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General Musharraf advises PM Imran Khan to hit India with 50 nukes instead of 1

Musharraff Warns Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan Of Any ‘Misadventure” Against India

By Kalyan Kumar on 02/25/19 at 4:44 am


Former Pakistan president General Pervez Musharraf speaks at the Council on Foreign Relations on November 2, 2011 in New York. Musharraf, now living in UAE, warned Pakistan against any unilateral nuclear attack on India in the wake of tensions after the Pulwama attack in Kashmir.

Amidst tensions between India and Pakistan in the aftermath of the Pulwama attack, Pervez Musharraf, former Pakistan President has warned the Pakistan government that any misadventure of a unilateral nuclear attack against India will be fatal for it.

Reminding Pakistan PM Imran Khan that any such action would lead to Pakistan's elimination, he said, India would retaliate with a greater nuclear force.

The former military dictator was addressing a press conference in the UAE.

Musharaff noted that the relations between the two countries are at a low.

“If Pakistan launched even a single nuclear attack on the neighboring country, India could finish us by attacking with 20 (nuclear) bombs,” Musharraf warned Imran Khan.

He said relations between India and Pakistan have entered a dangerous level and hoped there would be no nuclear attack.

Musharraf is also a former army chief. He said if Pakistan wanted to save itself from a harsh retaliatory attack from India, then it must have the resources to attack India first with at least 50 atom bombs.

“Are you ready to launch an attack with 50 bombs?,” he asked the Pakistani leadership.

Pakistan-based group Jaish-e-Mohammed has been blamed for Pulwama terror attack. The highway suicide bomb attack killed 41 armed forces in the Kashmiri town when one of the military vehicles was ambushed by a car laden with explosives.

Musharraf, living in the UAE is looking for a political comeback in Pakistan after setting up a political party named All-Pakistan Muslim League. He assumed power in 1999 after a military coup against then Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. Later Musharraf became Pakistan’s president for nine years. ...


General Musharraf is high on Whiskies now a days. The other day he advised IK to seek support of Israel against India.
Living in UAE, not even in his country he is throwing all kinds of tangential statements.
Living in UK because Pakistan parliament work for Indian interests.
Regarding his statements, which he has been giving on public forums to strike back India hard, are not new.
Every General has his own way of conducting his troops and power.
This is why India should pray that upcoming army chief should not be like Pervez Musharraf, or once more India will have to ship their dead to Dehli without coffins.
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India will hit back with hundred
Are Miya ji Kya hoh gya

Gay Hind style

where is your mighty FLANKER?? Su30MKI meant to scan 400km they said? haha couldnt even see a JF17 right next to it :pakistan::pakistan:
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