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FSC. The Reason Why We Lag Behind

What does FSC stands far ?
I guess S stands for School and C for Certificate. But I'm not sure about F....
The only word that I'm thinking of is the four-letter curse word ending with "k" but I really don't think that's the official word..
Is there anything similar to the concept of a community college in Pakistan?

I personally did very poorly in high school - I barely graduated. But, 4 years later I started community college (very inexpensive) and eventually completed a 4 year software engineering degree (with pretty a pretty good GPA).

The idea that a test in 8th grade could literally ruin your life is a bit disturbing.
What does FSC stands far ?
I guess S stands for School and C for Certificate. But I'm not sure about F....
The only word that I'm thinking of is the four-letter curse word ending with "k" but I really don't think that's the official word..
Fundamentals of science
The problems highlighted about F.Sc. are all too real.... but what I have observed is that the problems faced by majority of the students after Matric is not due to pathetic nature of F.Sc but due to their poor base that is weak primary education.

Most of the students I have come across are pity weak in basic maths, physics and things and try to compensate for their weaknesses in the F.Sc. This leads to their failure which they try to blame on F.Sc. which really is not the case.( Fortunately due to my father's keen attention to Maths and English at an early level , I have never faced such issues and reaping benefits to this day).

IMO the solution to this problem is to improve the level of primary education. F.Sc. has already been reformed quite a bit for your information and the cramming part really does not exist any more.

Fundamentals of science

Fellow of Science.
Fundamentals of science
I thought it was Freshman of Science.

Three FSc's three definitions :laughcry:

Is there anything similar to the concept of a community college in Pakistan

We have DAE. Diploma in Associate engineering. It is a qualification one obtains after year 12. It imparts enough skills so that one should have enough skills to land a job without having to study for a degree. Not sure if anything equivalent exists for arts.
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Why is there a need to do FSC? What year is FSC? doing A levels, help me understand this system.

My Maths teacher once told me that an average Olevels grade 10 or 11 student can solve Inter/FSC maths easily .
A friend of mine was doing Pakistan Studies in University :what:, and it was nothing compared to what i was doing in O levels. My books were far more advanced and detailed than his and he was doing University. So i don't get this logic.
I just don't know anymore, the O/A levels may be superior in terms of books/ materials etc. but the end product isn't what its advertised to be either ... the best solution that we can come up with at this moment is to have better teachers and hope for the best....:cray::cray::cray:
Agreed, better teaching method can easily solve half of the problems. Complete overhaul of education system is certainly needed.
Speaking about the comparison, i would say O/A level system is much better and the end product is at least consistent. If IGCSE and GCSE system can produce a good educated youth in countries like UK, it can certainly produce results here too.
But I have looked at the products of O/A levels .. loads of them actually when I was doing my Bachelors degree in MS and lemme just say .... I've never seen such know it all epic failures whose entire mantra is to ask questions with an accent to "look smart" ...

In Management sciences you've gotta give loads of presentations and everything is more focused towards application .. Now these O/A level kids used to literally harass other kids who were doing their best in presentations in the question and answer session where every question posed was in English with an accent to create a "gotcha moment" for kids who studied in urdu medium schools and came from different parts of rural Balochistan, Sindh and KPK in pursuit of their education.
This is more of a 'social' problem. My friends who came from Britian were no different, '**** boys' was quite a famous word. And a class of student would treat them as godly entities and try to copy them, copy them in accent and etc, etc. I would your point is valid, but over the years things improved. I would say we forget about primary education, if we can fix our primary curriculum and grades like 6,7 and 8 and look to make a product ready for O and A levels. Many students tend to struggle mainly because they never touched the basics which they should have learned long time ago.

Our rich community gives the same treatment to anyone lesser than them, it's a social problem and reflects in every aspect of our lives. But we need to look at how many students this system is producing, expensive for the masses but its quite efficient.
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I love the Scandinavian model of education. The only region in the world without any drop outs through out the schooling. The children start formal education at age 7 but prior to that they are trained for some good manners and skills that benefit them e.g. making queues, road sense, basic counting, etc. There are no exam, only the evaluations of the student by the teacher. This eliminates unnecessary pressure on the young mind and they learn with genuine interest. By the time the student graduates through the high school called (Gymnasium, A-levels), he is ready to enter the society as an independent individual with sufficient skills to lead a normal life. Of course, most of them continue to higher education for whetting their tools to next level but even the one's who do not pursue further education are still useful members of the society and are able to contribute positively to the society.

Whenever Pakistan overhauls its education system, this model should also be considered. We do not want people with degrees to get some white collar jobs but individuals who are independent, skilled and are beneficial to the society.

Current education of Pakistan is obsolete, it was devised by McCaulay to produce servants and not independent thinkers.
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I thought it was Freshman of Science.

Three FSc's three definitions :laughcry:

We have DAE. Diploma in Associate engineering. It is a qualification one obtains after year 12. It imparts enough skills so that one should have enough skills to land a job without having to study for a degree. Not sure if anything equivalent exists for arts.
Thanks - but that's not quite what I'm asking.

The US has vocational schools - where you'd go to learn to be an electrician, or a plumber or the like. Something technical, which would lead to an apprenticeship level position, and thence to a career.

The US also has community colleges, which you can get a two-year degree that may lead to employment. However, community colleges also provide classes that would be of specific interest to a population (Intro to Photography, for example, or Intro to Astronomy) - stuff that anyone in the community might be interesting in learning more about, but with no intent to pursue a career. Lastly, community colleges also function as the first 2 years of so of a 4 year school. So, instead of going off to UC Berkeley as a freshman (and paying those higher fees), you could stay home and take all the undergrad English, math, history, etc kinds of classes while living much more cheaply at home, and paying much lower tuitions. If you have good grades, UC Berkeley will happily take you on as a junior, straight into year 3. You don't even have to do the "first 2 years" in two years, you can spread it over as much as 5 years or more, taking night classes and working.

Community colleges thus function as a sort of second-chance for students who are poorer (either academically or economically) to get a more elite education. This is exactly how I got my degree. (CSU Chico)

So, in Pakistan, is there a way to get back into school if you did poorly in the first 12 years? I'm now under the impression that if I were Pakistani, I'd be picking mangoes. :-)
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