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French rapper investigated for call to 'hang white people'


Feb 25, 2014
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A little-known French rapper is being investigated for incitement to racial hatred after releasing a song and music video calling on white people to be hanged.

French rapper Nick Conrad, who until yesterday only had 368 subscribers to his Youtube page, is now the focus of heated debate in France after releasing a song entitled "Pendre les blancs" ("Hang the whites").

Conrad defended himself, arguing the underlying message is one of love and not of hate.

The lyrics to the song include: "I go into a nursery and kill white babies, catch them fast and hang their parents, quarter them to pass the time, entertain the black kids of all ages, young and old. Whip them hard, do it so that it stinks of death, and blood gushes."

The accompanying nine-minute-long video, shot in Noisy-Le-Grand, a suburb east of Paris, was uploaded to Youtube on September 17 and removed from the platform on Wednesday evening. It showed a white man being hanged and another with a gun barrel in his mouth.

Right-wing politicians quickly joined the condemnation with Gilbert Collard, an MP from the far-right Rassemblement National (formerly National Front) party calling on the government to "immediately react against this unbearable hatred."

Bruno Retailleau, leader of the right-wing Les Republicains group in the Senate described the song as "intolerable."

"There are words that cannot be said because it's incitement to racial hatred and a provocation to crime!" he added.

A little-known French rapper is being investigated for incitement to racial hatred after releasing a song and music video calling on white people to be hanged.

French rapper Nick Conrad, who until yesterday only had 368 subscribers to his Youtube page, is now the focus of heated debate in France after releasing a song entitled "Pendre les blancs" ("Hang the whites").

Conrad defended himself, arguing the underlying message is one of love and not of hate.

The lyrics to the song include: "I go into a nursery and kill white babies, catch them fast and hang their parents, quarter them to pass the time, entertain the black kids of all ages, young and old. Whip them hard, do it so that it stinks of death, and blood gushes."

The accompanying nine-minute-long video, shot in Noisy-Le-Grand, a suburb east of Paris, was uploaded to Youtube on September 17 and removed from the platform on Wednesday evening. It showed a white man being hanged and another with a gun barrel in his mouth.

Right-wing politicians quickly joined the condemnation with Gilbert Collard, an MP from the far-right Rassemblement National (formerly National Front) party calling on the government to "immediately react against this unbearable hatred."

Bruno Retailleau, leader of the right-wing Les Republicains group in the Senate described the song as "intolerable."

"There are words that cannot be said because it's incitement to racial hatred and a provocation to crime!" he added.

The government's spokesman, Benjamin Griveaux, said it condemned Nick Conrad's "heinous and sickening words" with "the most extreme firmness."

He also called on those who broadcast the song to "react as quickly as possible."

His words were echoed by Interior Minister, Gerard Collomb, who said that such lyrics were "totally inadmissible."

"Especially when you're a rapper and you have young people among your audience and so, little by little, it imprints itself in their minds and it's in that way that we end up with the worst perversions in our society," he added.

Conrad rejected accusations of incitement to racial hatred, telling RTL radio: "I decided to reverse the system so that everybody, whites and blacks, understand the situation we're all in."

"It's a message of love, more than a message of hatred," he added.

The interministerial delegation for the fight against racism, antisemitism and anti-LGBT hatred has confirmed that it has tasked the Paris prosecutor's office to investigate for "incitement to racial hatred."

Now imagine if this was the other way around,all "dindu nuffins" would riot in the streets.

Hate speech is hate speech...this guy should face the same consequences.

I agree, it's either all wrong or none of it is. Certain groups get away with much more than others, all in the name of 'social justice' or 'progressivism'.
I agree, it's either all wrong or none of it is. Certain groups get away with much more than others, all in the name of 'social justice' or 'progressivism'.
I've never seen that here in US where hate speech is labeled as "social justice" or "progressivism"...but I have seen ppl get away with it, which is a shame.
I've never seen that here in US where hate speech is labeled as "social justice" or "progressivism"...
That's not what I meant to say, I worded that poorly. What I wanted to say was that certain groups are 'protected' from getting cracked down upon when they would break said hate speech law, not per say by the government or other instances, but by people who call themselves progressive.

For example: A guy makes a hateful song (in this case that rapper) that attack a group that is considered 'privileged' (i.e. the whites) and gets punished or called out. Some people will cry foul, and say that there's institutional opression, because the messenger attacks the group that is considered the 'opressor' (the whites). When the messenger would be from a group that's considered the opressed/a minority making such hateful comments, then people will call racism, Islamaphobia, sexism,... as well.
That's not what I meant to say, I worded that poorly. What I wanted to say was that certain groups are 'protected' from getting cracked down upon when they would break said hate speech law, not per say by the government or other instances, but by people who call themselves progressive.

For example: A guy makes a hateful song (in this case that rapper) that attack a group that is considered 'privileged' (i.e. the whites) and gets punished or called out. Some people will cry foul, and say that there's institutional opression, because the messenger attacks the group that is considered the 'opressor' (the whites). When the messenger would be from a group that's considered the opressed/a minority making such hateful comments, then people will call racism, Islamaphobia, sexism,... as well.
U r right...but u can't really control these groups from having such misguided opinions. I was talking more in terms of law. In the eyes of law hate speech by anyone should be prosecuted.
U r right...but u can't really control these groups from having such misguided opinions. I was talking more in terms of law. In the eyes of law hate speech by anyone should be prosecuted.
It's really good we have that law.

I just feel like that way of thinking is more acceptable and is supported by various MSM, which seems to influence the law sometimes...
"I go into a nursery and kill white babies, catch them fast and hang their parents, quarter them to pass the time, entertain the black kids of all ages, young and old. Whip them hard, do it so that it stinks of death, and blood gushes."

What the hell is wrong with this guy? I always hated rappers and so called rap culture(?) but this guy has taken to another level. Also rap is all ready playing a violent role in London, London is basically stabby town now with Jamaican kids as young as 12 going around stabbing/attacking each other and innocent bystanders.
This is so bad but why does metal music get such a pass when their lyrics is all about death and killing along with ripping peoples intestines not so different from this rapper.
Its just a song. Its not like he has killed anyone or is going to? May the liberals support the poor guy.
What kind of studio approved this song for release? And the guy seem to do it for publicity, should be ashamed of himself.

is that a new term for coloured folks?

Lol, that's a term used here in America to refer to black people. It is intended to be demeaning and not sure why OP is using it. OP believes in segregating communities, between Jews/Whites and rest of ethnicities. His intentions are not good and that's why I don't see his concern as genuine. If he was good guy with good intentions, many more members here would find his posts informative, but he just pushes people away who would otherwise agree to highlighting more often incidents of racism by other non-white ethnicities against white ethnicities.

But the jackass has to include a demeaning comment or comment promoting divide in society against a whole group of people(most commonly Muslims in Europe) every time.

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