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Fury as Rohingya refugees are sent back by Thailand

@manlion here is history lesson

Kingdom of Mrauk U
Early evidence of Bengali Muslim settlements in Arakan date back to the time of King Narameikhla (1430–1434) of the Kingdom of Mrauk U. After 24 years of exile in Bengal, he regained control of the Arakanese throne in 1430 with military assistance from the Sultanate of Bengal. The Bengalis who came with him formed their own settlements in the region.[26][27]

Narameikhla ceded some territory to the Sultan of Bengal and recognised his sovereignty over the areas. In recognition of his kingdom's vassal status, the kings of Arakan received Islamic titles and used the Bengali Islamic coinage within the kingdom. Narameikhla minted his own coins with Burmese characters on one side and Persian characterson the other.[27] Arakan's vassalage to Bengal was brief. After Sultan Jalaluddin Muhammad Shah's death in 1433, Narameikhla's successors repaid Bengal by occupying Ramu in 1437 and Chittagong in 1459. Arakan would hold Chittagong until 1666.[28][29]

Even after gaining independence from the Sultans of Bengal, the Arakanese kings continued the custom of maintaining Muslim titles.[30] The Buddhist kings compared themselves to Sultans and fashioned themselves after Mughal rulers. They also continued to employ Muslims in prestigious positions within the royal administration.[31] The Bengali Muslim population increased in the 17th century, as they were employed in a variety of workforces in Arakan. Some of them worked as Bengali, Persian and Arabicscribes in the Arakanese courts, which, despite remaining mostly Buddhist, adopted Islamic fashions from the neighbouring Sultanate of Bengal.[26] The Kamein/Kaman, who are regarded as one of the official ethnic groups of Burma, are descended from these Muslims.[32]

Burmese conquest
Following the Burmese conquest of Arakan in 1785, as many as 35,000 Arakanese people fled to the neighbouring Chittagong region of British Bengal in 1799 to escape Burmese persecution and to seek protection from British India.[33] The Burmese rulers executed thousands of Arakanese men and deported a considerable portion of the Arakanese population to central Burma, leaving Arakan as a scarcely populated area by the time the British occupied it.[34]

According to an article on the "Burma Empire" published by the British Francis Buchanan-Hamilton in 1799, "the Mohammedans, who have long settled in Arakan," "call themselves Rooinga, or natives of Arakan."[23] Sir Henry Yule saw many Muslims serving as eunuchs in Konbaung Dynasty Burma while on a diplomatic mission there.[35][36][37][38] These Muslim eunuchs came from Arakan.[39][40]

British colonial rule
British policy encouraged Bengali inhabitants from adjacent regions to migrate into the then lightly populated and fertile valleys of Arakan as agriculturalists. The East India Company extended the Bengal administration to Arakan, thus there was no international boundary between Bengal and Arakan, and no restrictions on migration between the regions. In the early 19th century, thousands of Bengalis from the Chittagong region settled in Arakan seeking work.[34] In addition, thousands of Rakhine people from Arakan also settled in Bengal.[41][42]

The British census of 1891 reported 58,255 Muslims in Arakan. By 1911, the Muslim population had increased to 178,647.[43] The waves of migration were primarily due to the requirement of cheap labour from British India to work in the paddy fields. Immigrants from Bengal, mainly from the Chittagong region, "moved en masse into western townships of Arakan". To be sure, Indian immigration to Burma was a nationwide phenomenon, not just restricted to Arakan.[44]

Historian Thant Myint-U writes: "At the beginning of the 20th century, Indians were arriving in Burma at the rate of no less than a quarter million per year. The numbers rose steadily until the peak year of 1927, immigration reached 480,000 people, with Rangoon exceeding New York City as the greatest immigration port in the world. This was out of a total population of only 13 million; it was equivalent to the United Kingdom today taking 2 million people a year." By then, in most of the largest cities in Burma, Rangoon(Yangon), Akyab (Sittwe), Bassein (Pathein), Moulmein, the Indian immigrants formed a majority of the population. The Burmese under the British rule felt helpless, and reacted with a "racism that combined feelings of superiority and fear."[44]

The impact of immigration was particularly acute in Arakan, one of less populated regions. In 1939, the British authorities, alert to the long-term animosity between the RakhineBuddhists and the Rohingya Muslims, formed a special Investigation Commission led by James Ester and Tin Tut to study the issue of Muslim immigration into the Rakhine state. The commission recommended securing the border; however, with the onset of World War II, the British retreated from Arakan.[45]

World War II Japanese occupation and inter-communal violence
Main article: Rohingya massacre in 1942
During World War II, Japanese forces invaded Burma, then under British colonial rule. The British forces retreated and in the power vacuum left behind, considerable inter communal violence erupted between Buddhist Rakhine and Muslim Rohingya villagers. The British armed Rohingyas in northern Arakan in order to create a buffer zone that would protect the region from a Japanese invasion when they retreated.[46]

The period also witnessed violence between groups loyal to the British and the Burmese nationalists.[46]

Aye Chan, a historian at the Kanda University, has written that as a consequence of acquiring arms from the British during World War II, Rohingyas tried to destroy the Arakanese villages instead of resisting the Japanese.[47]

On 28 March 1942, around 5,000 Muslims in the Minbya and Mrohaung Townships were killed by Rakhine nationalists and Karenni. Rohingya Muslims from Northern Rakhine State killed around 20,000 Arakanese.[45]

The Japanese committed countless acts of rape, murder and torture against thousands of Rohingyas.[48] During this period, some 22,000 Rohingyas are believed to have crossed the border into Bengal, then part of British India, to escape the violence.[49][50] Defeated, 40,000 Rohingyas eventually fled to Chittagong after repeated massacres by the Burmese and Japanese forces.[51]
I thought Pakistan-Bangladesh are a split from India, they are known as The Muslim India.

Rohingya is Indian and Muslims, so basically Pakistan and Bangladesh should receive them.

It's kind of weird to see the mentality of Indian, both the Hindus and the Muslims about this kind of issue, it's very different from Chinese mentality.

Look at Republic of China (Taiwan). We will receive any overseas Chinese (the citizen of Republic of China), whatever they are Han Chinese, Outer Mongols, South Tibetan, etc. If they want to return, we must welcome them without question. There are thousands of Tibetans in Taiwan, former refugees in Dharmasala India..
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I thought Pakistan-Bangladesh are a split from India, they are known as The Muslim India.

Rohingya is Indian and Muslims, so basically Pakistan and Bangladesh should receive them.
if you think that 1400 ad people are indian or bangladeshi or pakistani (when Colombus did not go America, when no british rule) who are living in burma,
then i am sure you also believe there is no people should be called as Taiwanese or Chinese :tup:
no myquestion is there is serious problem in syria but yet countries like saudi and other rich muslim nation are keeping quiet rather than allowing them to mmigrate to their country ,but at same time spend billions of dollars on islam propogation...iam just curious not that i hate muslims

There is no billions of dollars being spent on Islamic propagation Saudis do not fund such enterprises, they do however build huge mosques for Muslims who already live in certain countries and they do spread their version of Islam among Muslims in Muslim countries but the most active dawa group for non Muslims are Salafis which do not hold the same views as Saudis. Rohingas do actually go to Muslims countries as well but obviously those who cannot get out legally will try to illegally and they end up in countries around them hence Thailand.

Funny though coming from a Christian since your evangelical groups are notorious for bribing converts.

Point being these people who talk big about Muslim Unity and ummah do very little when it actually comes taking action on helping their fellow Muslim citizens .. All they can do is talk talk talk

Bangladesh | Refugees International
Bangladesh is an impoverished country of over 160 million people. In its short history as an independent nation, Bangladesh has faced a major civil war, massive internal displacement, famines and frequent natural disasters. In addition, Bangladesh is hosting over 200,000 Rohingya refugees from Burma in the eastern region, and in recent years recognized the nationality rights of large numbers of Urdu-speaking minority (also known as Biharis or Stranded Pakistanis).
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I thought Pakistan-Bangladesh are a split from India, they are known as The Muslim India.

Rohingya is Indian and Muslims, so basically Pakistan and Bangladesh should receive them.

It's kind of weird to see the mentality of Indian, both the Hindus and the Muslims about this kind of issue, it's very different from Chinese mentality.

Look at Republic of China (Taiwan). We will receive any overseas Chinese (the citizen of Republic of China), whatever they are Han Chinese, Outer Mongols, South Tibetan, etc. If they want to return, we must welcome them without question. There are thousands of Tibetans in Taiwan, former refugees in Dharmasala India..
since when did Mongol became as overseas Chinese, aren't you the Han + Nanren their slave in ancient times
perception of the conflict

Amnesty International

The Rohingyas’ freedom of movement is severely restricted and the vast majority of them have effectively been denied Burma citizenship. They are also subjected to restrictions on more than two childbirths. Rohingyas allegedly continue to be used as forced labourers on roads and at military camps.

Burmese Junta

Junta’s policy towards the Muslims of Burma: the ruling military junta practice is to stop Islamisation in Burma by cultural assimilation of illegal Muslims living in Arakans and other parts of Burma. Their main objective is to turn strategic Muslim Arakan into a Burmanised Buddhist region by relocating Muslims in mainland Burma to insignificant or manageable minorities.

Jane's World Insurgency and Terrorism

The Rohingya Solidarity Organization (RSO) aimed to prevent the alleged repression of ethnic Rohingyas in Burma and Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh. The group also aimed to establish an Islamic autonomous Arakan state, uniting the Rohingya people of Burma and Bangladesh, by expelling the Burmese Buddhists and military through killings, harassment and the classical tactics of guerrilla warfare

I thought Pakistan-Bangladesh are a split from India, they are known as The Muslim India.

Rohingya is Indian and Muslims, so basically Pakistan and Bangladesh should receive them..

that's not fair, Muslim countries (especially BD and Pakistan) should support the formation of an Islamic autonomous Arakan state, for the Rohingyas in Burma and Bangladesh
In the past there seems to have been a hatred of Hindus and Muslims in Burma. In the past there was a massacre of Indians many of who could have possibly came from Pakistan.

In May 1930, a British firm of stevedores at the port of Rangoon employed Burmese workers in an attempt to break a strike organized by its Indian workers. When, on May 26, the strike ended and the Indians returned to work, clashes developed between the returning Indian workers and the Burmese workers who had replaced them. The clashes soon escalated into large-scale anti-Hindu and anti-Muslim riots in the city. Over two hundred Indians were killed and their bodies flung into the river. Authorities ordered the police to fire upon any assembly of five or more who refused to lay down their arms, under Section 144 of the Criminal Procedure Code. Within two days the riot spread throughout the country to locations such as Maymo.

To Indian friends, remember this when defending Burma.
why is just nonmuslims nations like thailand accepting rohingya ,why cant muslim nation like pakistan and other rich muslim world come to their help

we are geographically isolated, we donot have any common borders, if we had then maybe we could have helped them
since when did Mongol became as overseas Chinese, aren't you the Han + Nanren their slave in ancient times

The citizen of China known as Chinese. You should not confused between Chinese term and Han ethnicity. Mongols in China and Mongolia (ex territory of Republic of China) are considered as Chinese in Taiwan.

Under the law, all of them considered as Overseas Chinese if they are not living in the ex-territory of Republic of China (aka living aboard). Even we must accept their multi-generation of decedents as well without question. Just like the decedent of Tibetan who live in Nepal and India can apply citizenship in Taiwan, if they can prove their father or even great grandfather were came from Tibet (ex-territory of Republic of China) and beyond. Even all Mongols in Russia as well. We are not discriminating.

China is more than a country, it's a motherland.

So, why not India, Pakistan and Bangladesh too? So, what if the decedent of Indian who live in US want to return and apply citizenship in India? What if the Hindus live in Pakistan want to go to India, to avoid religion discrimination? Or Muslims live in India want to go to Pakistan or Bangladesh for similar case?
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