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French Rafale UAE deal back on - report


Mar 5, 2010
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United Kingdom
(Reuters) - France could seal a long-awaited deal for Dassault (AVMD.PA) to sell at least 60 Rafale fighter jets to the United Arab Emirates by April, turning around what appeared to have been a lost cause, French newspaper La Tribune reported on Thursday.

The French-built jet emerged on Tuesday as preferred bidder in a $15 billion contest to supply India with 126 warplanes, lifting hopes for a sale that would boost French national pride and restore the lustre of its aviation sector.

Citing unidentified sources, the paper said on its website that President Nicolas Sarkozy would go to the UAE in March or early April when the contract is likely to be finalised.

The deal, potentially worth $10 billion has been in the works since 2008, but was thrown into doubt in November when the world's fourth-largest oil exporter said the proposed terms were "uncompetitive and unworkable." It asked for details of a rival aircraft, the Typhoon built by the Eurofighter consortium.

"Everything has been unlocked (between the UAE and Dassault)," an unidentified source told La Tribune.

A French government source told Reuters that Paris was waiting to hear from the Emirates this month. Dassault and the Defence Ministry declined to comment.

Sarkozy scored a commercial coup with the announcement this week that years of lobbying had pushed India close to buying the Rafale and will look to make political gains ahead of April's presidential election in which he is lagging in the polls behind Socialist rival Francois Hollande.

The UAE has pressed for the aircraft's engines to be upgraded with extra thrust and for better radar, industry sources have said.

La Tribune said there were a few technical details still to be ironed out, but that they were easy to resolve. It added that as part of the deal Paris would take back the Emirates' existing Dassault-made Mirage fighters.

Speaking after the India announcement, French Defence Minister Gerard Longuet hinted there could be more deals ahead.

"Good news are like worries, they fly in squadrons," he said. "That (deal) is the start of a squadron of good news."

A French win in the UAE could also lead to further contracts in the Gulf Arab region which shares the West's concerns that Iran is using its nuclear energy programme to develop weapons, a charge Tehran has denied. Saudi Arabia inked a deal for U.S. arms worth nearly $60 billion a year ago.

Qatar, a close French ally, said last year it wanted to replace its fleet of Mirage fighter jets during 2012 possibly buying 24 to 36 units. Kuwait in 2010 said it was also considering buying Rafales to replace its ageing Mirage fleet.

According to analysts the Gulf countries are looking to have the same aircraft for inter-operability reasons as well as differentiating themselves from Gulf power house Saudi Arabia, which uses U.S. Boeing-built F-15s.

"My wish is that the UAE makes a decision that allows two neighbours that want inter-operability with it to make decisions," Longuet said in January when asked about potential contracts in Qatar and Kuwait.

"If they get the feeling no decision is taken they will look elsewhere. For now they are interested, but they will only really be if the first one takes a leap."

French Rafale UAE deal back on - report | Reuters

The Indian deal seems to have opened opportunities for Rafale
it had to be . they were just waiting for someone to but it first . :)
Looks like India has been a good luck charm for France. :)
India should bargain for and get the outsourcing of manufacturing of fighter parts for Rafale so that even in case of future sales we might be able to chip in and earn some money in the process.

Eurofighter promised that when it said the whole avionics work will be shifted to India. It's time Rafale does something like that.
Looks like India has been a good luck charm for France

Certainly not, U.A.E clearly mentioned they want advanced 4.5 Generation Fighter and current Tranche of Rafale does not meet the U.A.E Air Force requirement, the engine is underpowered along with other systems/weapons however French reluctance to fund has lead Typhoon to be the stronger contender.
(as stupid it sounds france wants u.a.e. to fund the program, in reality it should be france to do it on their own and present a better product to the seller)
You can't afford it!

Enjoy the free part:


Rafale chances in U.A.E Air Force are slim and dim. Not that Rafale is a bad aircraft, it lacks the requirements/need of U.A.E, underpowered engine is one which is not the problem with Typhoon. hindustan on the other hand is willing to procure underpowered M88 engines for Rafale. To upgrade hindustan would Have to pay more to france as it did paying twice for the upgrades of Mirage-2000(more corruption in india), but hindustan can pay as it does not take the burden of its poor population which is no problem to hindustani government. On the other hand U.A.E thinks best for its population and for it Armed Forces, U.A.E would not pay where someone deliberately tries to rip off their pockets.
-We have a huge lot of Pakistani pilots in U.A.E's Air Force.
- We can have military exercises to judge Rafale's performance. (They will be beaten like F-16 A/Bs defeated Eurofighter)
-We have a huge lot of Pakistani pilots in U.A.E's Air Force.
- We can have military exercises to judge Rafale's performance. (They will be beaten like F-16 A/Bs defeated Eurofighter)

Pakistani pilots on secondment to the UAE will fly it extensively and learn it's secrets.
UAE demanding much more than even the IAF (one of the most demanding airforce) requirements seems a joke to me considering that Rafale scored the best among the six contenders in over 600 technical parameters. They might as well buy the Enterprise.

-We have a huge lot of Pakistani pilots in U.A.E's Air Force.
- We can have military exercises to judge Rafale's performance. (They will be beaten like F-16 A/Bs defeated Eurofighter)

Pakistani pilots on secondment to the UAE will fly it extensively and learn it's secrets.

And we have resident Indian pilots flying Israeli and Singaporean F-16s. So again your point being ?
:thank_you2:The point is simple, we aint inferior to you in any way
I dont care.

Even if you know the Ferrari inside out, still in a race the Mehran cant beat it.You have to own a Ferrari to beat a Ferrari.

You are saying that here, but when you go back to PAF vs IAF threads, you say what you usually say:"IAF superior, PAF inferior":agree:
You are saying that here, but when you go back to PAF vs IAF threads, you say what you usually say:"IAF superior, PAF inferior"

Actually I said it. :D

Read my post carefully.
You are saying that here, but when you go back to PAF vs IAF threads, you say what you usually say:"IAF superior, PAF inferior":agree:

He is saying the same thing here too
Actually I said it. :D

Read my post carefully.

any reasons why??

i was commenting on when you said "i don't care" when i pusblushhed the post you added the its bitty Ferrari parts.
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