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From Japan to India with Love: The ShinMaywa US-2


May 29, 2014
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United States
India is getting set to acquire the massive ShinMaywa US-2i amphibious aircraft from Japan as part of their expanding bilateral strategic partnership, with both nations wary of China's assertive behaviour in the Asia-Pacific region.

The defence acquisitions council (DAC), chaired by Manohar Parrikar, on Saturday will take up the proposal to "empower" the joint working group (JWG) to negotiate the purchase of at least 12 US-2i aircraft for the Navy for around $1.3 billion.

"It will be like an AON (acceptance of necessity) that the Navy requires 12 US-2i as of now, and the commercial negotiations for them can begin. The Coast Guard, in turn, may require five such planes," said a defence ministry source.

The JWG set up by India and Japan has been discussing "cooperation on the US-2 amphibian aircraft", including technology transfer and licenced production, since 2013 but a decisive stage seems to have been reached now.

When PM Narendra Modi visited Japan last September for talks with his Japanese counterpart Shinzo Abe, the two directed the JWG to "accelerate progress in the discussions and preparations for a roadmap for the development of the Indian aircraft industry through the US-2 aircraft cooperation". This, as is evident, envisages a much bigger project in the making, which will probably kick-off with the initial defence acquisition of 12 aircraft.

The Modi government has also asked Japan, which recently lifted its five-decade-old arms export embargo, if it's interested in fielding its Soryu-class submarines for the over Rs 50,000 crore project to build six stealth submarines in India, as was first reported by TOI.

The US-2i is quite a unique aircraft, capable as it is of short take-offs from land as well as water with a range of over 4,500 km. Powered by four big turbo-props, it can land even on rough seas amid three-metre high waves.

Though basically designed for air-sea search and rescue operations, the US-2i can also rapidly transport 30 combat-ready soldiers to "hot zones" in an emergency. "The aircraft will give a huge boost to our operational logistics in areas like the far-flung but strategically critical Andaman and Nicobar Islands. It can also land spares and equipment in close proximity to warships on the high seas," said an official.

Incidentally, the relatively new naval air station INS Baaz at Campbell Bay in the A&N archipelago overlooks the Malacca Strait while dominating the Six-Degree Channel, in keeping with India's overall policy to counter China's strategic moves in the Indian Ocean region as well as ensure security of shipping lanes.


Can we put Harpoon missiles on this aircraft?

And how does Soryu competes with Scorpene and their Russian counterparts.
So it appears that besides the 12 that will be delivered to the Indian Navy, an additional 5 will be forwarded to the Indian Coast Guard.

What a hefty fleet ! Excellent developments, if i say so myself.

Can we put Harpoon missiles on this aircraft?

Yes. The US-2 are equipped with a host of anti-sub capabilities such as space for depth charges, Mark 46 torpedos, hellfire missiles, etc.

If India wants to arm these to the teeth...its hers. lol.
Colluding with my Enemy ? :mad:

@SvenSvensonov can you please have Pikachu here face-off against a rabble of blood thirsty Norsemen ! :coffee:

Hahaha, what? Don't take it personal my brother. Besides, don't you agree that India should have these to help secure her vast maritime domain? I mean, you and I have to agree that the Indian Navy and Pakistan Navy even coordinate with each other in patroling the IOR as well as the Persian Gulf for anti-piracy objectives.

PS. I take offense to the pikachu reference ! Charazard all the way, man ! :devil::angel::smitten:

Gah! Cats!

Where are the dog lovers?



Kawasaki P-1
For Anti Ship and Submarine role this one is better choice for India
Well for that we have P-8Is and Tu-142s. Anyway armed Shinmaywa-Us2 will be a great boost to Indian navy along with P-8Is. Not tp forget that almost all of it will be deployed in Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
Not tp forget that almost all of it will be deployed in Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

This strategic reality should calm the fears of any Pakistani members.


Kawasaki P-1
For Anti Ship and Submarine role this one is better choice for India

They should consider it, but India is leaning towards the P-8s, AFAIK. Tho they should purchase a squadron of P-1s diversify their inventory.
This strategic reality should calm the fears of any Pakistani members.

They should consider it, but India is leaning towards the P-8s, AFAIK. Tho they should purchase a squadron of P-1s diversify their inventory.

We actually needed it for SAR and commandos transport. Our Marine commando unit (MARCOS) need a transportation platform that can get them in the middle of the high seas in no time and get them back in one piece.

In fact, you Japanese guys could have sold the aircraft as a very potent firefighting platform even if you couldn't sell the military version of it.

The Coast Guard needs it badly for managing our coastline and rescue operations.

We are also heavily involved in anti-piracy missions across the entire region and therefore need these beauties to be able to deliver death to the pirates in Gulf of Aden:


Managing everything from Somalia to Indonesia and Andaman & Nicobar to Mauritius isn't really an easy task you know :D.
We actually needed it for SAR and commandos transport. Our Marine commando unit (MARCOS) need a transportation platform that can get them in the middle of the high seas in no time and get them back in one piece.

In fact, you Japanese guys could have sold the aircraft as a very potent firefighting platform even if you couldn't sell the military version of it.

The Coast Guard needs it badly for managing our coastline and rescue operations.

We are also heavily involved in anti-piracy missions across the entire region and therefore need these beauties to be able to deliver death to the pirates in Gulf of Aden:


Indian Marines or naval spec-ops can be transported (up to 30+) anywhere within a range of up to 5,000 km. This is going to be indispensable for you guys for anti-piracy activity.

Managing everything from Somalia to Indonesia and Andaman & Nicobar to Mauritius isn't really an easy task you know :D.

Jai Ho ! ;)
This strategic reality should calm the fears of any Pakistani members.

They should consider it, but India is leaning towards the P-8s, AFAIK. Tho they should purchase a squadron of P-1s diversify their inventory.
Well India is eventually gonna buy 24 P-8I comparable aircarfts( of which first 12 are P-8Is) so I won't be surprised if India consider P-1s for next 12 aircrafts( or may be repeat the order of 12 more P-8Is, who knows).
hmmm, thought these are for humanitarian and fire fighting missions, at least, that's what China is building them for.

What has Japan done with them up to this point.
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