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France 'will not give into terrorism' says Macron, after three stabbed to death in church attack

Pakistan extremist muslim A- holes should stop promoting militancy in kashmir.
P.S: I used to report such posts earlier..I realised mods apart from removing the posts are not doing anything..such posters are not getting any warnings..so they became so bold as to abuse hindus and hinduism with impunity.

Indians should learn to Use a toilet; open defecation is disgusting. :omghaha:
Pakistan extremist muslim A- holes should stop promoting militancy in kashmir.
P.S: I used to report such posts earlier..I realised mods apart from removing the posts are not doing anything..such posters are not getting any warnings..so they became so bold as to abuse hindus and hinduism with impunity.
"Pakistan extremist muslim A- holes should stop promoting militancy in kashmir"
not until you hold a plebiscite. ;P
Indians should learn to Use a toilet; open defecation is disgusting. :omghaha:
Not that disgusting for them.
Go for plebiscite and end militancy, the solution is simple but not acceptable to India. Similarly anti Muslim sentiments in French society are engraved since crusades, the one way freedom of speech and acts of brutality are acceptable in France. The liberalism and freedom of speech are just disguising tactics used by nations/Govts to attack opponents.
Pakistan is responsible for the mess in Kashmir ,you invaded a free Kashmir and till then India was not in Kashmir ,Thanks to Pakistan we have the actual Kashmir valley and the beautiful rest of the state in our hands.
When you start the game and someone beats you in it you should stop crying .

Any way thanks to the new policies of the Indian govt,things will change in 5-10 years for good
Indians should learn to Use a toilet; open defecation is disgusting. :omghaha:
Findout how polio spreads and then come and post the same quote
They will not stop insulting and hurting 1.5 billion people they won't let them live in peace insult and hurt cannot be a human right It's as simple as that they cannot answer Islam ideologically (what do they have atheistic nihilism and trinitarian christianity) that's why they engineer and induce a knee jerk reaction from sentimental fools amongst us not knowing they are falling into the trap to show that Islam is all about violence hiding the real philosophical and ideological challenges which Islam poses to them and their ideologies. To hid the challenges posed by Islam behind the smoke screen of extremism and violence and some fools among us are helping them. Islam has the potential to literally sweep europe and they are trying their best to stop it but some of us are unknowingly helping them remember what our beloved prophet Mohammed S.A.W and his companions R.A endured( we need to read sirah and make it part of our curriculum) we should read the makkan period and learn because we are living in that type of circumstances in this world today.
Yeah when you don't want to acknowledge that hindu extremists and jew extremists are all up against Muslims and you don't want to acknowledge the hypocrite western governments then you come up with this lame response.


Lets be clear no one wants France to "give in" to terrorism. In fact we are with France on this.

What we dont want is the maligning of a faith followed by 2 billion people.
What we dont want is Macron to blame 2 billion people for the act of this scumbag carrying out this act.
What we object to is the bandwagon this hindu mob do without looking into their own reflection.
My faith and beliefs show complete shock and horror that someone can stoop to this level. We will not be apologetic for his or her action because these people are anything but Muslim.
@AgNoStiC MuSliM - please explain to me why are Indians so infatuated with this? Why do they start frothing at the mouth and be allowed to bring Kashmir into this? The obsession is deep and its becoming monotonous.
^^ Tinfoil hat has arrived.

Srsly? After all this time you still don't see the dates? I've posted this before on the Beirut bombing: most ,but not all mass killings,terror attacks,school shootings etc,etc take place on very specific dates,dictated by Satanic and/or Jewish holidays.
Check the Beirut bomb: https://www.hebcal.com/hebcal/?v=1;year=2020;month=x;nx=on;nh=on;vis=on


Look at the link and at the date of the 2015 attacks and see yet another direct connection.
all MASJID'S Closed due to fear of French MUSLIM reaction.
Closed for good reasons then. Instead of using intellect to argue their point or doing peaceful protest as many other communities do in these countries, some Muslims have started to think that it is perfectly fine to attack innocent people like an animal.
Closed for good reasons then. Instead of using intellect to argue their point or doing peaceful protest as many other communities do in these countries, some Muslims have started to think that it is perfectly fine to attack innocent people like an animal.

French muslims know they are in minorities only 7% in france and macron is playing religion card. Maybe church attack organize by govt for getting attention n make more seats incoming election.
One muslim killed a teacher it does not mean whole muslim community was involved for killing teacher. They target whole muslims on his action. They behave like animal and muslim countries are not giving strong massage to france stop making cartoon of beloved last Propeht MUHAMMAD (PBUH) you have no right to make fun of our LAST Prophet..
You can watch there is 100's of debate on chirstian n muslim faith. they abuse islam so many times - no one killed by any one. Still all alive and some are dead by natural cause.

awww look French animal how civilized people are act
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