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Forbes Report: Dhaka scrapped purchase of two Chinese Ming class submarines as India Objected

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Dec 5, 2010
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Partial Part from the 3rd section of article:


Where does this leave India?

Bangladesh is seen to be increasingly gravitated toward India’s sphere of influence in recent years, especially after the Sheikh Hasina government came to power in 2008 and remained since after. Due to New Delhi’s demur, Dhaka scrapped the purchase of two diesel-engine Ming class submarines from China. In an attempt to reciprocate the friendly gesture, during his visit to Bangladesh Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi offered $2 billion worth credit line to Bangladesh, an amount that China may well surpass in near future.

When asked if Bangladesh’s increasing intimacy with China might upset India, the Bangladeshi premier said, “[Due to the increased economic ties] the purchasing power of our people will increase, and who will be the bigger beneficiary of that in our region? India. India is best poised to benefit from the Bangladeshi market. You should realize that.”


Anyone know any authencity of this report? cause our submariners and base at Patuakhali is ready. Delivery was scheduled by the end of this year. But this is extremely frustrating update. Bangladesh should have anyhow completed the acquisition to become 3 Dimensional navy.
Why dont you start thinking you can take help from us too. Rather helping. A powerful defence based Bangladesh should have been a great partner of defence in this region. Think like this.

I don't know why India will stop Bangladesh from getting a cold war era sub. This mostly looks like a media frenzy to me.
Made up story..
With 25 billion loans & lots of contracts from China this shouldn't be happening..There is a trend to blame India anyway for anything bad happening.
The Subs are ready for delivery

I think Chinese might have bribed BDs to buy it. Now, as these Subs are ready then it's a good possibility that it will come to PN for free.
It is very simple.

For Indians, only they have this divine right to arm themselves to eye balls.

Anyone else doing even 1% of what Indians are doing is a "seroius threat" for them.

Neighbors must adopt a stratgey to completely ignore this "Dehati Aurat" rants and concentrate on their security and development.
Why would Bangladesh buy such obsolete subs?
They are the sub that surface near US carrier undetected. They are electric disesel sub which once switch on electric propulsion can go very quiet. North Korean midget sub which is much worst than these mananged to penetrate South Korea underwater detection undetected in 2000 incident.
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