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‘Flight trial of Brahmos missiles in December’


Jun 10, 2012
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A. Sivathanu Pillai, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, BrahMos Aerospace and Chief Controller (R&D), Defence Research and Development Organisation in Dindigul on Thursday.PHOTO: G. KARTHIKEYAN

The supersonic BrahMos missiles will be fitted on to Sukhoi-30 fighter jets to undergo the first flight trial in December this year, according to A. Sivathanu Pillai, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, BrahMos Aerospace and Chief Controller (R&D), Defence Research and Development Organisation.

Talking to press persons here on Thursday, he said launching BrahMos from air was a great challenge. Now, the supersonic missile was ready for launch from air. “We are ready to do the integrated test with BrahMos missiles in Sukhoi aircraft. The missile had already been inducted in the Army and the Navy,” he said, adding, “We are leaders in the world in supersonic cruise missiles.”

He said BrahMos Aerospace had also been researching on reusable hypersonic cruise missile with high precision and more speed. Seven countries, including the US, China and Russia, had been researching on hypersonic missiles.

But they did not have supersonic missiles and had only subsonic missiles. Suitable technology would be developed in four or five years to invent hypersonic missile. The new missile would be like Sudharsana Chakra of Lord Vishnu, he said.

“We have been working on developing miniature BrahMos cruise missiles that could be fitted in all air force planes. This was one of our immediate projects,” he added.

About Mars Mission, Mr.Pillai said a large quantum of helium was available in Mars.

The Mars mission would help tap helium. Uranium, one of the major sources of energy, would get depleted completely from the earth in the next 100 years.

Helium would be the next source. But fusion technology was required to use helium. More research in this area was essential to achieve desired results, he noted.

To boost research activities at colleges, the Aerospace had tie-ups with 250 universities in the country. It also set up five centres of excellence in certain universities to promote research activities. It had a tie-up with Calcutta University to carry out research in millimetre-wave technology.

A Centre of Excellence for Life Sciences was set up at Bharathidasan University, Tiruchi.

Already, Rs.20 crore had been sanctioned. Now, Rs.20 crore would be given to them this year. Only universities and colleges could intensify research.

Students should be motivated to pursue research, Dr.Pillai added.

‘Flight trial of Brahmos missiles in December’ - The Hindu
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