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First 560MW gas turbine arrives Karachi

Modern car industry did not evolve in Japan and Korea overnight

These nations invested man power, resources and their gov supported these projects by purchasing form them

Korean cars were mocked just around 90s ppl used to say what a Korean car it will break down in 1 year ....

Now Korean cars are competeing head on with Japanese cars -

TRIAL AND ERROR these magnificent nations , yes magnificent nations have invested time and thru their desire alone developed methods to create efficient cars , they did not create cars in just 1 year ....

Then we can look at another car maker Ferrari .... started from home setup just a person who loved cars .... he invested so much time to design his cars THE QUALITY and workmanship was so high ....and result his cars sell for 100,000-300,000 range easily ...

What a pakistani worker lacks is Tools, the training in cases and unless we have mentality to breed our own engineers and people

Similarly the case of turbines when you will not invest your own R&D you will never learn .... your nation will never learn and you will be stuck in TIME ....

Even if something is not efficient , fine , invest $$$ in it in University , get graduates and give them Master's thesis projects to find a solution that is how research moves forward.

If we keep on buying technology from outside of country ... we will be stuck in limbo ...
We make 100$ from farming , we spend 50$ on oil and 40$ on entertainment , 30$ on food and each year we go 20$ in debt , and then IMF gives us 1000 $ in loan to sink us further in debt
Modern turbines and for that matter any machinery, are highly efficient and reliable. It is not the question of making a trubine, it is how efficient and reliable that turbine will be. If we make our own turbines, it will just result in loss because of overall inefficiency. Just take the example of cars. Japanese cars are preferred over even American cars, and American auto industry is on the verge of collapse. A better strategy is to focus on a few areas and become the best in the world. And import the rest. If you are not making anything that can compete in the export market, dont make it.

If we make our own Turbines It will give us the knowledge if there is something wrong with it we will learn from our mistakes and make it better over time .

If you are not making anything that can compete in the export market, dont make it

There is three kind of people in the world one who lead one who follows and 3rd that get out of the way question is which one do U think is better of in the long run.

Knowledge is power:pakistan:.
The three 560 MW plants will produce 1,680 MW by March 2012. (Correction: The total capacity of the plant will be 560MW so each gas turbine would be 186 MW.) It is not enough for Pakistan as wee need 5,000MW like yesterday. Nevertheless it will provide Karachi will much needed power. Where is the plant being built in Karachi ?

If we make our own Turbines It will give us the knowledge if there is something wrong with it we will learn from our mistakes and make it better over time

I think the private sector in Pakistan should take the initiative. The public sector is inefficient and corrupt.
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The three 560 MW plants will produce 1,680 MW by March 2012. It is not enough for Pakistan as wee need 5,000MW like yesterday. Nevertheless it will provide Karachi will much needed power. Where is the plant being built in Karachi ?

don't start counting before the official statement is released. It did not mention about the capacity of second and third power plant. They only mentioned about the first one.

It is possible other turbines will have more or less capacity.
was it necassary to use such a derogatory word Stealth?

Please edit your post
d It did not mention about the capacity of second and third power plant. They only mentioned about the first one. It is possible other turbines will have more or less capacity.

The total capacity of the plant will be 560MW so each gas turbine would be 186 MW.

First 560MW gas turbine arrives Karachi

First 560MW gas turbine arrives Karachi
Updated at: 1030 PST, Sunday, July 04, 2010

KARACHI: The Karachi Electric Supply Company (KESC) has announced the arrival of the first gas turbine for its 560 megawatt (MW) Combined Cycle Power Plant at the Bin Qasim site.

According to a KESC press release issued on Saturday, the 377 million dollars project, called the BQPS-2, is being financed through a combination of equity funded by shareholders and long term loans provided by the Asian Development Bank, International Finance Corporation, and a syndicate of Pakistani banks.

Two more gas turbines of the BQPS-2 project are expected to arrive in Karachi in the middle of July.

The shipments of associated auxiliaries of the power plant have already landed and the ground work is in full swing. Installation of the turbines will commence in August.

The first gas turbine of the plant will start providing electricity to the KESC power network in June 2011, second in July 2011 and third in August on the open cycle mode the same year .The combined cycle operation of the plant will start in March 2012.

According to the KESC statement, the Environmental Monitoring Plan of the 560 MW power generation project has been initiated while the Detail Design Engineering Review is in progress.

Pilling work for gas and steam turbines has been completed, foundation of GT-1 has been poured, intake and outfall channel work and fuel oil tank foundation works are in progress with rapid pace.

The three gas turbines are manufactured by GE, France, and the steam turbine has been procured from HARBIN, China which is the Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC) Contractor for this project.
The total capacity of the plant will be 560MW so each gas turbine would be 186 MW.

its a same news shared in the first post. It is little unclear whether 560MW electricity is for the first turbine or the three turbines.

Anyway, something is always better than nothing
Modern car industry did not evolve in Japan and Korea overnight

These nations invested man power, resources and their gov supported these projects by purchasing form them

Korean cars were mocked just around 90s ppl used to say what a Korean car it will break down in 1 year ....

Now Korean cars are competeing head on with Japanese cars -

TRIAL AND ERROR these magnificent nations , yes magnificent nations have invested time and thru their desire alone developed methods to create efficient cars , they did not create cars in just 1 year ....

Then we can look at another car maker Ferrari .... started from home setup just a person who loved cars .... he invested so much time to design his cars THE QUALITY and workmanship was so high ....and result his cars sell for 100,000-300,000 range easily ...

What a pakistani worker lacks is Tools, the training in cases and unless we have mentality to breed our own engineers and people

Similarly the case of turbines when you will not invest your own R&D you will never learn .... your nation will never learn and you will be stuck in TIME ....

Even if something is not efficient , fine , invest $$$ in it in University , get graduates and give them Master's thesis projects to find a solution that is how research moves forward.

If we keep on buying technology from outside of country ... we will be stuck in limbo ...
We make 100$ from farming , we spend 50$ on oil and 40$ on entertainment , 30$ on food and each year we go 20$ in debt , and then IMF gives us 1000 $ in loan to sink us further in debt

The point is either we plan to make turbines for the whole world market, or dont make them. Inport substituting in each and every industry will only make our economy highly inefficient. Something that plagued India for decades. There is nothing wrong in exporting just a few items and importing everything else. In fact that is the most efficient way. I am not sure if Korea makes any turbines for that matter. Countries like Holland and Australia have become rich by focusing on scientific agriculture, plus developing expertise in a very few industries. That should be the way forward for Pakistan. Full value addition in just the textile industry can fetch exports of 50 billion dollars. Similarly agriculture yield is half of what it can be. Then there is enormous trourism potential. Pakistan can compete with Egypt in terms of archeology, Nepal in terms of mountains, and Saudi Arabia in terms of pilgrim/religious tourism. Focusing on these three areas plus IT should be sufficient for Pakistan for half a century.
We need to invest in our energy sector and tackle our energy requirements on multiple fronts. Gas Turbine is one such way; others include nuclear, transit gas, transit electricity, coal plants, hydro plants, solar/wind generation etc.. Lets hope that they are set up properly and on schedule. We should also plan ahead, so that energy shortages are averted in the future.

The fact that we have a continually growing energy demand is indicative that Pakistan is a growing country and we need to facilitate this growth as well. While lack of planning, red tape and lack of resources played a role in this as well. We need to understand the importance maintaing a sufficient supply of energy for the country. Its high time, that the country set up an energy planning commision, to better regulate, control, plan and coordinate our energy goals.

The energy grid and transmission needs to be more fool proof, people stealing electricity should be made examples of and fined more, and energy loss should be minimized.

Furthermore, we as citizens need to conserve energy as well, this is our obligation too. The concept of conservation and environmentalism as well as the use of low watt bulbs etc.. needs to be encouraged more throughout the country.

Hopefully, through these efforts Pakistan can rid itself of its energy deficiency (load shedding), improve its energy infrastructure and prevent the stagnation of its growth as an emerging power.
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