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French Special Forces - never surrender

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New Recruit

Feb 9, 2017
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1er régiment de parachutistes d’infanterie de marine / 1er RPIMa
Commandement des forces spéciales terrestres
Brigade des forces spéciales terre / BFST
Force maritime des fusiliers marins et commandos / FORFUSCO
Commandement des opérations spéciales / COS
Commando Hubert / Commando Action Sous-Marine
Commando Ponchardier
Détachement ALAT des opérations spéciales / DAOS
13e régiment de dragons parachutistes / 13e RDP
Service Action / SA
Pakistan never preached the "No surrender" mantra. Yes, there was this time in the past and it will remain a dark chapter in our history.

But french are a JOKE when it comes to the military accomplishments and still bark "No surrender". What an irony.
Nice, French intelligence at its finest. This clown has compared east pakistan which was thousands of miles away, on the otherside of an aenmy state. With the state of France that was all connected and one body. :cheesy::cheesy:

It's ok to make fun of another country,but look at the glass first. Goes to all others who keep spamming US spread propaganda after France refused to illegally invade Iraq.
Paris must have been on the other side of germany. My bad I'm not good at reading French maps
It's ok to make fun of another country,but look at the glass first. Goes to all others who keep spamming US spread propaganda after France refused to illegally invade Iraq.

1st Gulf War, Libya and many others you have interfered in. Don’t forget your nations role in the Sykes–Picot Agreement we will make sure to pay you back in kind when times right.
Famous saying after WW-II, French Weapons are the best, dropped twice never used. lol.

Add in Indian Newspaper:
IAF Parachute for sale, almost brand new, used once, never deployed, slight blood stained.
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Nice, French intelligence at its finest. This clown has compared east pakistan which was thousands of miles away, on the otherside of an aenmy state. With the state of France that was all connected and one body. :cheesy::cheesy:

Paris must have been on the other side of germany. My bad I'm not good at reading French maps

France did suffer a debacle at the beginning of 1940 due to a greater initiative from Germany. I'm not denying this fact. It lost a battle. Where's Nazi Germany now ? At the end of the day France's territory is still the same.



Mod edit: Propaganda maps are not allowed.



Pakistan will never get this territory back.

Pakistan never preached the "No surrender" mantra. Yes, there was this time in the past and it will remain a dark chapter in our history.

But french are a JOKE when it comes to the military accomplishments and still bark "No surrender". What an irony.

France through history has one of the best military records,but some people resume the French military history to may 1940. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't love your military history resumed to those events in 1971?
France did suffer a debacle at the beginning of 1940 due to a greater initiative from Germany. I'm not denying this fact. It lost a battle. Where's Nazi Germany now ? At the end of the day France's territory is still the same.

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View attachment 587778

View attachment 587779


Pakistan will never get this territory back.

Can’t compare this to your situation and that also in both World Wars - West Pakistan was over a thousand miles apart impossible through land, air and sea whereas you were all connected and still failed.
The discussion must remain on topic and avoid derailing.

France did suffer a debacle at the beginning of 1940 due to a greater initiative from Germany. I'm not denying this fact. It lost a battle. Where's Nazi Germany now ? At the end of the day France's territory is still the same.

View attachment 587777


Mod edit: Propaganda maps are not allowed.

View attachment 587779


Pakistan will never get this territory back.

End of the day the allies help you defeat Germany and retain your country. When it came to french you surrendered it completely. No comparison.
The discussion must remain on topic and avoid derailing.

Thank the French poster with his french intelligence for derailment.

France did suffer a debacle at the beginning of 1940 due to a greater initiative from Germany. I'm not denying this fact. It lost a battle. Where's Nazi Germany now ? At the end of the day France's territory is still the same.

View attachment 587777


Mod edit: Propaganda maps are not allowed.

View attachment 587779


Pakistan will never get this territory back.

France through history has one of the best military records,but some people resume the French military history to may 1940. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't love your military history resumed to those events in 1971?
Yes, your right. According to this French map, paris is on the other side of Germany.

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