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It has to be an unestablished person/group who did not have access to sufficient amount of explosives.
What makes you think only Col.Purohit can be "unestablished person/group who did not have access to sufficient amount of explosives"...there can be other parties in Pak as well. Col.Purohit doesnot become a culprit by default even by your logic.

India and US are welcome to believe what they want to but unless they can come up with some concrete evidence, I remain unimpressed.
Secondly, I would like a source for that piece you posted.
Same concrete evidence is lagging in Col.Purohit's case as well!!
And my source is wiki.
What makes you think only Col.Purohit can be "unestablished person/group who did not have access to sufficient amount of explosives"...there can be other parties in Pak as well. Col.Purohit doesnot become a culprit by default even by your logic.

Same concrete evidence is lagging in Col.Purohit's case as well!!
And my source is wiki.

1) Wikipedia is not an established source. Please quote any reference from a bonified, neutral news source.
2) Yes, there may be such unorganized groups in Pakistan but won't it take a lot of organization to cross into India that too with military detonators and time switches ? So your argument is void.
3) I don't know what your definition of concrete evidence is but in Pakistan, if you are arrested as the prime suspect in an act of terrorism, then there has to be concrete evidence to substantiate that action. It also means that the suspect must have been involved in some pretty deep shyte.
Too many Pakistani posters, atleast some of whom should know better keep walking into this Col.Purohit story trap. StormShadow is factually correct when he says that Col.Purohit has not been proved to be involved in the Samjauta case. Possible but nowhere near being proved. Many go by a single statement by the former chief of the ATS in Maharashtra, the Late Hemant Karkare when he was investigating a different case. Karkare had no jurisdiction on the Samjhauta case (he was investigating the Malegaon blasts) & the belief was based on RDX handled(supposedly) by Col.Purohit. The samjhauta blasts were not caused by the RDX, so the theory fell flat when pointed out by the CBI which was the investigating agency. Col. Purohit is a terrorist who was responsible for killing Indian citizens in a hate campaign but you obfuscate the issue when you bring in the Samjhauta blasts issue leading many right wing supporters of his to latch on to the inconsistencies present.
Too many Pakistani posters, atleast some of whom should know better keep walking into this Col.Purohit story trap. StormShadow is factually correct when he says that Col.Purohit has not been proved to be involved in the Samjauta case. Possible but nowhere near being proved. Many go by a single statement by the former chief of the ATS in Maharashtra, the Late Hemant Karkare when he was investigating a different case. Karkare had no jurisdiction on the Samjhauta case (he was investigating the Malegaon blasts) & the belief was based on RDX handled(supposedly) by Col.Purohit. The samjhauta blasts were not caused by the RDX, so the theory fell flat when pointed out by the CBI which was the investigating agency. Col. Purohit is a terrorist who was responsible for killing Indian citizens in a hate campaign but you obfuscate the issue when you bring in the Samjhauta blasts issue leading many right wing supporters of his to latch on to the inconsistencies present.

I have not said that he is guilty, I have merely pointed out that he is the most probable suspect. I have taken a stance against Stormshadow's "Pakistani infiltrators attacked the Samjhota Express Theory" which I am sure you too will find nothing but full of hot air.
1) Wikipedia is not an established source. Please quote any reference from a bonified, neutral news source.
I am not able to find any sources...if ou could give me some time i will try.

2) Yes, there may be such unorganized groups in Pakistan but won't it take a lot of organization to cross into India that too with military detonators and time switches ? So your argument is void.

Definitely lots of organization and pre-planned strategies are required. And the "non-state actors" are very capable in that. For eg: 7\11 and 9\11. There must be lots of organization here as well...but didnt it happen,sir? So sorry, my argument is still valid.

3) I don't know what your definition of concrete evidence is but in Pakistan, if you are arrested as the prime suspect in an act of terrorism, then there has to be concrete evidence to substantiate that action. It also means that the suspect must have been involved in some pretty deep shyte.
But in India and for that matter, rest of the world, unless and until charges are proved, you cannot file case against a suspect. Heck...there is a reason for calling a person as a " suspect ".

Till today NIA failed to file a chargesheet against Col.Purohit.

n a controversial twist, the National Investigation Agency has NOT named Col Prasad Srikant Purohit as one of the main conspirators in the charge sheet of Samjauta bomb blast case that was given to the media on Monday.

But, now NIA's chargesheet suggests that they failed to gather evidence against Purohit. According to a senior CBI official, Colonel Srikant Purohit is NOT involved in the Samjauta Bomb blast.

While talking exclusively to rediff.com on the condition of anonymity, he said, "Neither the CBI nor the NIA could find evidence to link Purohit to the Samjauta blasts case."

The CBI official believes that Purohit had links with radical groups, or maybe he was making money beyond his stated income. But neither of the investigating agency could link him to the Samajauta blasts.

'NIA failed to gather proof against Col Purohit' - Rediff.com India News

Instead, others have been taken into custody.

NIA Files chargesheet In Samjhauta Express blasts case
I have not said that he is guilty, I have merely pointed out that he is the most probable suspect. I have taken a stance against Stormshadow's "Pakistani infiltrators attacked the Samjhota Express Theory" which I am sure you too will find nothing but full of hot air.

I'm not sure about Purohit's guilt but my personal opinion & I stress on personal is that it is possible (in the light of all the revelations about a Hindu nutcase group) that the samjhauta blasts might have been carried out by them. However this particular piece of information still needs to be tidied up

US sanctions Pak Lashkar man, cites his Samjhauta blast link
I have not said that he is guilty, I have merely pointed out that he is the most probable suspect. I have taken a stance against Stormshadow's "Pakistani infiltrators attacked the Samjhota Express Theory" which I am sure you too will find nothing but full of hot air.

Some serious correction here sir. I was just quoting your post # 34 that Col.Purohit is a suspect just like some Pakistani infiltrators/terrorists. Case has not been filed against him. It's only that some unfounded allegations were leveled against him which were later proven to be false.

If you refer my post # 46, I have highlighted "can" which means I didnot conclude that Samjhota bombing was done by Pak infiltrators.
Basing my Logic on Colonel Purhoit Case, Can i say that Hafiz Saeed is also innocent because he is not proven guilty by any court of Law? All the evidences provided by India was factually weak and inconsistent which gave him the benefit of doubt just like Colonel Purhoit was given benefit of doubt.

P.S Innocent until Proven guilty. It can be said for Hafiz Saeed as well
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