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Foreign tourists visit shows steady increase in India

Sadly we all know what those ignorant tourists are in for when they visit India.

Reminds me of that movie the 'Wrong Turn'.

Did you ever visit India? have you read about India? Did you know its the birthplace of Buddhism along with 5 other religions, the main religion of china? So, it is wrong according to you to visit a place like India....

You remind me of the movie "gods must be crazy"
@DeathInvader - Buddhism is NOT the main religion of China. It is the 2nd largest if you must argue. The major religion of China is Taoism with a mix of other folk practices and Confucian philosophies. On the other hand, many Buddhists in China don't even follow the religion down to the hilt. Followers? Yes. Strict adherers? No. IN fact, many people in China don't put religion ahead of anything. The pragmatism of confucianism is far more relevant to the Chinese than any other religion.
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MAN RUPEE IS 68 TO DOLLAR RIGHT NOW.......................india is dirt cheap right now,,,lol
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