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First Al-Khalid 1 unit formed

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Jan 21, 2013
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The first unit of Al-Khalid 1 MBTs has been formed. The unit has 21 tanks. Four more Al-Khalid 1 units (each with 21 tanks) are in the procurement pipeline. Small batch production started in early 2013.

300 Al-Khalid's were built from early 2000's till the end of 2012.

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The first unit of Al-Khalid 1 MBTs has been formed. The unit has 21 tanks. Four more Al-Khalid 1 units (each with 21 tanks) are in the procurement pipeline. Small batch production started in mid 2013.

300 Al-Khalid's were built from early 2000's till the end of 2012.

please share source to avoid trolling.
Why is Al Khalid production so slow?
Only 330 produced till date.
The first unit of Al-Khalid 1 MBTs has been formed. The unit has 21 tanks. Four more Al-Khalid 1 units (each with 21 tanks) are in the procurement pipeline. Small batch production started in mid 2013.

300 Al-Khalid's were built from early 2000's till the end of 2012.

Any pictures?
The first unit of Al-Khalid 1 MBTs has been formed. The unit has 21 tanks. Four more Al-Khalid 1 units (each with 21 tanks) are in the procurement pipeline.
Pakistan signed contract with Ukraine for delivery of 110 Tank engines back in late 2013. Due to economic constraints and power crisis, production of Al Khalid slowed down and almost stopped during PP era. Ukraine also suffered from security issues due to war on their borders & poor political balance.


Those 110 Engines are now delivered and Pakistan is set to produce 110 Al Khalid 1 in coming years (already producing). On IDEAS we signed MOU with Ukraine for more 200 Al Khalid 2 engines.


We are looking to mass produce 300 more Al Khalids while 320 are already produced totaling 620+ Al Khalids in near future.
Along with Al Haider tank project, this is very amusing to see Al Khalid production is back.

Excellent news ............ @Sarge @DESERT FIGHTER @Dazzler @Bilal Khan (Quwa) have a look here :rolleyes:
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Post any pics

Al Khalid 1
Al-Khalid I – Upgraded variant with Ammunition capacity increased to 49 125 mm rounds, 1,500 12.7 mm rounds and 7,100 7.62 mm rounds.[3][6] Incorporates modifications made to the fire-control system which is now a more advanced multi process fire control computer with up to 7 km effective identification range. The engagement range is also improved which is up to 3.5 km, digital driver panel, IBMS, side-skirts, track pads, digitally controlled FPGA based solid state auto-loader with bidirectional tray movement and ammo availability info on screen, info on empty and full trays and types of available rounds, bigger carousel for longer rounds,[41] (rate of fire increased to 9 rounds per minute), Ukrainian Varta electro-optical jammer (disrupts laser rangefinders, laser designators and anti-tank guided missile tracking systems), Sagem third-generation thermal imagers and improved air conditioning system.[42] It is the most heavily weaponised tank by tonnage. It is fitted with a 1,200 hp Ukrainian engine. Al-Khalid II's top speed is 72 km/h, and it weighs 47 tonnes.
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