothed, named Borte; received help from his father-in-law in establishing himself with followers and animals; and won allies. Borte was the mother of four sons (Juji Khan, Chagatai Khan, Ogotai Khan, and Tului Khan) and a daughter. Juji was born around the time his mother was rescued from captivity (she had been captured in a raid by Temuchin’s enemy), casting doubt on his paternity. These four sons became Temuchin’s principal heirs.


In complicated wars Temuchin and his allies won against tribes named the Naiman, Merkid, Oyirad, Tartar, Kereyid, and others, becoming master of the Mongolian plateau by 1205. A great council or khuriltai was convened in 1206 to signal the formation of a confederation at Burkan Khaldan, the holy mountain of the Mongols under Temuchin, and to give him the title Genghis Khan. From this point on all his followers, regardless of tribal affiliation, were called Mongols. In Mongol ideology the elevation of Temuchin to Genghis Khan was blessed by heaven and therefore it was his right to conquer and to bequeath his conquests to his family.

Genghis Khan’s first great achievement was to organize his men into a unified army. He used the decimal system: Each 10-man group had a leader; 10 of these formed into a 100-man unit under a leader, and so on up, each commander being responsible for 10 men under him. In time the Mongolian component of his army grew to between 105,000 and 129,000 men. As his empire expanded, subject peoples incorporated into his infantry and cavalry followed the same organizational rules. The Mongolian army did not possess weapons or technology superior to those of its enemies. Its superiority lay in its discipline, mobility, coordination, and maneuverability.

Records were necessary to administer his people, so in 1206 he ordered the creation a script for the Mongol language, and since the man designated for the task was an Uighur, he used the Uighur alphabet for that purpose. Genghis did not learn to read but ordered his sons to learn the written language. He also promulgated a code of laws and regulations in 1206, called yasa or yasaq, that provided severe punishment, for example, the death penalty applied to murder, major theft, adultery, malicious witchcraft, and other offenses. The severity of the laws resulted in an obedient society, which visitors observed with awe.


Genghis Khan’s conquests began in 1209 and his first target was the Tangut kingdom to his southwest called Xixia (Hsi Hsia), leading his army personally. After withstanding a siege of their capital city the Xixia accepted peace terms: submission to Genghis Khan and a pledge to support him in future campaigns, and the king’s daughter given to Genghis as wife. After this demonstration of force two sedentary Turkic peoples, Uighurs and Qarluks, came to offer surrender. Both would go far under Mongol rule.

Genghis Khan’s next victim was the Jurchen Jin (Chin) dynasty in north China. He set out against it in 1211 with three of his sons and 50,000 cavalrymen. Although no longer the ferocious fighters of a century ago, the Jin still had a 150,000 strong cavalry of Jurchen soldiers and an infantry of 300,000 to 400,000 Chinese men. Moreover the Jin Empire had over 40 million people, three million of whom were Jurchen, opposed to the Mongol nation of not much over a million people. In 1211–14 the Mongols devastated much of northern China and looted three of Jin’s five capitals, until Jin submitted to a humiliating peace. Among the captives taken during this campaign was Yelu Chucai (Yeh-lu Ch’u-ts’ai), a learned man of Khitan background who had served in the Jin government. He would later play an important role in the government of Genghis and his son Ogotai that benefited their Chinese subjects. North China suffered enormously between 1214 and the final fall of Jin in 1234, the result of Mongol raids, uprisings against Jin, and war between Jin and Southern Song (Sung).

Meanwhile commanders under Genghis conquered the state called Khara Khitai, situated to the west of Mongolia, in 1218. This cleared the way for Genghis to march against Khwarazm (or Khwarizm), a Muslim state that included Afghanistan and northern Iran, in 1219. It involved taking heavily fortified cities such as Harat and Samarkand, for which Mongols used the bloody tactic of using captured prisoners as human shields and moat fillers for their assaulting forces. By 1223 Khwarazm had been subdued and Mongol governors had been installed and garrisons put in place. While his generals proceeded westward across the Caucasus and into western Eurasia, defeating the Russian princes, Genghis returned to Mongolia in 1225. There he planned the destruction of Xixia, which had earlier promised to supply Genghis with men and supplies in his future campaigns but had refused when he began his war against Khwarazm.

Never forgiving anyone who had betrayed him, Genghis personally led the campaign against Xixia in 1226, destroying cities and the countryside and wrecking the irrigation works that rendered the land cultivable, and besieging its capital. Genghis Khan died in August 1227 because of complications from a fall while hunting in 1225. According to his wishes the war against Xixia continued until its destruction. His last orders were “The Tangut people are a powerful, good and courageous people, but they are fickle. Slaughter them and take what you need to give to the army. . . . Take what you want until you can take no more.” Genghis Khan’s body was returned to Mongolia; en route anyone who saw his cortege was killed. He was buried on Burkhan Khaldun; the exact burial place was kept secret and has not yet been found. Before his death he had divided his conquests among his four sons, who were his principal heirs, and other relatives, and appointed his third son, Ogotai, his successor as Grand Khan, subject to confirmation by the Khurialtai.


Genghis Khan was unequaled as a military leader and conquered the largest empire yet seen and with unprecedented cruelty. He was a shrewd strategist who used many means to achieve his goals. He was a good psychologist who used terror and precedence to induce his enemies to surrender because any city that resisted would be razed and its people killed. He was a good organizer who militarized his whole people and saw to the logistical side of campaigns. He was adept at using spies and probing actions to take the measures of his enemies. He also used diplomacy to prevent his enemies from uniting or forming alliances. Finally he learned new military technologies and adapted to new needs, for example employing Middle Eastern siege engineers to help him take walled cities.

To Christian Europeans he was the anti-Christ and Scourge of God. China had never experienced such brutal conquerors, who threatened to turn the agricultural country into pastureland for their horses. He was especially cruel to cities and city dwellers. In his sweep across north China in 1212–1213 over 90 cities were left in ruins. The Jin capital in modern Beijing burned for three months. Those persons his forces let live because they had skills became Mongol slaves or were allowed to return to their ruined homes to serve their new lords.
Why stop at Genghiz Khan ? How about articles about other mass murderers in human history ? How about Haluku, Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Mao, and others ?
Why stop at Genghiz Khan ? How about articles about other mass murderers in human history ? How about Haluku, Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Mao, and others ?
People killed by Genghis Kan = 40 million in total.

People killed in Europe between 1914 and 1945 = 90 million in total.
People killed by Genghis Kan = 40 million in total. People killed in Europe between 1914 and 1945 = 90 million in total.

In 1200 estimated population of the world was 450 million and genocide of 40 million is 9% of world population killed by the Mongols. In 1945 world population was 2.2 billion and deaths of 90 million was only 4% of the world population. In 1914 and and 1939 armies fought wars against each others an there were few isolated genocides. While in 1200 barbaric Mongols single handedly committed genocide of civilian populations of Asia and Europe. Mongols constituted only 0.14% but killed 9% of worlds population.
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Genghis Khan was extraordinary because he started from a small tribe with no resources and managed to conquer the most advanced civilisation of his time. He is the greatest military general to ever walk on earth.
Genghis Khan was extraordinary because he started from a small tribe with no resources and managed to conquer the most advanced civilisation of his time. He is the greatest military general to ever walk on earth.
Read about there defeat........
I think a lot of info about Genghis khan's military tactics is missing in the article, like he had a good spy network (which helped him study his enemy well in advance),and one of the most successful strategies was the feigned retreat, his men would fake defeat and run, only to turn on pursuing enemies.
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I think a lot of info about Genghis khan's military tactics is missing in the article, like he had a good spy network (which helped him study his enemy well in advance),and one of the most successful strategies was the feigned retreat, his men would fake defeat and run, only to turn on pursuing enemies.
good enough for internet, the mecca of half-baked stuff :dirol:
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The Mongol Empire launched several invasions into the South Asia from 1221 to 1327 but their invasions were defeated by the Delhi Sultanate. There were many attempts of invasions including raids made by the unruly Qaraunas of Mongol origin. The Mongols subjugated Kashmir as a vassal state and occupied some parts of modern Pakistan and parts of Punjab for decades. As the Mongols progressed into the Indian hinterland and reached the outskirts of Delhi, the Delhi Sultanate led a campaign against them in which the Mongol army inflicted huge losses on the rival army, but were beaten back nonetheless.
I am sure I heard that in some documentary too. (history channel video I guess).
It was posted in a thread by @AUSTERLITZ
Uff, you misunderstood. i meant that though the article i posted lacked detail and wasnt very good but it was good enough for internet forum. i wasnt commenting on what you said about genghis khan. i copy-pasted this from a very bad world history encyclopedia i have as a pdf file. but i thought it would atleast give an introduction.
I think a lot of info about Genghis khan's military tactics is missing in the article, like he had a good spy network (which helped him study his enemy well in advance),and one of the most successful strategies was the feigned retreat, his men would fake defeat and run, only to turn on pursuing enemies.

He was a master at blackmailing and psychological warare. For example when his army was outnumbered by his enemies he would tell his soldiers to tie horseshoes/tree branches or anything else small but solid to the tails of their horses. When the horses were galloping at full speed towards the enemy lines these objects would collide with the ground causing dust to rise. The Mongol charge was thus covered in dust and the enemy never got to see their full numbers. On the contrary they could scared the s*** out of the onlooking enemy lines who would assume that a horde of Mongols was charging on to them.

Another significant thing he did was that when laying sieges to forts/cities he would raise different colours of tents to communicate to the defenders what would happen to their city if they didnt surrender on that day. On the first day for example he would raise the white tent which meant that if the city surrendered the civilians in the city would be spared. If the city refused then the next day the red tent would come up which meant that if the city did not surrender then all men in the city would be slaughtered but the women and children would be spared. If the city still refused then on the third day the black tent came up. This basically meant No Mercy to Anyone. To then set an example to other cities that would be conquered in the future they kept true to their promises massacred everyone in cities outside which the black tent had been raised.
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