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First rolls royce was used for street cleaning


Feb 21, 2015
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One day during his visit to London, Nawab of Bahawalpur was walking in casual dress in Bond Street. He saw a Rolls Royce showroom and went inside to inquire about the Price and Features etc of their cars.

Considering him a just another Poor Indian citizen, showroom salesmen insulted him and almost showed him the way out of the showroom. After this insult, Nawab of Bahawalpur came back to his Hotel room and asked his servants to call the showroom that Nawab of Bahawalpur city is interested in purchasing their few Cars.

After few hours King reached the Rolls Royce showroom again but with his full astonishing royal manner and in his royal costume. Until he reached the showroom there was already red carpet on the floor and all the salesmen were bent with respect. The King purchased all the six cars that they had at showroom at that time and paid full amount with delivery costs.

After reaching Pakistan, Nawab of Bahawalpur ordered municipal department to use all those six Rolls Royce cars for cleaning and transporting city’s waste. World’s number one Rolls Royce cars were being used for transportation of City’s waste, the news spread all over the world rapidly and the reputation of Rolls Royce Company was in drains.

Whenever someone used to boast in Europe or America that he owned a Rolls Royce, people used to laugh saying, “which one? The same that is used in Pakistan for carrying the waste of the City?”

Due to such reputation damages, sales of Rolls Royce dropped rapidly and revenue of company owners started falling down. Then they sent a Telegram to the Nawab of Bahawalpur for apologies and requested to stop transportation of waste in Rolls Royce cars. Not only this but they also offered Six new cars to Nawab of Bahawalpur free of cost.

When Nawab of Bahawalpur observed that Rolls Royce has learnt a lesson and they are sorry for their mistakes, He stopped using those cars for carrying wastes.
After some years Nawab of Bahawalpur Gifted the one of new Rolls Royce to King Saud's visit to Pakistan. That was first ever Rolls Royce in Saudi Arabia. One of new car was Gifted to to Quaid-e-Azam of Pakistan!
To assuage his ego this raja spent a lot of people's money. He could instead have created a factory or atleast a R&D shop to build a better car!
To assuage his ego this raja spent a lot of people's money. He could instead have created a factory or atleast a R&D shop to build a better car!
Yes, he could have done a lamborghini or tata instead chose to get down to garbage level!
One day during his visit to London, Nawab of Bahawalpur was walking in casual dress in Bond Street. He saw a Rolls Royce showroom and went inside to inquire about the Price and Features etc of their cars.

Considering him a just another Poor Indian citizen, showroom salesmen insulted him and almost showed him the way out of the showroom. After this insult, Nawab of Bahawalpur came back to his Hotel room and asked his servants to call the showroom that Nawab of Bahawalpur city is interested in purchasing their few Cars.

After few hours King reached the Rolls Royce showroom again but with his full astonishing royal manner and in his royal costume. Until he reached the showroom there was already red carpet on the floor and all the salesmen were bent with respect. The King purchased all the six cars that they had at showroom at that time and paid full amount with delivery costs.

After reaching Pakistan, Nawab of Bahawalpur ordered municipal department to use all those six Rolls Royce cars for cleaning and transporting city’s waste. World’s number one Rolls Royce cars were being used for transportation of City’s waste, the news spread all over the world rapidly and the reputation of Rolls Royce Company was in drains.

Whenever someone used to boast in Europe or America that he owned a Rolls Royce, people used to laugh saying, “which one? The same that is used in Pakistan for carrying the waste of the City?”

Due to such reputation damages, sales of Rolls Royce dropped rapidly and revenue of company owners started falling down. Then they sent a Telegram to the Nawab of Bahawalpur for apologies and requested to stop transportation of waste in Rolls Royce cars. Not only this but they also offered Six new cars to Nawab of Bahawalpur free of cost.

When Nawab of Bahawalpur observed that Rolls Royce has learnt a lesson and they are sorry for their mistakes, He stopped using those cars for carrying wastes.
After some years Nawab of Bahawalpur Gifted the one of new Rolls Royce to King Saud's visit to Pakistan. That was first ever Rolls Royce in Saudi Arabia. One of new car was Gifted to to Quaid-e-Azam of Pakistan!

Here is the actual :


Bejewelled carriageways - Telegraph

One of the most famous stories about the maharajas describes the exquisite pleasure of delayed revenge. The Maharaja of Alwar walked into a Mayfair car showroom in the 1920s and pointed to a Rolls-Royce Phantom II Tourer. He looked nondescript, almost shabby. The young salesman snubbed him, convinced the man was wasting his time. The maharaja asked for the manager. "I will have every one of these," he said, pointing to seven cars. "But there is one condition - this young man escorts them to India." The young man did so, much to the envy of his mates. On the appointed day, the cars were arrayed in front of the maharaja's palace, paintwork gleaming and engines purring as the proud salesman stood by. Finally, the man himself appeared on the steps, gave a perfunctory nod in the direction of the cars and told his assistant to use them for collecting municipal rubbish.

"That incident was burnt into the collective family memory," said the present-day Maharaja of Alwar, Jeetender Singh. "We were perhaps the only royal family that was allowed to buy any car except a Rolls-Royce. We have numerous vintage cars but not a single Rolls."
Stupid Rajahs and Nawabs and their stupid vanity. Good riddance. These dogs belong in the dungheap of history.
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