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Finance ministry rejects Indian media reports of FATF blacklisting Pakistan


May 11, 2019
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Tahir SheraniUpdated August 23, 2019
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The ministry said the reports of the APG blacklist were "incorrect and baseless" adding that a press release would be issued shortly. — FSC.go.ke/File
The Ministry of Finance has rejected Indian media reports about Pakistan being blacklisted by the Asia-Pacific Group (APG) — the regional affiliate of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF).

The ministry said the reports were "incorrect and baseless". They added that a press release would be issued shortly.

Indian media on Friday reported that Pakistan had been placed on the blacklist; however, no source has been mentioned by the outlets.

Gulf News quoting IANS reported that Pakistan had been placed on the 'Enhanced Expedited Follow Up List (Blacklist" for "its failure to meet its standards".

According to a statement issued by the APG today, the body's annual meeting and annual technical assistance forum were held this week from August 18 till August 23. The APG members adopted six significant mutual evaluation reports for Pakistan, China, Chinese Taipei, Hong Kong, the Phillippines and the Solomon Islands.

The statement, however, did not mention Pakistan or any other country's placement on the blacklist.

The statement added that reports were analysed and discussed for two days and would be subject to a post-plenary quality and consistency review before being published in early October.

"The APG also adopted a number of follow-up reports for APG members and for joint APG/FATF members and also agreed on revised evaluation procedures for the coming year reflecting recent changes to global procedures."

Additionally, the APG members adopted a CFT Operational Plan as part of a global strategy to address the concerns related to terrorist financing.

"As part of this plan, the plenary agreed to undertake a typologies and implementation project examining the financing and facilitation of foreign fighters and returnees."

Two typology reports were also discussed and adopted.

Ministry of Finance on Wednesday said the APG meeting on money laundering, being held in Canberra, adopted Pakistan’s third Mutual Evaluation Report (MER) on strengthening of anti-money laundering and countering financing terrorism (AML/CFT) safeguards that covered the period between February and October 2018. A senior-level delegation from Pakistan led by State Bank Governor Dr Reza Baqir attended the meeting.

Read: Another hurdle crossed as FATF meetings loom

The ministry said the third MER adopted by the APG meeting identified a number of areas where further actions were required to strengthen the AML/CFT framework. The report does not cover the areas in which Pakistan has made substantial progress since October 2018.

An official had explained that this primarily meant the APG had carried out an assessment of Pakistan’s AML/CFT regime and developed an opinion on where Pakistan stood with reference to FATF standards in October 2018. Importantly, the progress that Pakistan made since October 2018 had not been considered in this report due to APG rules based on almost 40 special standards and benchmarks for determining a country’s ranking on money laundering and eight special recommendations on terror financing.

Therefore, the APG assessment of Pakistan’s third MER may not truly reflect Pakistan’s existing ground realities that will be reviewed in the Sept 5 meeting to be held in Bangkok and then finally in Paris on Oct 18-23 to determine if Islamabad has delivered on its 27-point action plan committed to the FATF to exit the grey list.

The Pakistan delegation had started bilateral meetings with key APG members until the end of current meetings on Aug 23 (today) to brief them on recent progress by Pakistan in implementing the FATF action plan. Earlier, an official told Dawn that the APG and many of its members were appreciative of the legislation being made, rules being improved and actions taken against banned outfits and revision in risk assessments of all corporate and non-corporate manuals, entities and outfits.

Pakistan is a member of the APG since 2000. APG is a regional body of Paris-based FATF of the United Nations and requires its members to undergo mutual evaluation on the compliance of its AML/CFT framework with FATF recommendations.

Unless officially FATF makes a release, Pakistan is not BlackListed and Finance Ministry is right to reject all the mental masturbation of media and jingoistic twiteraties.
Oops!! Such a short lived happiness for Indians, fleeting happiness for them.
It could be a short lived happiness for us too because money laundering hasn't stopped yet despite so many efforts and measures taken by the government.

Can any government official confirm that the amount of money laundered annually from Pakistan has been decreased to at least half of what was reported by the United Nations a couple of years back (10 billion USD)

Money is laundered from many other countries including India, however, Pakistan is targeted for the lack of influence in FATF. That said, it is in Pakistan's interest to implement all recommendations to stop foreign currency leakage that has converted so many political workers into billionaires.

Can anyone confirm if money exchanges have started requiring CNIC on purchase of foreign currency worth USD 500 and above?
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It could be a short lived happiness for us too because money laundering hasn't stopped yet despite so many efforts and measures taken by the government.

Can any government official confirm that the amount of money laundered annually from Pakistan has been decreased to at least half of what was reported by the United Nations a couple of years back (10 billion USD)

Money is laundered from many other countries including India, however, Pakistan is targeted for the lack of influence in FATF. That said, it is in Pakistan's interest to implement all recommendations to stop foreign currency leakage that has converted so many political workers into billionaires.

Can anyone confirm if money exchanges have started requiring CNIC on purchase of foreign currency worth USD 500 and above?

FATF a tool for arm twisting other countries. Do you thing there is no money laundering in UK/USA and Europe?
It could be a short lived happiness for us too because money laundering hasn't stopped yet despite so many efforts and measures taken by the government.

Can any government official confirm that the amount of money laundered annually from Pakistan has been decreased to at least half of what was reported by the United Nations a couple of years back (10 billion USD)

Money is laundered from many other countries including India, however, Pakistan is targeted for the lack of influence in FATF.

Swiss banks, offshore accounts like Panama, Virgin Islands, United Kingdom is the destination for laundered money, they have the laws, the loopholes in the banking laws, deliberately kept to encourage money laundering from third world countries and keep flowing the money to these countries.

Why all this FATF is on sided, need to look at both sides of the picture, strict efficient anti money laundering laws are needed from the above mentioned countries...how futile and political this all FATF game plan is.

And why all this FATF shenanigans when the current govt. is coming hard on money laundering and catching big wigs like Zardari, Sharifs, others. It is like they(FATF) are unhappy with NAB, FIA, the current anti corruption laws and measures taken by Pakistan to catch the money launderers...strange connotations here.
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FATF a tool for arm twisting other countries. Do you thing there is no money laundering in UK/USA and Europe?

Regardless we must ensure that we are complying with the guidelines and work towards meeting those. Failing on 30 out of 40 is not very encouraging, its about time we get our house in order.
FATF a tool for arm twisting other countries. Do you thing there is no money laundering in UK/USA and Europe?

Swiss banks, offshore accounts like Panama, Virgin Islands, United Kingdom is the destination for laundered money, they have the laws, the loopholes in the banking laws, deliberately kept to encourage money laundering from third world countries and keep flowing the money to these countries.

Why all this FATF is on sided, need to look at both sides of the picture, strict efficient anti money laundering laws are needed from the above mentioned countries...how futile and political this all FATF game plan is.

I know that it's a tool.. and I have also mentioned that in my comment. But it's in Pakistan's interest to curb money laundering to stop foreign currency leakage.

We all know that other countries, including India, is involved in money laundering. But I don't care if there whole world is involved in this.. I just don't want pakistan to leak precious foreign exchange.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="ur" dir="rtl">بلیک لسٹ کرنے کا اختیار صرف ایف اے ٹی ایف کو حاصل ہے، الیگزینڈرا وج مینگا</p>&mdash; Geo News Urdu (@geonews_urdu) <a href=" ">August 23, 2019</a></blockquote>
Why all this FATF is on sided, need to look at both sides of the picture, strict efficient anti money laundering laws are needed from the above mentioned countries...how futile and political this all FATF game plan is
Seriously I don't care what they do or don't do. I want Pakistan to introduce strictest laws to curb this..

I am trying to find if the requirement to show cnic on purchase of 500 or more USD has been implemented or not, because someone reported that a dhow has been caught in omani borders recently with over 50 million usd cash in it.
When will this FATF drama end? This FATF to me seems like you take loan on interest. After several years of making payment one day you realize that you still haven't paid even 10% of principal amount. Generations after generations come but loan is not repayed so this FATF seems like same ploy no matter what you do they will find something to bitch about.
Why FATF is not taking actions against the destined countries for money laundering like Switzerland, United Kingdom, Virgin Islands(UK), Panama(UK)...

It's like the Cartel and Mafia is spared and the front men are apprehended and the senders are the culprits and receivers are not.
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Indians living in Modi’s rear end show their stupidity and ignorance at the level where one stops being a human and falls to the level of donkey’s IQ.

It’s all part of their agenda to keep unemployed, hungry masses busy with any thing made up against Pakistan.

This meeting first of all viewed steps taken in 2018. They do not decide nor have a power to decide or recommend putting any country on the black list. Our case along with China and Taiwan was discussed in a regional context . That is all to it.

All this BS news about 20 points out of 30 failure is created by Indias due to too much bad body odour effecting their brain and it’s better to leave them alone
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