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First Aid Apps


Sep 20, 2008
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Continuing on my theme of posts on first aid, as promised today I am going to be covering first aid apps. So are you ready to upgrade from Minecraft with an App that can make a life-saving difference? Then my list of Apps is just what you need. Whether someone has suffered a simple cut, a fracture or is going into anaphylactic shock; you can be confident with the these app's that you'll have all of the essential information to help right in the palm of your hand.

Providing Basic Life Support knowledge as well as step-by-step guides to help assist in everyday First Aid incidents, these apps will help bring confidence to any rescue situation and will allow you to help a victim as well as call an ambulance directly from the app if further assistance is required.

These apps are all pretty awesome and well worth a look. I've selected these first aid apps for exceptional performance in one of these categories:

  • User Experience
  • Core Functionality
  • Innovative solution
Special Mention Rescue 1122 APP:

  • Review: 7/10
  • Price: 0 PKR
  • Average Rating: 4.4
  • Total Downloads: 540+
The Rescue 1122 APP for Android is presently under development and allows people to report emergencies to 1122 directly via the app, it also shares your location with the control room so it is easier to find you and get help to you sooner. The Information sections on this app are still under development and for some reason the app seems to crash when running with any android device that has Android GO OS installed.

Urdu First Aid App:

  • Review 3/10
  • Price: 0 PKR
  • Average Rating: N/A
  • Total Downloads: 10,000+
This app whilst well intentioned is just simply not user friendly enough, it is basically a poorly written PDF reader and not useful in an actual emergency situation. But since it offers fairly comprehensive information on first aid topics in Urdu I have included it in my list. Another issue I experienced was the app repeatedly crashing when switching between topics forcing me to hard reset my phone - which would render it useless in an emergency.

St. John Ambulance First Aid APP:

  • Review 7/10
  • Price: 0 PKR
  • Average Rating: 4.4
  • Total Downloads: 50,000+
This app from St John Ambulance is a very simple and effective app - I can't fault it. It has illustrated step by step instructions for a number of emergency situations including bleeding, burns and broken bones. My only issue is that some of the images and layout are a little basic and the navigation button location

British Red Cross First Aid APP:

  • Review 9/10
  • Price: 0 PKR
  • Average Rating: 4.8
  • Total Downloads: 500,000+
This comprehensive first aid app by the British Red Cross covers a number of everyday first aid emergencies. It’s totally free to download and available for Android and Blackberry users. The app also has useful information about a number of other emergency situations such as road traffic accidents, severe weather, flooding etc.

There are step-by-step instructions for each emergency situation, as well as videos and pictures to show each procedure. This app would likely get 10/10 from me if it was available in Urdu.

Disclaimer: This post has been written as a community service for those interested in the subjects of safety, disaster preparedness and emergency response. The Author & PDF management shall have no liability to any persons or entities with respect to any loss, liability or damage alleged to be caused by the application or reliance on information or opinions published on this article.
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