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For those planning on Moving to Pakistan

Is a move to the failed state of Somalia a wise decision?

Are you stupid or something?
Mogadishu is a better bet!
I have trawled through this forum and have ironically not found any posts or articles properly advising for the situation in which someone from a foreign country wishes to move to Pakistan.

If people could post advice in relations to moving to Pakistan, it would be very helpful.
This can include:
Different taxes that homeowners need to pay (Electricity, water, fuel, internet etc)
Weekly food cost on average for different family sizes (couple with two children, singleton, couple with 5 children etc)
Social and societal norms
Home security
Land ownership
Banking and recommended Banking systems.

Warning: I wish for this to remain as a civil and serious discussion.
We are aware of the Political scene, please do not bring politics into this.
Please do not say things like "don't move to Pakistan". People who are considering moving have already taken into account the situation on the ground, but need the extra information to live their lives adequately.
@Meengla You already covered this topic, any advice for brother wishing to move to Pakistan?
I recently moved back, to Isb. It is not all doom and gloom.

Alot will depend on where you move to. So some sort of clarity in this aspect would help.
Buying a house in Isb is less of a scam, then in any major city.
Getting good help is a pain, but paying above avg mkt price helps.
Kids schooling depends on how good an education you want your kids to have. Some elite schools are actually counter productive.
Electricity and Gas bills will be your biggest headaches, and are slab based. The more you use, the more they skin you.

A smart thing, my cousin did was invest in a fund, where he gets 5%p.a. net in US$.

Anyways a lot of variables, overall,not bad. Hit me up if you need more details.
Which sector? I visited last year. I like it there, As long as you are in good (posh) neighborhood and have investment abroad (secure source of income) life is pretty chill in ISB.
I think this ABCD is more prevalent in kids living in Pakistan.
That’s called wanna be Gora syndrome. There’s too much Ego in Pakistani society, everyone want to one-up each other. Main dekhta hoon. Suki badmashi. Just to show themselves superior they adapt different cultures and styles. ABCD is American specific things, like one poster in another thread stated, NY was segregated in 90s, and desis were in the bottom of dating ladder. Similarly, kids growing up in schools, have to face similar challenges. It’s about survival and acceptance by non-Desi majority instead of one-upping your own kind at home.

I would contend the opposite, but I would not like to take this thread off-topic. Let me just say that the ABCD stereotype is only a manifestation of the failure of the prior generation in ensuring that their children do not pay the price of their parents inadequacies in adapting to an entirely new environment. A similar process can happen with the reverse move, as shown by the equally confused creatures found in Islamabad pretending they are in Miami, and failing spectacularly, just to keep it on topic here.
Great place to move if you don’t care about basic human dignity. If you are a parent, what are you moving your children into? A society which has no moral compass, pulling itself apart from all directions. If you care about your religion, you are moving into a hypocritical society that knows little to nothing about Islam but majority are Muslims. A country where corruption is rampant and will affect you one way or another. A country where you have to know someone to feel somewhat secure.

Moving to Pakistan and living in DHA or major cities won’t be same as it was before. The problems that exist in the entire country will reach those gated communities.

only people who would want to move to Pakistan are those who have $ and don’t care what happens in society.
Which sector? I visited last year. I like it there, As long as you are in good (posh) neighborhood and have investment abroad (secure source of income) life is pretty chill in ISB.

True, foreign currency income protects you from inflation. Next time you are here, lets meet up.

The reason will be to protect the Iman of my future children and the culture of our family.
I have seen the state of the new generation here and they are awfully close to losing their religious identity, almost entirely.
I understand that Western culture and immorality has seeped into Pakistan at its lowest levels, but I aim to properly protect my family from this and to live according to true Muslim values.

That was my overall idea. I was originally scanning through DHA valley properties due to the safety and close proximity of education and healthcare, but I am seriously reconsidering this now.

That has been the case for pretty much the entire previous generation. They came to the foreign countries, sent money back to build their lives, but their children wished to stay within the foreign countries.
That's why you have so many starkly empty mansions within Pakistan, which only act as holiday homes for the first generation.

Yes, I'm planning on running a very independent ship when I get over there. Many people I know have been fleeced good and proper, even when trusting expat businesses.
I have a good couple of contacts and I hope I can make a couple more within the Institutions. (My family already have some contacts in different places)

AJK is just an option for me, as I have family there. But as with all things, I can't really trust them very much, nor do I really wish to live around them due to their own greed.
I was definitely considering importing a land cruiser or two over there, seeing how much they cost in Pakistan.
Solar Panels and backup generators is definitely something that I am already planning, as well as buying farmland as a small set of consumable aid for my household.

Absolutely, I was planning on continuously expanding the abroad real estate, whilst making sure that my children have a Pakistani upbringing instead.

As someone who has experienced this kind of thing straight up, I definitely know the value of good security.
If I wish to remain in AJK, I don't think I will stay there with just my own family, but probably persuade more expats and relatives to come over and properly build our own community there, as I have met quite a few like minded people who would do this if more people were planning on doing so.

I definitely know people who would be more willing to return if they see a good government in place, or even if they start seeing other people who have taken the plunge and made the best out of it.

The final paragraph really hits home with me. Many people I know have sprawling mansions in Pakistan, and their families only visit them once or twice, but otherwise they are left to rot and be stolen from. People in my family especially, have tens of houses just lying there- the problem of miserliness is very real,

1) Yes, as I am slowly beginning to transfer to investable real estate assets in the UK and am considering pitching large-scale real estate within Pakistan, although not at the moment given the plummeting value of the rupee.

I definitely feel that a western upbringing is detrimental to both the faith of children and the general strength of character. A pakistani upbringing will probably make them stronger, as well as decreasing the risk of them losing their Iman.

Overall, the general plan is to do what many elites do in Pakistan, such as the sharifs and bhuttos etc.
Give them the pakistani upbringing, send them to the west or Europe for higher schooling and then aim for them to come back and continue the businesses.
I feel you, a lot of the negativity on this thread is baseless. DM me / call me, if you want.

As to where to live, I chose based upon the distance to my kids schools. So find a good school first, then look for a decent house nearby.
Please factor in clothing for your spouses as there can be no repetition of dresses for 7 or so functions per marriage.
The reason will be to protect the Iman of my future children and the culture of our family.
I have seen the state of the new generation here and they are awfully close to losing their religious identity, almost entirely.

You will be deeply disappointed if that is your intention of moving to Pakistan. I have relatives that did exactly that and moved from America. Biggest mistake in their lives.

They came running back because there is no Islam in Pakistan. It's a hypocritical and corrupt society. The immorality you see in the West is worse in Pakistan. Everybody is literally a hypocrite there.

What does Islam say about hypocrites (munafiqs)?.... You will get your answer.

When I say Pakistan is a failed country... I also mean it's failed on all levels including social.

Don't do it!!!!
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