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Further Hybridize the Hybrid


Dec 19, 2014
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New Zealand
TTP has lost the main reason for its formation, that was to oppose Pakistan Army's support to the US and NATO's invasion of Afghanistan as the Americans have accepted defeat and left the region.

But two organizations that have been fighting each other for so long now find it impossible to know when to quit.

We see that in neighboring Afghanistan, the Taliban upon victory forgave all those who fought against them in the spirit of the conquest of Makkah by our Prophet Mohammad SAW.

Lincoln presided over the nation’s most terrible crisis. The Civil War began 1 month after he took office and ended 5 days before he died. It was more bitter and protracted than anyone had predicted, costing more than 600,000 lives. In Lincoln’s second inaugural address in 1865, delivered just over a month before his death, he spoke about the war as he had come to understand it. The unspeakable savagery that had already lasted 4 years, he believed, was nothing short of God’s own punishment for the sins of human slavery. And with the war not quite over, he offered this terrible pronouncement:

Fondly do we hope—fervently do we pray—that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue, until all the wealth piled by the bond-men’s two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash, shall be paid by another drawn by the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said “the judgments of the Lord, are true and righteous altogether.”

Finally, in the speech’s closing, with the immortal words of reconciliation and healing that are carved in the walls of the Lincoln Memorial in the nation’s capital, he set the tone for his plan for the nation’s Reconstruction.

With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation’s wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan—to do all which may achieve and cherish a just, and a lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations.

It is basically an issue of Slavery in Pakistan and other Third World Countries just like the American Civil War about which Abraham Lincoln spoke. We have to decide what we want to be? Slaves or Free Men. We already got freedom from out British Masters in 1947 after 150 years of Slavery. The West still wants us to be its slaves through its self imposed Wars and Economic Coercion. Slaves are also of two kinds, those who work in the fields and house slaves. House slaves are kept in the Manor House of the Plantation Owner. Females for sex and house work and Men as Butlers and Foremen of the field slaves and are loyal to the owner and enemies of the field slaves. Some male house slave also sometime got the opportunity to have sex with White Females. Out of these entanglements were produced the Mulatto (One half Black and One Half White) and the Quadroon (One Quarter Black) and so on.

The starting volleys of Pakistan Army's new war with the TTP have been fired from both sides. In my humble opinion, this is not the time for War Plans but Reconciliation in Pakistan. The economy is already in tatters.

Indian Union Minister Kapil Patil has recently said that "Hope Azad Kashmir will become part of India by 2024".

So, cutting the discussion short, as everybody is well aware of the current economic situation with Imran Khan even begging Kazakastan for money, it is basically a short term peace of 3 years that we need to come out of our problems.

It has been said that you cannot buy an Afghan but you can only hire him. Also our former and current for some, British Masters advised, "Bribe the Pathan, Honor the Baloch".

It is also said that the best strategy is to overcome the enemy without fighting.

In light of these anecdotes, it is my suggestion to further Hybridize the Civil-Military Hybrid Regime in Pakistan by having another Peace Deal with the TTP and then inducting them in new Tribal units of Pakistan Army. When they get an amnesty and regular salaries, they will leave the fighting.

Iran has a similar Revolutionary Guards force which is composed of dedicated ideological fighters. Saudi Arabia and Jordan also have the Army and the loyal Tribal Forces.

Those who don't want to join the new force, can be motivated by the Ulema, to go for Kashmir Jihad and fight the real enemy.

To understand Slavery and House Slave mentality of our Rulers, please watch Django Unchained
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TTP has lost the main reason for its formation, that was to oppose Pakistan Army's support to the US and NATO's invasion of Afghanistan as the Americans have accepted defeat and left the region.

But two organizations that have been fighting each other for so long now find it impossible to know when to quit.

We see that in neighboring Afghanistan, the Taliban upon victory forgave all those who fought against them in the spirit of the conquest of Makkah by our Prophet Mohammad SAW.

Lincoln presided over the nation’s most terrible crisis. The Civil War began 1 month after he took office and ended 5 days before he died. It was more bitter and protracted than anyone had predicted, costing more than 600,000 lives. In Lincoln’s second inaugural address in 1865, delivered just over a month before his death, he spoke about the war as he had come to understand it. The unspeakable savagery that had already lasted 4 years, he believed, was nothing short of God’s own punishment for the sins of human slavery. And with the war not quite over, he offered this terrible pronouncement:

Fondly do we hope—fervently do we pray—that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue, until all the wealth piled by the bond-men’s two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash, shall be paid by another drawn by the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said “the judgments of the Lord, are true and righteous altogether.”

Finally, in the speech’s closing, with the immortal words of reconciliation and healing that are carved in the walls of the Lincoln Memorial in the nation’s capital, he set the tone for his plan for the nation’s Reconstruction.

With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation’s wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan—to do all which may achieve and cherish a just, and a lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations.

It is basically an issue of Slavery in Pakistan and other Third World Countries just like the American Civil War about which Abraham Lincoln spoke. We have to decide what we want to be? Slaves or Free Men. We already got freedom from out British Masters in 1947 after 150 years of Slavery. The West still wants us to be its slaves through its self imposed Wars and Economic Coercion. Slaves are also of two kinds, those who work in the fields and house slaves. House slaves are kept in the Manor House of the Plantation Owner. Females for sex and house work and Men as Butlers and Foremen of the field slaves and are loyal to the owner and enemies of the field slaves. Some male house slave also sometime got the opportunity to have sex with White Females. Out of these entanglements were produced the Mulatto (One half Black and One Half White) and the Quadroon (One Quarter Black) and so on.

The starting volleys of Pakistan Army's new war with the TTP have been fired from both sides. In my humble opinion, this is not the time for War Plans but Reconciliation in Pakistan. The economy is already in tatters.

Indian Union Minister Kapil Patil has recently said that "Hope Azad Kashmir will become part of India by 2024".

So, cutting the discussion short, as everybody is well aware of the current economic situation with Imran Khan even begging Kazakastan for money, it is basically a short term peace of 3 years that we need to come out of our problems.

It has been said that you cannot buy an Afghan but you can only hire him. Also our former and current for some, British Masters advised, "Bribe the Pathan, Honor the Baloch".

It is also said that the best strategy is to overcome the enemy without fighting.

In light of these anecdotes, it is my suggestion to further Hybridize the Civil-Military Hybrid Regime in Pakistan by having another Peace Deal with the TTP and them inducting them in new Tribal units of Pakistan Army. When they get an amnesty and regular salaries, they will leave the fighting.

Iran has a similar Revolutionary Guards force which is composed of dedicated ideological fighters. Saudi Arabia and Jordan also have the Army and the loyal Tribal Forces.

Those who don't want to join the new force, can be motivated by the Ulema, to go for Kashmir Jihad and fight the real enemy.
lol 3 year peace deal with ttp?? you mean you want them to be off the leash now that they are in trouble.. so they regroup??
there shouldnt be any ttp in Pakistan period
How has the first deal helped?
Our economics have nothing to do with this phenomena.Pakistan will take more loan and fight them if needed..Kashmir needs a new solution..Pakistan doesnt need them when it has its own people to go fight for kashmir..
lol 3 year peace deal with ttp?? you mean you want them to be off the leash now that they are in trouble.. so they regroup??
there shouldnt be any ttp in Pakistan period
How has the first deal helped?
Our economics have nothing to do with this phenomena.Pakistan will take more loan and fight them if needed..Kashmir needs a new solution..Pakistan doesnt need them when it has its own people to go fight for kashmir..
TTP is not in trouble, Pakistan is. They have sanctuaries.

TTP is not in trouble, Pakistan is. They have sanctuaries.
We cannot have war inside our country just because one retired general wants to become next Governor KPK or Interior Minister.
. .
TTP is not in trouble, Pakistan is. They have sanctuaries.
TTP is just a label..
underneath they are mercenaries with a lost objective ( having their own govt. in FATA/kpk that is autonomous off islamabad) . Thats why they didnt lay down weapons and neither accepted constitution of the country .
Pakistans real power in that land are the people of FATA and KPK who themselves detest them.As for the sactuaries they may continue having so but they wont have much action to show.We will make sure the tribals smoke them out..
Negotiations can’t be done with khawarijites. We tried multiple times but if they negotiate peace with us how is noor wali going to make money? Only solution is to khawarij ttp. Foot soldiers who haven’t committed major crimes could be forgiven if they surrender. Otherwise we’ll follow the example of Ali R.A. and destroy khawarijites.
Negotiations can’t be done with khawarijites. We tried multiple times but if they negotiate peace with us how is noor wali going to make money? Only solution is to khawarij ttp. Foot soldiers who haven’t committed major crimes could be forgiven if they surrender. Otherwise we’ll follow the example of Ali R.A. and destroy khawarijites.
kharijites were never truly destroyed, and went on to return as numerous batini/takfiri ideologies, and even managed to form a govt in oman (current govt is a kharijite one, although a very watered down version).
Negotiations can’t be done with khawarijites. We tried multiple times but if they negotiate peace with us how is noor wali going to make money? Only solution is to khawarij ttp. Foot soldiers who haven’t committed major crimes could be forgiven if they surrender. Otherwise we’ll follow the example of Ali R.A. and destroy khawarijites.
What is the issue if for peace we have to pay salaries of 10,000 men in addition to the 7 lac that we are already paying. Give the same perks to Noor Wali that we are giving to Generals.
Give the same perks to Noor Wali that we are giving to Generals.
Are you in your damn senses? Do you hear what your saying? A butcher of many innocents you want to make him a general in Pakistan?
@mods anti national exposed ban him
TTP has lost the main reason for its formation, that was to oppose Pakistan Army's support to the US and NATO's invasion of Afghanistan as the Americans have accepted defeat and left the region.

But two organizations that have been fighting each other for so long now find it impossible to know when to quit.

We see that in neighboring Afghanistan, the Taliban upon victory forgave all those who fought against them in the spirit of the conquest of Makkah by our Prophet Mohammad SAW.

Lincoln presided over the nation’s most terrible crisis. The Civil War began 1 month after he took office and ended 5 days before he died. It was more bitter and protracted than anyone had predicted, costing more than 600,000 lives. In Lincoln’s second inaugural address in 1865, delivered just over a month before his death, he spoke about the war as he had come to understand it. The unspeakable savagery that had already lasted 4 years, he believed, was nothing short of God’s own punishment for the sins of human slavery. And with the war not quite over, he offered this terrible pronouncement:

Fondly do we hope—fervently do we pray—that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue, until all the wealth piled by the bond-men’s two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash, shall be paid by another drawn by the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said “the judgments of the Lord, are true and righteous altogether.”

Finally, in the speech’s closing, with the immortal words of reconciliation and healing that are carved in the walls of the Lincoln Memorial in the nation’s capital, he set the tone for his plan for the nation’s Reconstruction.

With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation’s wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan—to do all which may achieve and cherish a just, and a lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations.

It is basically an issue of Slavery in Pakistan and other Third World Countries just like the American Civil War about which Abraham Lincoln spoke. We have to decide what we want to be? Slaves or Free Men. We already got freedom from out British Masters in 1947 after 150 years of Slavery. The West still wants us to be its slaves through its self imposed Wars and Economic Coercion. Slaves are also of two kinds, those who work in the fields and house slaves. House slaves are kept in the Manor House of the Plantation Owner. Females for sex and house work and Men as Butlers and Foremen of the field slaves and are loyal to the owner and enemies of the field slaves. Some male house slave also sometime got the opportunity to have sex with White Females. Out of these entanglements were produced the Mulatto (One half Black and One Half White) and the Quadroon (One Quarter Black) and so on.

The starting volleys of Pakistan Army's new war with the TTP have been fired from both sides. In my humble opinion, this is not the time for War Plans but Reconciliation in Pakistan. The economy is already in tatters.

Indian Union Minister Kapil Patil has recently said that "Hope Azad Kashmir will become part of India by 2024".

So, cutting the discussion short, as everybody is well aware of the current economic situation with Imran Khan even begging Kazakastan for money, it is basically a short term peace of 3 years that we need to come out of our problems.

It has been said that you cannot buy an Afghan but you can only hire him. Also our former and current for some, British Masters advised, "Bribe the Pathan, Honor the Baloch".

It is also said that the best strategy is to overcome the enemy without fighting.

In light of these anecdotes, it is my suggestion to further Hybridize the Civil-Military Hybrid Regime in Pakistan by having another Peace Deal with the TTP and then inducting them in new Tribal units of Pakistan Army. When they get an amnesty and regular salaries, they will leave the fighting.

Iran has a similar Revolutionary Guards force which is composed of dedicated ideological fighters. Saudi Arabia and Jordan also have the Army and the loyal Tribal Forces.

Those who don't want to join the new force, can be motivated by the Ulema, to go for Kashmir Jihad and fight the real enemy.

To understand Slavery and House Slave mentality of our Rulers, please watch Django Unchained

1) The TTP, as a criminal-terrorist org, has proven to be formidably resilient. This means they have the cash/foreign support needed and know how to recruit, motivate, train, and launch new fighters.

2) They very quickly have or can shift their raison d'etre to fighting for the implementation of Sharia.

3) They have no reason to take the peace deal currently. It all depends on how much pressure the Afg T's are willing to put on them. So far, it hasn't been as much as we'd like. Let's see how these things play out. The Afg T's are much closer in ideology/world view/etc to the TTP than to the state of Pakistan or the Pak Army.

4) The current TTP lifestyle affords them a vast amount of freedom and asymmetric power; being inducted / regularized into some sort of units would give them stability but take away everything else --- I don't think this is a bargain that they are compelled to make.
Are you in your damn senses? Do you hear what your saying? A butcher of many innocents you want to make him a general in Pakistan?
@mods anti national exposed ban him
I am very much a Pakistani nationalist and if you cannot understand my strategy for avoiding civil war then you should just keep quiet.
I am very much a Pakistani nationalist and if you cannot understand my strategy for avoiding civil war then you should just keep quiet.
No civil war will happen. We beat ttp win it was in its peak and now it’s much weaker. Baloch militants are a far greater threat to us then ttp is right now. You claim to be a “Pakistani nationalist” but you want to make noor wali a army general in Pakistan? And make ttp part of pak army? Do you have any shame saying this? People who massacred our children in schools you want to make them generals in pak army?
Your acting like ttp spokesman with your useless strategies so I suggest you just be quiet.
TTP is just a label.. underneath they are mercenaries with a lost objective

TTP objective: Modi kills Muslims in India and he pays TTP to kill Muslims in Pakistan.

TTP have killed more Muslims than it ever killed kaffirs.

There is absolutely nothing ideological about TTP.

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