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For Chinese and Americans,only

More mods, I don't have as much time as I use to spend on this forum. For example I have not been on for the last 3 days with 60 reports showing up as soon as I logged on. You could promote a few more mods, I'd say promote a couple of Indonesian members who by far are pretty fair, cool headed, and neutral.
More mods, I don't have as much time as I use to spend on this forum. For example I have not been on for the last 3 days with 60 reports showing up as soon as I logged on. You could promote a few more mods, I'd say promote a couple of Indonesian members who by far are pretty fair, cool headed, and neutral.

An American too, if there are any balanced members who are interested. If Americans are part of the problem, having someone who understand their viewpoint, culture and politics, but is also moderate and reasonable, would be a necessity to maintain moderation within the forum and its discussions. It takes a Chinese citizen to understand China and its discussions, an Iranian to understand Iranians, a Turk to understand Turks, only an American properly understand their own. All others can do their best, but still not have the experience or insight needed to properly know the nuances of American life.

I'd trust no non-Norwegians to moderate our affairs, I expect other nationalities are the same with theirs.

Regrettably I know of no active (emphasis on this, there are some good ones that are now less or not active at all, SvenSvensonov comes to mind) American members who would be willing, able and moderate enough to fit the profile.
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More mods, I don't have as much time as I use to spend on this forum. For example I have not been on for the last 3 days with 60 reports showing up as soon as I logged on. You could promote a few more mods, I'd say promote a couple of Indonesian members who by far are pretty fair, cool headed, and neutral.
I propose @Indos as a mod.
Few things that both American and Chinese must adhere in their minds:

1-We will not tolerate those who will be abusing one's nationality and doing personal attacks..
2-Online threats and harassment.
3-Talking about destroying one another's country.
4-Racist slurs.
5-Spewing venom

Jot down these parameters and try to make positive contribution.
Any complains can be discussed here,the thread will remain open,in real civilized manner.

An American too, if there are any balanced members who are interested. If Americans are part of the problem, having someone who understand their viewpoint, culture and politics, but is also moderate and reasonable, would be a necessity to maintain moderation within the forum and its discussions. It takes a Chinese citizen to understand China and its discussions, an Iranian to understand Iranians, a Turk to understand Turks, only an American properly understand their own. All others can do their best, but still not have the experience or insight needed to properly know the nuances of American life.

I'd trust no non-Norwegians to moderate our affairs, I expect other nationalities are the same with theirs.

Regrettably I know of no active (emphasis on this, there are some good ones that are now less or not active at all, SvenSvensonov comes to mind) American members who would be willing, able and moderate enough to fit the profile.
We will discuss this issue in our sanctums.I hope that you have explored them so far.

Yes, you are entitled to your opinion, and view point. An educated way is to persuade the others to see what you saw, and win their mind, whether they like it or not.

The +ve/-ve rating does have an effect - to antagonize your opponent in a debate. If it is used by a referee that's perfectly fine. And I agree, some bad mannered posters need to be banned. Don't get emotional my friend, if you do you are already loosing.

P.S.: Your knowledge in army affairs is astounding, I learned a lot from your posts, keep up.

Well, I tried to do what you just said when I first join this forum. By the way, I was refer to by a friend that was on the way out of this forum. Then when you have did your best trying to explain your own point of view, you write your own article and refer to academic source and did all your home work. Then what you got in response is your work for mercenary and I will nuke your country. Well, after you have these kind of response in about 100 times......

yeah, these day I mostly moonlight in technical section and only serious discussion over there, so if you want to join in, you can catch me up over there.
Well, I tried to do what you just said when I first join this forum. By the way, I was refer to by a friend that was on the way out of this forum. Then when you have did your best trying to explain your own point of view, you write your own article and refer to academic source and did all your home work. Then what you got in response is your work for mercenary and I will nuke your country. Well, after you have these kind of response in about 100 times......

yeah, these day I mostly moonlight in technical section and only serious discussion over there, so if you want to join in, you can catch me up over there.
lol,even technical discussions are becoming center of some real childish superiority complex patients.I have been evident as well and senior mods did have taken some real good action.I have myself experienced it alot,Gary and I can tell you that and moreover I was accused of being CIA or RAW agent! or some payed poster by them.I bet to say that accuser hadn't read my complete write up or else I wasn't accused like that :lol:

Well, I tried to do what you just said when I first join this forum. By the way, I was refer to by a friend that was on the way out of this forum. Then when you have did your best trying to explain your own point of view, you write your own article and refer to academic source and did all your home work. Then what you got in response is your work for mercenary and I will nuke your country. Well, after you have these kind of response in about 100 times......

yeah, these day I mostly moonlight in technical section and only serious discussion over there, so if you want to join in, you can catch me up over there.

Yes I saw that, same for me posting well prepared geo-economic or geo-strategic threads, uneducated or simple illiterate trolls came in. By the way some of my critics even facts were attacked by some of my fellow countrymen too, I just didn't escalate by retaliation.

So keep up with contributing army knowledge, you are a TTA here dude, don't engage in meaningless keyboard bombing cos no one gets nuked by that. Tag or PM me if you find anything constructive & interesting.
Isn't it strange that a precisely targeted call for correction of bad behavior opened a conversation …
between rather leveled and mostly polite folks with nary a troll in sight?

I propose @Indos as a mod.
Well, if you go that route and we're allowed to propose nominees, I propose @Indus Falcon as a mod!

and moreover I was accused of being CIA or RAW agent!
Registering at over 82 000$ average salary, paid in US dollars but spent in Pakistan, one supposes,
being a CIA agent must yield a very comfortable financial situation!!! :cheesy: Congratulations, Sir! :enjoy:

But about even the technical discussions yielding to stupidity and ignorance, nukes being an example,
maybe PDF could be creative and set-up a teaching aid : a page with the explanation why nuclear weapons
are not meant to be used save ultimately as last defensive salvo before/bringing annihilation.
Reading the thread could trigger an additional ( apparently useless ) Trophy point as reward for the member
and once the page exists, mods could use it as reference along negative rating for : " hawe'lljustnukeyouintooblivion "
type of comments. by tagging to that page.
That's what I did as an NCO : punishment - number of the rule backing it is on the form - end of discussion.

It would shock me less that mods on a mil forum had privileges similar to those of real life military
than it irritates me to talk about serving and military stuff with kids whose behavior is evidence that
they could not bear the discipline and thus proves that they know nothing about the subject? 8-)

Good day all, Tay.
Isn't it strange that a precisely targeted call for correction of bad behavior opened a conversation …
between rather leveled and mostly polite folks with nary a troll in sight?

But about even the technical discussions yielding to stupidity and ignorance, nukes being an example,
maybe PDF could be creative and set-up a teaching aid : a page with the explanation why nuclear weapons
are not meant to be used save ultimately as last defensive salvo before/bringing annihilation.
Reading the thread could trigger an additional ( apparently useless ) Trophy point as reward for the member
and once the page exists, mods could use it as reference along negative rating for : " hawe'lljustnukeyouintooblivion "
type of comments. by tagging to that page.
That's what I did as an NCO : punishment - number of the rule backing it is on the form - end of discussion.

It would shock me less that mods on a mil forum had privileges similar to those of real life military
than it irritates me to talk about serving and military stuff with kids whose behavior is evidence that
they could not bear the discipline and thus proves that they know nothing about the subject? 8-)

Good day all, Tay.

Dear Tay,

1) They are trolls. not idiots :p:

2) The existing system has outlived it usefulness and needs a desperate overhaul. I concur with your statements. Just as an e.g. The Seniors Forum - Any one with "X" number of posts can post there, irrespective of the level of his understanding.

@Slav Defence Do visit Tay's blog, and consider giving him a "Professional" title. Would appreciate it.
lol,even technical discussions are becoming center of some real childish superiority complex patients.I have been evident as well and senior mods did have taken some real good action.I have myself experienced it alot,Gary and I can tell you that and moreover I was accused of being CIA or RAW agent! or some payed poster by them.I bet to say that accuser hadn't read my complete write up or else I wasn't accused like that :lol:


Well, it did, mostly by people watch one movie too much or play one video game too much.

I once did have a quote "Discussion" unquote with a Chinese member. Basically, for him, war and fighting is about "dare" and about My gun is bigger than yours.........Which render any purposeful discussion a moot point.

For us, we saw what actually happen in war. As I said in some post, I have been bombed at by my own people, I had been rocketed and mortared by Taliban, I had been mortared by my own guys, shot at, wounded any and every which way you could imagine. I don't take war that lightly.

Some people don't quite understand war, they see it on TV, they play it on xbox, and they think it's all kind of fun. That's why they have those kind of discussion out here in this forum, simply because they don't know about the consequence. For them, I am actually quite torn. On one hand, I want them to go thru what I have gone thru, and then it will definitely wipe the smug out of their face, that is if they came back alive. But on the other hand, as a human, I don't want anyone to go thru what I gone thru, seen what I saw over there, the human carnage.

However, before that dilemma is solved, people of all nationality would simply carry on trash talk about war, battle, defence and all the technical stuff.

Yes I saw that, same for me posting well prepared geo-economic or geo-strategic threads, uneducated or simple illiterate trolls came in. By the way some of my critics even facts were attacked by some of my fellow countrymen too, I just didn't escalate by retaliation.

So keep up with contributing army knowledge, you are a TTA here dude, don't engage in meaningless keyboard bombing cos no one gets nuked by that. Tag or PM me if you find anything constructive & interesting.

lol, yeah, I saw they attack you as well. But then this is what they are, they don't look for purposeful discuss, what those people look for is what they say you listen, and if you disagree with them, then they will set you down for it, and then the abusing start.

For them, critical thinking and free will is nothing but word for them. They have their own agenda, and there could only be two ways, you are either with them, or against them. I saw that time and again.

lol by the way, I am not a TTA here, I am a military professional :)

I am starting a video program about defence on youtube and daily motion, a webcast of sort, and I am having a section dedicated to PDF so member here can ask me anything about defence or war related topic. If you have something you want to know, feel free to drop me a question here

Ask Me Anything @Jhungary
Well, it did, mostly by people watch one movie too much or play one video game too much.

I once did have a quote "Discussion" unquote with a Chinese member. Basically, for him, war and fighting is about "dare" and about My gun is bigger than yours.........Which render any purposeful discussion a moot point.

For us, we saw what actually happen in war. As I said in some post, I have been bombed at by my own people, I had been rocketed and mortared by Taliban, I had been mortared by my own guys, shot at, wounded any and every which way you could imagine. I don't take war that lightly.

Some people don't quite understand war, they see it on TV, they play it on xbox, and they think it's all kind of fun. That's why they have those kind of discussion out here in this forum, simply because they don't know about the consequence. For them, I am actually quite torn. On one hand, I want them to go thru what I have gone thru, and then it will definitely wipe the smug out of their face, that is if they came back alive. But on the other hand, as a human, I don't want anyone to go thru what I gone thru, seen what I saw over there, the human carnage.

However, before that dilemma is solved, people of all nationality would simply carry on trash talk about war, battle, defence and all the technical stuff.

lol, yeah, I saw they attack you as well. But then this is what they are, they don't look for purposeful discuss, what those people look for is what they say you listen, and if you disagree with them, then they will set you down for it, and then the abusing start.

For them, critical thinking and free will is nothing but word for them. They have their own agenda, and there could only be two ways, you are either with them, or against them. I saw that time and again.

lol by the way, I am not a TTA here, I am a military professional :)

I am starting a video program about defence on youtube and daily motion, a webcast of sort, and I am having a section dedicated to PDF so member here can ask me anything about defence or war related topic. If you have something you want to know, feel free to drop me a question here

Ask Me Anything @Jhungary
That is why I always say,you are different.Unlike others,you express openly what you felt.I have in this regard sensed that you yourself didn't like either what you did,and I cannot get rude in this regard.I blame all those who forced you to and well,whatsoever happened in there God knows,the circumstances and everything else as well.
Anyways,the good thing is that I see,you have spotted a good Chinese friend and I hope that if we all sit together then will extract out the sane most posters,and establish a real good committee,where as the trolls will be eliminated slowly.:)

. .
what about me, i think i can make a very good european mod
@WebMaster @Horus . what do you think?

Redaktører brug forståelse, hvor godt forstår du Norge eller Danmark versus Storbritannien? For den Europæiske afdeling, en enkelt mod plejer at gøre, fordi hver nation er radikalt anderledes end de andre.

Forstår du vores nuancer? Vores kultur versus din? Vores forsvar, doktrin og taktik? Kan du forstå vores sprog eller måder og ud grunde?

Europa kan ikke blive forstået af én person, ville du være fint modererende UK relaterede tråde, men ikke dem, der involverer Rumænien, Norge, Danmark, Sverige, Frankrig eller nationer uden for Storbritannien.

Jeg har ikke set nok fra dig for at måle, om du forstår os.


Og ikke @waz allerede moderere den europæiske afdeling?
Redaktører brug forståelse, hvor godt forstår du Norge eller Danmark versus Storbritannien? For den Europæiske afdeling, en enkelt mod plejer at gøre, fordi hver nation er radikalt anderledes end de andre.

Forstår du vores nuancer? Vores kultur versus din? Vores forsvar, doktrin og taktik? Kan du forstå vores sprog eller måder og ud grunde?

Europa kan ikke blive forstået af én person, ville du være fint modererende UK relaterede tråde, men ikke dem, der involverer Rumænien, Norge, Danmark, Sverige, Frankrig eller nationer uden for Storbritannien.

Jeg har ikke set nok fra dig for at måle, om du forstår os.
Would you please translate?:woot:

Redaktører brug forståelse, hvor godt forstår du Norge eller Danmark versus Storbritannien? For den europæiske afdeling, en enkelt mod plejer at gøre, fordi hver nation er radikalt anderledes end de andre.

Forstår du vores nuancer? Vores kultur versus din? Vores forsvar , doktrin og taktik? Kan du forstå vores sprog eller måder og ud grunde?

Europa kan ikke blive forstået af én person, ville du være fint modererende UK relaterede tråde, men ikke dem, der involverer Rumænien, Norge, Danmark, Sverige, Frankrig eller nationer uden for Storbritannien.

Jeg har ikke set nok fra dig for at måle, om du forstår os.
Moderators need understanding how well you understand Norway or Denmark vs Great Britain ? For the European division , one against wont to do , because each nation is radically different from the others .

Do you understand our shades ? Our culture versus yours? Our defense doctrine and tactics ? Can you understand our language or ways and out reasons?

google translate job, i need to brush up on my danish :D

im fair and neutral and understanding. i have the acumen to be a good mod.

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