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French journalist comes out of lock-up ‘shocked for the people of Kashmir’

world doesnt revolve you
have the capacity to hear about pitiable condition
ohhh i see u doesnt have any facts
have some bloody knowledge rather than getting opinionated
and most of all learn to behave properly

you expect that you will call india hindu terrorist country and will get away
you moron
can you substantiate your fact coming out from your arse
can you name any global designated terrorist organisation in india
@waz @The Eagle
more shame for india

share this story on all social networking sites especially with your western friends so that they can see the true face of a hindu terrorist country
without any facts or proof this moron is calling india a terrorist country
i challenge him to produce any document from any global bodies endorsingg his claim
why dont you share the image of all globally UN designated terrorist u have been hosting throughout
and dont forget to share the greatest of them ala LADEN
so that world will have better idea about you
a country and its population devoid of any respect worldwide doesnt warrant any attention
go tell your master aka CHUINESE
i heard usa once again called u guys a nuisance

but then u will say who gives a FCUK
typical response
mods put this indian out of his misery please

@Zaki @TaimiKhan @Irfan Baloch
world doesnt revolve you
have the capacity to hear about pitiable condition
ohhh i see u doesnt have any facts
have some bloody knowledge rather than getting opinionated
and most of all learn to behave properly

you expect that you will call india hindu terrorist country and will get away
you moron
can you substantiate your fact coming out from your arse
can you name any global designated terrorist organisation in india

MOZI oh i mean MODI
said enough
now ask your papa why banned MOZI
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