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Foreign Secretaries of Usa France Germany Russia briefed Today

The Maverick

Jan 4, 2016
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United Kingdom

India is moving toward isolating china after latest rounds of talks have failed
Allies of india being briefed as India looks to prepare for a military showdown.

India will be looking for Diplomatic and military assistance as it readys to fight a super power
how Modi boycott and CAA has laded India in isolation itself..
India collapsing under Corona
Indian bubble economy popping
Indian debt crisis
Indian currency collapsing
Investors fleeing India
India hit by famines
India hit by pleagues
Neighbours hating on India
Indian army gets beaten by everyone
Now BoycotIndia trending in Asia

lol karma
Putin has surprise 'gift' for you, as has Uncle Sam

Is it the middle finger ?

India is moving toward isolating china after latest rounds of talks have failed
Allies of india being briefed as India looks to prepare for a military showdown.

India will be looking for Diplomatic and military assistance as it readys to fight a super power


what are these countries going to do ? deliver India a pair of testicles on a silver platter ?
LOL what are the masters of India going to do?
LOL what are the masters of India going to do?

Weapons on good credit terms
Diplomatic support
Veto power
Global satellite Intel
Spares for weapons in conflict
Future deals discussion
Investment in economy
Joint exercises
Military training
Sharing some technology future weapon s

Do I need to go on
Weapons on good credit terms
Diplomatic support
Veto power
Global satellite Intel
Spares for weapons in conflict
Future deals discussion
Investment in economy
Joint exercises
Military training
Sharing some technology future weapon s

Do I need to go on
Better not say anything and let them abide in their comfort bubbles.
India did such a fantastic job of isolating Pakistan in the world that the Chinese must be super worried about India doing the same to them. Oh the horror.. (not!)

The Indians are a joke, a silly nation obsessed with their own self image of their worthless ego's.
Weapons on good credit terms
Diplomatic support
Veto power
Global satellite Intel
Spares for weapons in conflict
Future deals discussion
Investment in economy
Joint exercises
Military training
Sharing some technology future weapon s

Do I need to go on

What has that got do with the topic at hand RSS minion? We already know that you are a cheerleader of the US and Western world LOL As if you are not getting these favors already.

Better not say anything and let them abide in their comfort bubbles.

Two sanghis high fiving each other LOL That is cute.
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