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Gates warns China not to underestimate US power

No one said anything about an invasion of mainland China. The US can render ineffective all but the nuclear elements of the PLA without setting a single boot on mainland China. Weakened enough, China will be considered 'defeated' by neighbors.

and how exactly did you come to this conclusion?

again, stop it with your speculations. China has a highly asymmetrical defense layout. One that the U.S. is untested against. It is not even clear now that U.S. have the advantage in the pacific anymore.

therefore, let's play it safe and not underestimate China cause we can be sure that China won't be underestimating us.
No one said anything about an invasion of mainland China. The US can render ineffective all but the nuclear elements of the PLA without setting a single boot on mainland China. Weakened enough, China will be considered 'defeated' by neighbors.

things would get nuclear before "The US can render ineffective all but the nuclear elements of the PLA without setting a single boot on mainland China."

plus the USA cannot neutralize all elements of the PLA, rifles dont take large factories to make it can be done underground, people have made them in the woods with basic tools and you cant kill all the people in china and so long as a army exists then china is not defeated (you think neighbors would believe china is defeated when it still has its nukes and an at minimum, a basic army?). should a shooting war start in time the us would gain air superiority and naval superiority(leaving aside the astronomical costs and losses of such a war and of course nuclear weapons use) and start boming/missile strikes but those dont win you wars no real nation has been defeated without boots on the ground. ps with an open war like this the PLA facing the defeat your talking about, would certainly use all resources in its power, if that included working with enemies of America and providing terrorist with weapons then im sure if things are desperate enough they would do so including nuclear devices.
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Well the reason is simple for being an ally of america ,master of back stabbing india will be in our mind if china going to have a war with america, we must first taking care of this little irritant country called india.

dont worry about that my freind
Would look like Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan.

Japan, SK and Taiwan are all "client" states to the USA. They each have a choke hold from the USA so they are not even sovereign. SK and Japan both have American troops on their soil because they can't stand on their own, by design, and Taiwan is not capable of standing on its own neither without the consent of either China or the USA.

Democracy is not a teabag that you simply add hot water and stir. How long did it really take the US to reach the present state of democracy, while slavery was being practiced and endorsed by the founding fathers who toyed with the phrase "all men are created equal"; the desecration of the Native American culture that is still ongoing? What about the Chinese Exclusion Act signed into law from 1862 until 1947? All happened without design under a democracy?

America and the Europeans have been cajoling, proselytizing powers imposing their packages of military might and religious biases onto their "allies". The World has seen this play one too many times so please get off of your evangelical and chauvenistic podium and chuck the Tea Party mindset so you can see the rest of the World without the fleeing sense of superiority.
was'nt that true... come on dear.... laughing can't help you out... everyone talks more about mumbai than shangai now.....
now dont say I am joking...... you itself are joking :azn:

Hey dude,you are definately joking.You are make fun of yourself.BTW,thanks because you make my day!!!:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
these buildings are scattered all over mumbai including navi-mumbai
however there are tagged in single photo by that software

WTF??Are you nuts or you think we all are naive like you are? A 5 years old kid will definately know this is a design scale paper,unfortunately you cannot differentiate it.:rofl:
I doubt the West wanted to turn China (or even India) into another Japan, Sk, Taiwan. China has 1.4 billion people, it is too big for the Western hi-tech countries to afford to have it "developed". A developed China means the West would lose out 1.4 billion people to consume products made by the West. A developed China means that it will compete with the West for purchase of natural resources from the undeveloped countries that have natural resources but no capabilities to produces industrial goods and natural resources are finite btw.

Just look at the policy of the U.S toward the PHillipines at the end of world war 2, the U.S "mandated" that the Phillipines will be a poor nation, refusing to transfer any technology to turn it into another Japan, South Korea, or Taiwan. Japan, SK, or Taiwan are so poor in natural resources, without the transfer of technology from the West and the U.S, these 3 countries would be much poorer than Cambodia or Lao today.
I doubt the West wanted to turn China (or even India) into another Japan, Sk, Taiwan. China has 1.4 billion people, it is too big for the Western hi-tech countries to afford to have it "developed". A developed China means the West would lose out 1.4 billion people to consume products made by the West. A developed China means that it will compete with the West for purchase of natural resources from the undeveloped countries that have natural resources but no capabilities to produces industrial goods and natural resources are finite btw.

A couple wrong with this. Turning China into Japan is irrelevant point. There is 0% chance that could happen. It wouldn't be possible and it isn't politically advantageous.

Also The west doesn't need China to produce cheap consumer goods, they got along fine with us in the 60's and 70's right? The fact is that China exploited a market need in the west not the other way around (IE China produced a whole bunch of cheap goods and the west came looking)

A developed China means that it will compete with the West for purchase of natural resources from the undeveloped countries that have natural resources but no capabilities to produces industrial goods and natural resources are finite btw.

What do you think is happening now?

Just look at the policy of the U.S toward the PHillipines at the end of world war 2, the U.S "mandated" that the Phillipines will be a poor nation, refusing to transfer any technology to turn it into another Japan, South Korea, or Taiwan. Japan, SK, or Taiwan are so poor in natural resources, without the transfer of technology from the West and the U.S, these 3 countries would be much poorer than Cambodia or Lao today.

Show me where the US mandated the Philippines be poor. No, the fact is Japanese and Korea excelled not because of US aid but with the help of US aid. They both had in their history, complex merchant, governmental, and cultural traditions that helped them succeed.
Read this and see for yourselves, the U.S only wants a few developed countries in the world while promoting "democracy" and keeping these "democractic" poor to consume U.S and Western products, the Phillipines is one of those countries
Sundalo Tagapagtanggol ng Pilipino - The Nation

I think the Philipines didn't get as much aid from the US because the US didn't see it as strategically important as Japan or SK, not because of this theory about neo-colonial states. (sounds a bit conspiratorial to me)
I think the Philipines didn't get as much aid from the US because the US didn't see it as strategically important as Japan or SK, not because of this theory about neo-colonial states. (sounds a bit conspiratorial to me)
What ever excuse that the U.S did not transfer the industrial technologies to the Phillipines to help it become like Japan or south Korea is irrelevant. What relevant is that the U.S only let a few country to become rich while promoting "democracy" and "free trade" around the world to consume U.S and its Western allies high valued products

Let's get real here, the world can't be developed all, if all countries are developed, how can the U.S and its Western allies sell their products to these countries ie high tech products to earn the rights to buy natural resources that most Western countries don't have?:woot:
What ever excuse that the U.S did not transfer the industrial technologies to the Phillipines to help it become like Japan or south Korea is irrelevant. What relevant is that the U.S only let a few country to become rich while promoting "democracy" and "free trade" around the world to consume U.S and its Western allies high valued products

Let's get real here, the world can't be developed all, if all countries are developed, how can the U.S and its Western allies sell their products to these countries ie high tech products to earn the rights to buy natural resources that most Western countries don't have?:woot:

Developed countries are not solely producers and developing countries are not solely consumers. Similarly not all developing nations are resource exporters (China for example) and not all resource exporters are developing (Canada and Australia for example).

I can see where you're coming from though, but still I think in the case of the Philippines I think it is a case of no great strategic importance.
Let's get real here, the world can't be developed all, if all countries are developed, how can the U.S and its Western allies sell their products to these countries ie high tech products to earn the rights to buy natural resources that most Western countries don't have?:woot:

That is true, the world cannot support all the developing countries becoming fully developed. There simply are not enough resources.

But what can they do about it, short of a nuclear war? There is a reason, why America continues to buy Chinese goods, and why they continue to borrow money from China. They need it to keep their economy going.

Which American government would be willing to give that up? And even if they did, that would still not guarantee that our growth will slow down.
That is true, the world cannot support all the developing countries becoming fully developed. There simply are not enough resources.

But what can they do about it, short of a nuclear war? There is a reason, why America continues to buy Chinese goods, and why they continue to borrow money from China. They need it to keep their economy going.

Which American government would be willing to give that up? And even if they did, that would still not guarantee that our growth will slow down.

Ahhh I think I see why he said not everyone can be a developed country now. It's a fair statement and I misread it the first time round (thought he was saying trade only happens between developing <--> developed countries)
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