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France’s Macron makes Russia a top diplomatic priority


Feb 25, 2014
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President Emmanuel Macron placed great emphasis on Russia during his annual speech in front of French diplomats on Tuesday (27 August), telling ambassadors that “Europe would disappear” if it fails to rethink its strategy towards Russia. EURACTIV France reports.

Considering that the US, Russia and China are all fighting for hegemony, Macron stressed that Europe could either decide to be “minority allies of one or the other, or to take its part in the game”.

“We cannot rebuild Europe without rebuilding a connection with Russia, otherwise Russia will move closer to other powers,” he said, a few days after welcoming Vladimir Putin to the Fort of Brégançon, an invitation some observers deemed unnecessary.

An ‘architecture of trust’

“Some of our allies will always push us towards imposing more sanctions, but that is not in our interest. We need to build an ‘architecture of trust’ in Europe,” the French president insisted.

“Russia’s GDP is equivalent to that of Spain, and it has a declining population. Do you think anyone can last that way? We need to offer a strategic option to this country, which it will inevitably need,” he said.

During his meeting with Vladimir Putin, the French President was accused of not having prompted the Russian leader to shift his position on Ukraine, which is the main subject of contention with Europe.

This week, the leaders of France, Germany, Russia and Ukraine agreed to host talks in September aimed at ending the conflict in eastern Ukraine.

France and Germany “will organise a summit in the Normandy-type-format in the coming weeks to obtain concrete results,” the French President announced on Monday (26 August), during the G7 annual meeting in Biarritz.

However, observers are not very optimistic about the prospects of such a summit.

European sovereignty

Macron also stressed the need to rebuild ‘European sovereignty’, a term he used repeatedly.

The French President believes “sovereignty” is not a dirty word that should be left to extremists.

“We are the most open, but also the most naive market,” Macron said, calling for an industrial strategy that is compatible with the EU’s climate objectives.

Among the successes achieved after just over two years in power, the president mentioned the issue of defence and security, and highlighted the European Defence Initiative.

“It used to be taboo for Europe but we have made great progress recently,” he said. He also stressed that even Finland, Estonia and Greece are looking to be part of the European Defence Initiative, despite these countries being historically hostile towards the idea of joining forces on defence issues.

Mr Macron should be more worried about selling weapons to our foe and what implication it will have on France - Pakistan relations
Macron is right. I have read the full version of the speach. But I think Europe is too weak to get rid of US occupation.
Europe from Lissabon to Vladivostok without borders, without US troops, without US puppets. Greater Europe with Western European economy and Russian nuclear and military power - is a beautiful but impossible dream.
Macron is right. I have read the full version of the speach. But I think Europe is too weak to get rid of US occupation.
Europe from Lissabon to Vladivostok without borders, without US troops, without US puppets. Greater Europe with Western European economy and Russian nuclear and military power - is a beautiful but impossible dream.

How is Putin handling Bolton trip to Moldova,Ukraine and Belarus, Moldova is fragile the President Igor Dodon is a Russophile while the PM is pro EU their govt is spilt Ukraine well frozen conflict Belarus under Lukshanko is close to Putin yet Bolton and EU trying to court Minsk
How is Putin handling Bolton trip to Moldova,Ukraine and Belarus, Moldova is fragile the President Igor Dodon is a Russophile while the PM is pro EU their govt is spilt Ukraine well frozen conflict Belarus under Lukshanko is close to Putin yet Bolton and EU trying to court Minsk
Nothing special here. Bolton is a diplomat, he is doing his job. Nothing will change after his visit.
Nothing special here. Bolton is a diplomat, he is doing his job. Nothing will change after his visit.

The 3 countries I see at risk like another Ukraine is Moldova,Kyrgyzstan, and Belarus

Ukraine needs to be spilt tbh Georgia has resigned itself to be yank occupied state
The 3 countries I see at risk like another Ukraine is Moldova,Kyrgyzstan, and Belarus

Ukraine needs to be spilt tbh Georgia has resigned itself to be yank occupied state
Moldova is too insignificant and poor to be interesting for USA. Kyrgyzstan already had Maidans in the past, but now it is more or less stable - they even got rid of US military base, it is very rare situation. Belarus is fine, Lukasenko have everything under control. Ukraine is already in the process of splitting since 2014.
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President Emmanuel Macron placed great emphasis on Russia during his annual speech in front of French diplomats on Tuesday (27 August), telling ambassadors that “Europe would disappear” if it fails to rethink its strategy towards Russia. EURACTIV France reports.

Considering that the US, Russia and China are all fighting for hegemony, Macron stressed that Europe could either decide to be “minority allies of one or the other, or to take its part in the game”.

“We cannot rebuild Europe without rebuilding a connection with Russia, otherwise Russia will move closer to other powers,” he said, a few days after welcoming Vladimir Putin to the Fort of Brégançon, an invitation some observers deemed unnecessary.

An ‘architecture of trust’

“Some of our allies will always push us towards imposing more sanctions, but that is not in our interest. We need to build an ‘architecture of trust’ in Europe,” the French president insisted.

“Russia’s GDP is equivalent to that of Spain, and it has a declining population. Do you think anyone can last that way? We need to offer a strategic option to this country, which it will inevitably need,” he said.

During his meeting with Vladimir Putin, the French President was accused of not having prompted the Russian leader to shift his position on Ukraine, which is the main subject of contention with Europe.

This week, the leaders of France, Germany, Russia and Ukraine agreed to host talks in September aimed at ending the conflict in eastern Ukraine.

France and Germany “will organise a summit in the Normandy-type-format in the coming weeks to obtain concrete results,” the French President announced on Monday (26 August), during the G7 annual meeting in Biarritz.

However, observers are not very optimistic about the prospects of such a summit.

European sovereignty

Macron also stressed the need to rebuild ‘European sovereignty’, a term he used repeatedly.

The French President believes “sovereignty” is not a dirty word that should be left to extremists.

“We are the most open, but also the most naive market,” Macron said, calling for an industrial strategy that is compatible with the EU’s climate objectives.

Among the successes achieved after just over two years in power, the president mentioned the issue of defence and security, and highlighted the European Defence Initiative.

“It used to be taboo for Europe but we have made great progress recently,” he said. He also stressed that even Finland, Estonia and Greece are looking to be part of the European Defence Initiative, despite these countries being historically hostile towards the idea of joining forces on defence issues.


Looks like President Trump's nudge to G7 is already having its impact...

Trump says he would "certainly invite" Putin to next year's G-7 summit


President Emmanuel Macron placed great emphasis on Russia during his annual speech in front of French diplomats on Tuesday (27 August), telling ambassadors that “Europe would disappear” if it fails to rethink its strategy towards Russia. EURACTIV France reports.

Macron talks the talk, but has no walk. He hasn't got the balls to take actionable decision that are diametrically opposed to the hawkish neo-cons in America. He's nothing more than a dog that barks but has no bite. A zionist-piglet!
Macron talks the talk, but has no walk. He hasn't got the balls to take actionable decision that are diametrically opposed to the hawkish neo-cons in America. He's nothing more than a dog that barks but has no bite. A zionist-piglet!

You should know that Israel has very good relations with Russia & Putin.

As Putin Becomes One of World’s Most Powerful Players, His Surprising Jewish Connection is Revealed


You should know that Israel has very good relations with Russia & Putin.

As Putin Becomes One of World’s Most Powerful Players, His Surprising Jewish Connection is Revealed


You're a fool if you think any Muslim would believe the garbage of lies that Israel spews every breathing moment. As for President Putin, even he knows that Israelis are a bunch of lying scumbags, murdering fascists and that they are the ones behind getting Georgia to go to war in South Ossetia.

Like in the past, these Zionist-Swines ancestors (Khazars), tried the double game with Byzantine (Orthodox Christian). So to, today they seek to do the same with the Russian Federation. Most Russians have not forgotten the treachery of the Bolshevik Jews that ushered brutal slaughter of Orthodox Christian Russians. And the Russians remember that to this day.

Putin keeps these Zionist-Dogs in Russia, so long as they wag their tail and remain obedient. So keep living in your pathetic fantasy and continue to believe a country (Israel) built on a lie and that continues to deceive the world into thinking that they are the good guys.

The biggest fool of them all, is America. That plays the role of a host body, to the Parasitic Cancer which is Zionism. The day that Zionist-Swines are done with America, they would burn it like a diseased corpse. The same goes for your india, which is displays the acumen of a mindless buffoon by forging an alliance with that Zionist-Swine state, Israel. India would share the same fate as America, Britain and France.
You're a fool if you think any Muslim would believe the garbage of lies that Israel spews every breathing moment. As for President Putin, even he knows that Israelis are a bunch of lying scumbags, murdering fascists and that they are the ones behind getting Georgia to go to war in South Ossetia.

Like in the past, these Zionist-Swines ancestors (Khazars), tried the double game with Byzantine (Orthodox Christian). So to, today they seek to do the same with the Russian Federation. Most Russians have not forgotten the treachery of the Bolshevik Jews that ushered brutal slaughter of Orthodox Christian Russians. And the Russians remember that to this day.

Putin keeps these Zionist-Dogs in Russia, so long as they wag their tail and remain obedient. So keep living in your pathetic fantasy and continue to believe a country (Israel) built on a lie and that continues to deceive the world into thinking that they are the good guys.

The biggest fool of them all, is America. That plays the role of a host body, to the Parasitic Cancer which is Zionism. The day that Zionist-Swines are done with America, they would burn it like a diseased corpse. The same goes for your india, which is displays the acumen of a mindless buffoon by forging an alliance with that Zionist-Swine state, Israel. India would share the same fate as America, Britain and France.

What do you say about this?

Russia: Putin calls on European Jews to move to Russia



How Netanyahu Saved Assad, Helped Russia and Gave Iran the Run of Syria


What do you say about this?

I call it "political expediency" to achieve objectives. When Russia was in a dilapitated state and it's economy is near dead in the 1990s. It took 20 years to rebuild Russia to become strong and robust. China took used all possible avenues to advance it's industries technologically from America. Even though it was a friendly exchange, look at where America is with China now? Both Russia and China are pragmatic in their approach toward a world infested with Zionist-Swines. So you use what you can, to the extent that you can and then discard it, when you detect the disease (Israel) is about to infect you.

Catch my drift?
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