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General alert: Chinese troops on Indo-Pak LoC

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look up ligtning is gonna strike you. I am coming....

Believe it or not, but Indians are very welcome in Hong Kong. :D

My problems with India as a country do not extend to the Indian minorities in Hong Kong, who are generally very well behaved, and who contribute a lot to our society.
I like barbecues. :P

I like noodles. lol

Come to Hong Kong and set me on fire. :P

Omar your chinese now sit in Hong kong, now only that green alien left to help you. lol

Me too. Especially barbecue BEEF kebabs.

Dont forget to invite us Pakistanis after you capture Ladakh from the indians.

We will have a huge barbecue celebration in the heart of Ladakh.

:pakistan: :china:

I will invite you for a dinner in Beijing after I conquer it. But it will be only noodles. :lol:
Believe it or not, but Indians are very welcome in Hong Kong. :D

My problems with India as a country do not extend to the Indian minorities in Hong Kong, who are generally very well behaved, and who contribute a lot to our society.

oh you should have told those abusers from india that you work for choti divya... Haha..
ps chota is prefix generally used by underword gangs for thier names famous for extortion and contract killing.
CPC is very well vary of the whatever points I raised and then some more. Thats their job. But that also puts them under tremendous pressure to perform. If they fail, or circumstances around the world somehow create a situation where government control of the economy would no longer return dividends, then what? One cannot foresee what kind of situations might arise from a free market global economy or what conflicts would have what kind of effect on world markets.

I agree with you 100%. :tup:

Which is why, I'm sure you'll agree, hostility with India is not really on our list of priorities. In terms of priorities, the list would look like this:

1) Internal stability
2) Internal stability
3) Internal stability

And as you rightly pointed out, the key factor to internal stability, is the economy. Like you said, no one knows what will happen in the future, no government is infallible. Anything could happen.

In my own personal opinion though, I think the situation looks quite good... and I think this will continue for the immediate future. Just my own perspective.
I don't understand this bit of Pakistani jingoism. Jaisalmer main breakfast, Delhi main dinner, Ladakh main Barbeque. If you guys just want to come here and have a meal, why bother with the war, just grab a visa and eat your heart out:lol:
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