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France unveils model of the new multi-mission frigate at Euronaval


Apr 28, 2011
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(c) Defense.gouv
French defence minister Jean-Yves Le Drian has unveiled model of new multi-mission frigate French FTI (Frégate de Taille Intermédiaire or Mid-Size Frigate) at Euronaval 2016 show in Paris.

The French Navy will receive a new generation of frigates: the FTI (Frégate de Taille Intermédiaire or Midsize Frigate) which will start being delivered in 2023 for a total of 5 hulls.

These ships will be included among the 15 first-rank frigates specified in the most recent white paper, in place of the insufficiently armed La Fayette-class light frigates. A five-unit order is envisaged, with a first delivery to the navy in 2023; these FTI will not be as imposing as the FREMM multipurpose frigates or the Horizon-class air-defence frigates.

However, with a displacement of some 4,000 tonnes — 2,000 tonnes less than their predecessors — they will still certainly be well-armed first-rank frigates capable of confronting new threats in a hardening operational context.

Rumored to carry an Export Cruise missile Version
Rumored to carry an Export Cruise missile Version
From the model, doesn't look so. The VLS is just 16 silo(quite small size silo some more) and the slanted missile launcher is most likely MM40.

Btw, the bow remind me of pre dreadnought class battleship.

Vicker battleship.jpg
mica vls or slyver vls?
the size of it looks like its gonna be about the same size of our type 31's
the radar kind looks like apar
I've read on Mer&Marine that,indeed,the export version could carry cruise missiles.
probably a export version of the mdcn or even the storm shadow, but i doubt the latter as i dont think it would fit in a vls silo.
mica vls or slyver vls?

CAMM ER should be the choice---16x4=64 40km range missiles intead of 16 20km MICA's or Aster

probably a export version of the mdcn or even the storm shadow, but i doubt the latter as i dont think it would fit in a vls silo.

Sylver A70 VLS ?

. The VLS is just 16 silo(quite small size silo some more)

With CAMM ER quadpacked you'd have 32 AA missiles and 8 cruise missiles
Looks a bit the like Zumwalt class destroyer. The aviation deck is also slightly bigger.
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CAMM ER should be the choice---16x4=64 40km range missiles intead of 16 20km MICA's or Aster

Sylver A70 VLS ?

With CAMM ER quadpacked you'd have 32 AA missiles and 8 cruise missiles
im talking about the french here not us. yes camm'er is going on our type 26's and possibly the type 31 too.

the a70 vls is for the full fat cruise missiles like the mdcn and the tomahawks. export variants would be shorter to about 5 meters so that the a50 would hold them.

mind you i dont think its gonna happen. its a baby frigate. ok the fremm "frigates" can hold the a70 vls but there huge. i personally class them as destroyers, they chose them over more horizon "frigates".

Our FTIs will carry 16 Aster-30 missiles. But unlike our FREMMs,they will not be equipped with the MDCN.

Sea Fire of Thales.
i doubt they will hold the full fat aster 30 block 2's right? or will these be escorting the french carrier and act as a missile battery?

sea fire is a new radar to me.
Our FTIs will carry 16 Aster-30 missiles. But unlike our FREMMs,they will not be equipped with the MDCN.

Sea Fire of Thales.

I don't understand why France ignores the CAMM,it simply is a force multiplier....16 missiles seem so few...Singapore's la fayette version is smaller yet packs 32 Aster's.Why reinvent the wheel and ?

sea fire is a new radar to me.

French naval AESA if I'm not mistaken.
@Blue Marlin

I guess it depends on the versions as the FTI is very modular and could be modified to any country's needs.
It can carry the Aster family like the VL Mica. It can be equipped with an 76mm main gun to a 127mm one.
It could have a speed of 27 to 29 knots still depending to the versions. It could lenght of 118 to 125 meters for the shortest versions to 127 to 137 meters for the longest. It was built to meet any country's specific requirements or demands.

i doubt they will hold the full fat aster 30 block 2's right? or will these be escorting the french carrier and act as a missile battery?

In case it is escorting the french carrier,I suppose it would mainly act as an ASW frigate as the Horizon class would be here to protect the carrier from any aerial threats,and the two modified AAW versions of the FREMM would also have the same task.


I don't understand why France ignores the CAMM,it simply is a force multiplier....16 missiles seem so few...Singapore's la fayette version is smaller yet packs 32 Aster's.Why reinvent the wheel and ?

That's a good question,but sadly don't have any rational answer.
@Blue Marlin

I guess it depends on the versions as the FTI is very modular and could be modified to any country's needs.
It can carry the Aster family like the VL Mica. It can be equipped with an 76mm main gun to a 127mm one.
It could have a speed of 27 to 29 knots still depending to the versions. It could lenght of 118 to 125 meters for the shortest versions to 127 to 137 meters for the longest. It was built to meet any country's specific requirements or demands.

In case it is escorting the french carrier,I suppose it would mainly act as an ASW frigate as the Horizon class would be here to protect the carrier from any aerial threats,and the two modified AAW versions of the FREMM would also have the same task.

View attachment 344538

That's a good question,but sadly don't have any rational answer.
i dont think theres much left in the export market. the countries that can afford western kit have already purchased them. well the uae and qatar are likely contenders.

i have not seen a aaw french fremm yet. nice pic.
when i have the time i shall look at it. (when im home)
i dont think theres much left in the export market. the countries that can afford western kit have already purchased them. well the uae and qatar are likely contenders.

i have not seen a aaw french fremm yet. nice pic.
when i have the time i shall look at it. (when im home)

Even for would be customers,why buy a frigate with the same punch of a Gowind corvette ? Half the size and half the money probably
i dont think theres much left in the export market. the countries that can afford western kit have already purchased them. well the uae and qatar are likely contenders.

Middle east,Asia,South America,even Africa.... the market will continue to grow in the future.

i have not seen a aaw french fremm yet. nice pic.
when i have the time i shall look at it. (when im home)

We don't have any AAW FREMM yet. This is just an artist impression.
Two AAW frigates based on the FREMM Aquitaine will be delivered by 2022 to replace the two older AAW Cassard frigates.
Why are the bows of ships now being swept backwards rather than the norm we've seen going forward?
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