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foreignpolicy.com broods over question: Is China "sanctions proof"?


Mar 1, 2012
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The Sanctions-Proof Superpower | Foreign Policy

With the ruble in the dumps and the Russian economy in shambles, Vladimir Putin’s compatriots can easily count the cost of his territorial ambitions. Moscow depends on other countries for financing, capital investment, and export markets. Make those countries angry, and pillars of the Russian economy begin to collapse. Yet China, which has its own territorial claims, could be far more difficult to corral.

If Russia were not so reliant on the rest of the global economy, then the toll of its actions in Ukraine would be far less stark. Limits on Russian banks’ international activities, transactions with Russian energy countries, exports of energy-related products to Russia, financing to underpin Russian trade, and travel by Russian executives and officials are among the sanctions imposed by the United States, European Union, Japan, Australia, Canada, Switzerland, and Norway. The effect has been a huge exodus of foreign capital from Russia, the collapse of the ruble, and the possibility — only recently unimaginable — of another Russian default.

China, of course, is also exposed internationally. Its exports in 2013 were equivalent to roughly 26 percent of its gross domestic product, similar to Russia’s 28 percent. And foreign portfolio investment in China amounted to $775 billion in 2013, or 8.4 percent of GDP, versus $206 billion, or 9.8 percent of GDP, in Russia.

The exit of those billions would be a challenge to the renminbi, just as with the ruble in Russia. Tens of billions of dollars were already fleeing China last year, most likely because of fears of a bubble in local housing and financial markets, and long-term political uncertainty. The rush to invest abroad is set to continue this year, and illegal outflows may make the total much bigger than official figures.

But Beijing is in much a better position than Moscow to sustain a similar set of sanctions, and its resilience may be increasing.

For China, the consequences would hardly be as dire. Let’s say the entire decline in Russian reserves came from withdrawals of foreign holdings, to the tune of about 40 percent of the total. If withdrawals in the same proportions occurred in China, its central bank would still have about $4 trillion in foreign reserves left, more than enough to fight off a speculative attack on the renminbi.

China’s trade is also less vulnerable than Russia’s. The countries imposing sanctions on Moscow had a relatively simple task, since so much of the Russian economy depends on energy; squeeze the energy companies and the banks that provide their financing, and a quarter of the Russian economy suffers. Sanctions on Russian energy were especially convenient given the simultaneous fall in oil prices, which disguised any additional costs Russian oil might have incurred in coming to market.

By contrast, no single industry in China represents as big a share of national output and trade as energy does in Russia.By contrast, no single industry in China represents as big a share of national output and trade as energy does in Russia. Moreover, while oil is a fungible commodity whose production is rising around the world, there are few similarly priced and immediately available alternatives for China’s cheap manufactures. With each industry added to a slate of sanctions against China, more complications would arise for importers and consumers in the sanctioning countries.

Despite the integration of China into the global economy, the leverage that other powers might impose on it will probably weaken in the years to come. Beijing’s explicit policy is to shift its economy away from dependence on exports and towards domestic demand — that is, purchasing by its own consumers. It will still need to import raw materials and other goods from other countries, but its own exports will no longer be such a crucial source of employment and growth.

As a result, China may be able to act with more impunity as it pursues the tracts of land and sea that its government believes are within its domain. From the Indian states on its western border to the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands off its eastern coastline — to say nothing of Taiwan — these claims are numerous and controversial. In some cases, regional bullying by China would risk a military response by its neighbors and their allies. Were it to come to that, and with Washington’s economic response increasingly likely to be toothless, violence might be even harder to avoid.


This article was originally titled "The Sanctions-Proof Superpower". But I thought that was too sensationalistic - China is certainly not a superpower.
No we are not sanctions proof at all.

That's why we are trying to internationalize the Yuan (we still conduct a lot of our business in USD), reform our financial sector, and improve our diplomatic connections.

Our economic reform process has not even been completed yet, we are still at a very vulnerable stage. Maybe by 2025 this question can be revisited.
Just one time if we renege on the payment of treasury bills (to China only) will be enough to send the economy into a spiral :lol:
and destroy the dollar and the US financial system while China would still have reserves to fall back on the American Government has no such reserves
No we are not sanctions proof at all.
sir while i agree no country is sanctions proof the Chinese economy is not dependent on one certain commodity. Also the local buying power of the consumer is increasing but most goods can be catered for by the industry in China.
Yes some sacrifices will be made but the world can not function as it does without the Chinese market. The only reason the world did not spiral into a recession was the Chinese market and that shows us the dependence of the world on China.

U.S. May Join Germany of 1933 in Pantheon of Defaults - Bloomberg
Reneging on its debt obligations would make the U.S. the first major Western government to default since Nazi Germany 80 years ago.

Germany unilaterally ceased payments on long-term borrowings on May 6, 1933, three months after Adolf Hitler was installed as Chancellor. The default helped cement Hitler’s power base following years of political instability as the Weimar Republic struggled with its crushing debts.

“These are generally catastrophic economic events,” said Professor Eugene N. White, an economics historian atRutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey. “There is no happy ending.”
yeah I am an indian :lol: :lol:


Yeah & and we will refuse to pay 'em :lol: Tell me what would you guys do ? :lol:

Nothing. :wave: We won't even seize the assets of American companies in China.

If America wants to default and ruin their credit rating, that will send the cost of their borrowing soaring into the sky, they will suffer the most. We have plenty of reserves, and the loss of America as an economic competitor will surely pay for itself.

As for sanctions, China already seized the Scarborough shoal from the Philippines in 2012. Despite having a "mutual defence treaty" with the Philippines, America did not help. They did not start sanctions, Hell they don't even talk about it anymore.
and destroy the dollar and the US financial system while China would still have reserves to fall back on the American Government has no such reserves

How will OUR economy get destroyed ? And what reserves will china be left with when their 4Trillion $ will just vanish one d ay in thin air ? :lol:


Nothing. :wave: We won't even seize the assets of American companies in China.

If America wants to default and ruin their credit rating, that will send the cost of their borrowing soaring into the sky, they will suffer the most. We have plenty of reserves, and the loss of America as an economic competitor will surely pay for itself.

As for sanctions, China already seized the Scarborough shoal from the Philippines in 2012. Despite having a "mutual defence treaty" with the Philippines, America did not help. They did not start sanctions, Hell they don't even talk about it anymore.

We won't default ! We will just distribute 1Trillion among all the nations who have a significantly high exchange amount parked in our bills and keep the rest of the three :lol:
How will OUR economy get destroyed ? And what reserves will china be left with when their 4Trillion $ will just vanish one d ay in thin air ? :lol:
read the link i attached to the article
@Chinese-Dragon please explain to this American basic economics I can not be bothered to

please read the attached link also sir i edited and attached it
How will OUR economy get destroyed ? And what reserves will china be left with when their 4Trillion $ will just vanish one d ay in thin air ? :lol:

We won't default ! We will just distribute 1Trillion among all the nations who have a significantly parked their exchange in our bills and keep the rest of the three :lol:

Sad, I thought you might have been an intelligent poster, but now you are trolling mindlessly.

None of the things you have said make any sense at all, only around $1 trillion of our reserves are in dollars. You think America will crash their economy just to take 1/4 of our currency reserves, still leaving us with the largest currency reserves in the world by far? :lol:
read the link i attached to the article
@Chinese-Dragon please explain to this American basic economics I can not be bothered to

please read the attached link also sir i edited and attached it

Why don't you break it down for me ? How will OUR economy be destroyed when we will gobble up 3-4 Trillion of chinese reserves ? I mean that one single act can alone fund american consumption for 5 years straight.

Sad, I thought you might have been an intelligent poster, but now you are trolling mindlessly.

None of the things you have said make any sense at all, only around $1 trillion of our reserves are in dollars. You think America will crash their economy just to take 1/4 of our currency reserves, still leaving us with the largest currency reserves in the world by far? :lol:

Well since the day I was banned here without any reason what so ever ( no inbox message as well), I lowered my expectation from the forum too. So kindly deal with it
Russia needs to price and accept roubles for its energy and metal exports.

This will increase overseas demand for roubles and reduce the use of dollars in international payments.

The American regime survives on the artificial demand for dollars created by countries conducting their trade, investment and financing in dollars. As more and more countries start conducting their transactions in non-dollars, the demand for dollars will collapse and the oversupply of dollars will cause massive weakening in the dollar and cause massive inflation in the US.

Countries that hold dollars will lose their investments, but the American regime will lose its entire empire as it runs out of money to fund its military and other murderous activities conducted on peaceful human beings.

Out of $9 trillion in dollars in circulation, $7 trillion of them is used outside the US. That means the gangsters in Washington highly depend on foreigners using dollars for international trade, investment and financing.

Russia and China need to accelerate the use of their own currencies to increase demand for their domestic currencies but also to decrease the use of dollars used.

The bloodthirsty terrorists in Washington fully understand the role the dollar plays in propping up its vulgar and repulsive regime.
Why don't you break it down for me ? How will OUR economy be destroyed when we will gobble up 3-4 Trillion of chinese reserves ? I mean that one single act can alone fund american consumption for 5 years straight.
you can not gobble up money of other countries.... This is not pac man this is real life. Your currency is used as a reserve by the world because you do not gobble up money and once you do that your economy will collapse...
please i beg you read a book before you argue...
Well since the day I was banned here without any reason what so ever ( no inbox message as well), I lowered my expectation from the forum too. So kindly deal with it

So you admit you are trolling on purpose, due to your anger at being banned (probably for trolling)?

@Horus, @Hu Songshan, @Oscar can we get his posts deleted from this thread please, since he admitted he is trolling in revenge for being banned.

Why don't you break it down for me ? How will OUR economy be destroyed when we will gobble up 3-4 Trillion of chinese reserves ? I mean that one single act can alone fund american consumption for 5 years straight.

"Gobble up" our reserves? :lol: Does your knowledge of basic economics vanish when you are having a fit?
you can not gobble up money of other countries.... This is not pac man this is real life. Your currency is used as a reserve by the world because you do not gobble up money and once you do that your economy will collapse...
please i beg you read a book before you argue...

Baby you have no idea what so ever. Almost all economies in the world be it UK, EU, Japan, China, India, Brazil are highly invested in our economy's survival. So please, our economy won't collapse. And if it will, yours won't survive either.

So you admit you are trolling on purpose, due to your anger at being banned (probably for trolling)?

@Horus, @Hu Songshan, @Oscar can we get his posts deleted from this thread please, since he admitted he is trolling in revenge for being banned.

"Gobble up" our reserves? :lol: Does your knowledge of basic economics vanish when you are having a fit?

Where Did I troll ? I simply enquired, if there a way to recover those trillions in case we reneged on a bargain !
Baby you have no idea what so ever. Almost all economies in the world be it UK, EU, Japan, China, India, Brazil are highly invested in our economy's survival. So please, our economy won't collapse. And if it will, yours won't survive either.

Where Did I troll ? I simply enquired, if there a way to recover those trillions in case we reneged on a bargain !


The US depends on the rest of the world for its standard of living created by the artificially high demand for dollars.

US consumption is the result of the savings the world gives to the US. If the US collapsed, the world economy would go on like it has for thousands of years as consumers from other countries can use their savings to buy the goods they produced instead of lending their savings to the US.

US depends on China to absorb the supply of dollars through sterilisation to keep US dollars out of the market to keep the dollar strong. Without major buyers of dollars, the dollar will collapse and so will the terrorist regime.
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