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Finally!!!! India joins the Cryogenic Club-GSLV D5 Successfully launched

ALl the Retards and Critics Mocking Failure of ISRO in GSLV project have been silenced today .

YOu see this is how Indigenous development is done .

YOu fail , you take notes and try again and again and again till success .
Now this is Awesome!!!

Hell Yeah!!!!!!

We have done it!!!

Congratulation to all the hard working scientists and Team ISRO for this text Book Launch of the indigenous cryogenic engine.!!


136 ONLINE :woot::woot::woot::woot:
a.m. EST) The official commentators from the control center say the rocket achieved a "very precise" orbit.
1105 GMT (6:05 a.m. EST)
Spacecraft separation! The GSAT 14 satellite has been released from the rocket's third stage. All indications are this launch was a success.
1105 GMT (6:05 a.m. EST)
T+plus 17 minutes. Third stage shutdown has been confirmed on time. Data being broadcast by ISRO show the rocket achieved an orbit close to the target.
Separation of the GSAT 14 spacecraft is expected momentarily.

1102 GMT (6:02 a.m. EST)
T+plus 14 minutes. Shutdown of the upper stage is expected at T+plus 16 minutes, 55 seconds. The rocket is aiming for an orbit with a low point of about 180 kilometers, or 111 miles, a high point of 35,975 kilometers, or 22,353 miles, and an inclination of 19.3 degrees.
1100 GMT (6:00 a.m. EST)
T+plus 12 minutes, 30 seconds. ISRO says the third stage's thrust level has been throttled down a bit as designed.
1059 GMT (5:59 a.m. EST)
T+plus 11 minutes. The Indian cryogenic third stage is about halfway through its 12-minute burn. Altitude is 132 kilometers, downrange distance is 2,624 kilometers and velocity is 6.56 kilometers per second.
1056 GMT (5:56 a.m. EST)
T+plus 8 minutes. No problems reported so far during this launch.
1054 GMT (5:54 a.m. EST)
T+plus 6 minutes. Officials report the third stage engine is performing within limits.
The third stage engine is designed to produce 75 kilonewtons, or 16,860 pounds, of thrust and burns more than 28,000 pounds of liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen during its 12-minute burn.

1053 GMT (5:53 a.m. EST)
T+plus 5 minutes. Launch officials say the second stage has shut down and separated, and the third stage cryogenic engine is now firing. The Indian-built engine is the centerpiece of today's test launch.
1051 GMT (5:51 a.m. EST)
T+plus 3 minutes, 50 seconds. The GSLV's metallic nose shroud has jettisoned, exposing the GSAT 14 satellite to space for the first time.
The rocket's second stage engine will shut down at T+plus 4 minutes, 49 seconds. Just a few seconds later, the third stage will separate and ignite to continue propelling GSAT 14 toward orbit.

1050 GMT (5:50 a.m. EST)
T+plus 2 minutes, 40 seconds. Separation of the first stage and boosters has been confirmed by ISRO launch controllers, and the second stage's Vikas engine is now firing for a burn scheduled to last 2 minutes, 20 seconds.
1050 GMT (5:50 a.m. EST)
T+plus 2 minutes. The GSLV's core motor has burned out, and the rocket's four strap-on boosters will shut down in less than 30 seconds, followed by ignition of the second stage.
1049 GMT (5:49 a.m. EST)
T+plus 60 seconds. The GSLV has surpassed the speed of sound, and the flight is proceeding normally.
1048 GMT (5:48 a.m. EST)
LIFTOFF of the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle on a test flight of India's indigenous cryogenic upper stage.
1046 GMT (5:46 a.m. EST)
T-minus 2 minutes. The GSLV's four L40H strap-on boosters will fire their Vikas engines at T-minus 4.8 seconds, giving the engines time to ramp up to full power of 150,000 pounds of thrust.
Ignition of the launcher's S139 solid-fueled core stage occurs as the countdown clock hits zero, followed immediately by liftoff.

The countdown is under the control of a computerized automatic sequence.

1045 GMT (5:45 a.m. EST)
T-minus 3 minutes. A check of the weather conditions show all parameters are acceptable for launch.
1043 GMT (5:43 a.m. EST)
T-minus 5 minutes.
1038 GMT (5:38 a.m. EST)
T-minus 10 minutes. At the time of launch, the GSLV will weigh 414 metric tons, or about 912,000 pounds. It will fly southeast from the Satish Dhawan Space Center, a facility on Sriharikota Island about 50 miles north of Chennai on India's east coast.
The payload for this launch is GSAT 14, a 4,369-pound Indian communications satellite. GSAT 14 will extend India's Ku-band and C-band communications capacity with 12 transponders, along with a pair of Ka-band beacons for frequency attenuation studies.

After three orbit-raising maneuvers with its on-board engine and deployment of its solar panels and two antennas, the satellite will be positioned in geostationary orbit at 74 degrees east longitude for a 12-year mission.

GSAT 14 will be positioned near other Indian satellites, such as INSAT 3C, INSAT 4CR and Kalpana 1, according to ISRO. The spacecraft also carries several technological experiments, including a fiber optic gyroscope, an active pixel sun sensor and new types of thermal coatings.

1033 GMT (5:33 a.m. EST)
T-minus 15 minutes. Unlike many rockets utilizing strap-on boosters, the GSLV's first stage is powered by a core solid-fueled motor and four liquid-fueled booster engines. The rocket will generate a total thrust of more than 1.5 million pounds at liftoff.
The S139 core motor and Vikas engines on the boosters will jettison and two-and-a-half minutes after liftoff, yielding to the GSLV's second stage Vikas engine for a more than two-minute burn, during which the rocket's 11.1-foot-diameter metallic payload fairing will fall away.

The third stage will ignite for a 12-minute burn before releasing the GSAT 14 spacecraft in an orbit with a low point of about 180 kilometers, or 111 miles, a high point of 35,975 kilometers, or 22,353 miles, and an inclination of 19.3 degrees. See more details on the GSLV's flight sequence in our launch timeline.

1029 GMT (5:29 a.m. EST)
The mission director has authorized the launch of the GSLV.
1028 GMT (5:28 a.m. EST)
T-minus 20 minutes. Today is the second launch attempt for the GSLV-D5 mission following an Aug. 19 countdown which was aborted 75 minutes before liftoff due to a fuel leak in the rocket's second stage.
The leak of toxic hydrazine fuel was blamed on cracks in the second stage fuel tank, which was made of an aluminum-zinc alloy known as Afnor 7020. The Indian launch team rolled the GSLV back to the vehicle assembly building at the Satish Dhawan Space Center to be taken apart and refurbished.

Engineers replaced the first and second stages of the GSLV after the Aug. 19 launch attempt. The new second stage has a fuel tank made of a different aluminum-copper alloy named AA2219.

ISRO also changed out electronic components inside the GSLV's four liquid-fueled strap-on boosters damaged by the fuel leak and subsequent cleaning with water. The third stage and GSAT 14 spacecraft were inspected and tested during the fall and found to be ready for launch.

1022 GMT (5:22 a.m. EST)
We are now streaming live video from India's Satish Dhawan Space Center, where all launch preparations are on track for liftoff in 26 minutes.
0948 GMT (4:48 a.m. EST)
T-minus 60 minutes. No problems have been reported so far in the countdown. Here are some statistics on today's flight:
  • 8th GSLV launch since 2001
  • 2nd GSLV Mk.2 launch since 2010
  • 41st Indian space launch since 1979
  • 24th geostationary communications satellite launched by ISRO
0915 GMT (4:15 a.m. EST)
Today's mission marks the eighth launch of a Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle since 2001, and the third flight of the upgraded GSLV Mk.2 version with an Indian cryogenic third stage.
Six of the GSLV's seven missions to date have flown with Russian-built hydrogen-fueled third stage engines, but India attempting to demonstrate its own cryogenic third stage to give the nation a launcher with all-Indian components.

The first GSLV launch occurred on April 20, 2001, with the GSAT 1 satellite. The mission was a partial success, delivering its payload to a slightly lower-than-planned orbit due to the premature shutdown of the rocket's Russian third stage.

Two subsequent launches of the GSLV in May 2003 and September 2004 proved successful before the GSLV was hamstrung by a series of mishaps.

A launch in July 2006 ended when the GSLV veered out of control and disintegrated about 55 seconds after liftoff due to a malfunctioning propellant regulator inside one of four liquid-fueled strap-on boosters, which allowed excess propellant to flow into the Vikas engine, driving up temperatures and pressures inside the engine.

The next GSLV mission in September 2007 placed the INSAT 4CR communications satellite in orbit, but the rocket's third stage again underperformed, deploying the spacecraft in the wrong orbit.

India followed with another GSLV launch in April 2010, the first time the launcher had ever used an Indian-built third stage. The rocket fell short of orbit due to a fuel pump anomaly on the indigenous cryogenic upper stage.

Another GSLV launch in December 2010, which reverted back to using the Russian third stage, disintegrated in a fireball less than a minute after liftoff, when cables between the launcher's computer and strap-on boosters inadvertently disconnected in flight, causing the GSLV to lose control.

ISRO considers four of the seven GSLV missions to date to be failures.

0735 GMT (3:35 a.m. EST)
The GSLV's third stage is now being filled with liquid hydrogen fuel, according to ISRO.
0620 GMT (1:20 a.m. EST)
Super-cold liquid oxygen is now being pumped inside the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle's cryogenic third stage, a key part of today's test launch from the Satish Dhawan Space Center.
The third stage is the only part of the GSLV not already loaded with propellant. Its liquid hydrogen tank will be filled next. The third stage tanks will contain more than 28,000 pounds of propellant at the time of launch.

After the 161-foot-tall rocket rolled to the launch pad Dec. 28, engineers completed final preparations on the launch vehicle and commenced the 29-hour countdown at 0548 GMT (12:48 a.m. EST) Saturday.

Later Saturday, the GSLV's second stage and four L40H strap-on boosters were loaded with hydrazine and nitrogen tetroxide propellants.

The second stage and four strap-on boosters are powered by hydrazine-fueled Vikas engines, each producing about 150,000 pounds of thrust.

The GSLV's first stage is powered by a solid-fueled motor generating more than a million pounds of thrust. Its propellant was packed inside the motor casing before the rocket was assembled.

Fueling of the third stage comes last in the sequence because its cryogenic propellant is stored at frigid temperatures, and the liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen boils off when exposed to ambient temperatures.

After a five-month grounding to replace a leaky second stage, India's Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle is counting down to liftoff Sunday on a pivotal test flight with a communications payload on-board.
Liftoff is set for 1048 GMT (5:48 a.m. EST) from the Satish Dhawan Space Center on India's east coast.

The rocket sprung a fuel leak during a countdown Aug. 19, forcing Indian officials to scrap a long-delayed test launch of the GSLV with an Indian-built cryogenic upper stage, which engineers see as a pathway to building larger launchers with all-Indian technology.

The launch team aborted the countdown about an hour and 15 minutes before liftoff in August, then ground crews rolled the GSLV back inside its assembly building to be taken apart, inspected and refurbished.

We'll have live updates during the final countdown and launch.

Indian engineers plan to return the country's largest rocket, the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle, to its assembly building for checks and repairs after the launcher's second stage sprung a fuel leak during a countdown Monday.
Read our full story.

1048 GMT (6:48 a.m. EDT)
Indian media are reporting today's launch has been scrubbed due to an apparent fuel leak on the second stage of the GSLV.
1035 GMT (6:35 a.m. EDT)
ISRO says the launch countdown is on hold.
1020 GMT (6:20 a.m. EDT)
Liftoff of the GSLV is one hour away. Here are some statistics on today's flight:
  • 8th GSLV launch since 2001
  • 2nd GSLV Mk.2 launch since 2010
  • 40th space launch attempt from Sriharikota since 1979
  • 23rd geostationary communications satellite built by ISRO
1000 GMT (6 a.m. EDT)
The Indian Space Research Organization reports fueling of the GSLV's third stage is underway with super-cold liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen.
The 29-hour countdown began at 0620 GMT (2:20 a.m. EDT) Sunday, followed by fueling of the GSLV's second stage and four liquid-fueled L40 strap-on boosters with hydrazine and nitrogen tetroxide propellants.

The second stage and four strap-on boosters are powered by hydrazine-fueled Vikas engines, each producing about 150,000 pounds of thrust.

The GSLV's first stage is powered by a solid-fueled motor generating more than a million pounds of thrust. Its propellant was packed inside the motor casing before the rocket was assembled.

Fueling of the third stage comes last in the sequence because its cryogenic propellant is stored at frigid temperatures, and the liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen boils off when exposed to ambient temperatures.

India's largest launcher is poised to lift off Monday on a crucial test flight after three years of redesign and ground testing following back-to-back launch failures in 2010.
The Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle, or GSLV, will take off at 1120 GMT (7:20 a.m. EDT) from the Satish Dhawan Space Center on India's east coast. It will be 4:50 p.m. local time at the launch base, which is situated on Sriharikota Island on the east coast of India.

The 161-foot-tall rocket is carrying the GSAT 14 communications satellite, a 4,369-pound spacecraft to extend Ku-band and C-band services over India.

But much of the attention on Monday's launch will focus on the GSLV, the centerpiece of India's ambition to become a fully independent space power. Without the GSLV, India must launch its heaviest satellites on foreign rockets such as the European Ariane 5.

India grounded the GSLV following a pair of launch failures in 2010 - first a premature shutdown of the GSLV's Indian cryogenic upper stage in April, then an explosive mishap shortly after liftoff on another mission in December.

Engineers are confident they have fixed the problems.

"We are sure, with the adjustments we have mad eand the meticulous reviews we have gone through, this stage should perform precisely, and we'll have a very successful GSLV mission," said S. Ramakrishnan, director of India's Vikram Sarabhai Space Center. "I'm sure with the kind of teamwork we have, and the kind of people we have with us, we will be able to definitely overcome any issue or problem, and GSLV will also be operational one day as PSLV."

India's Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle, or PSLV, has racked up a string of successful launches dating back to 1994. But the PSLV's capacity is limited to satellites bound for low orbits or smaller spacecraft heading for higher altitudes.

The GSLV is designed to loft more massive satellites, including payloads for India's growing fleet of communications spacecraft.

Monday's flight will feature an Indian-built hydrogen-fueled third stage built to replace a Russian-provided engine used on the GSLV Mk.1 model, the rocket's early variant.

International missile and defense technology agreements stipulated Russia could only provide readymade third stages for the GSLV, forcing India to start an in-house program to design and build its own upper stage.

The Indian upper stage failed during its first test flight in April 2010, when the engine's fuel turbopump failed about one second after igniting, dooming the mission. Another GSLV launch with a Russian third stage disintegrated in a fireball less than a minute after liftoff in December 2010, a failure caused by the "untimely and inadvertent snapping of connectors" between the GSLV's computer and the control system on its four liquid-fueled strap-on boosters.

Since 2010, Indian engineers made a number of improvements to the GSLV, including a redesign of the third stage engine's fuel turbopump to account for the expansion and contraction of bearings and casings as super-cold liquid propellant flows through the engine.

Officials also modified the third stage's ignition sequence to ensure the "smooth, successful and sustained ignition" for the main engine, steering engine and gas generator system.

India also made improvements to the third stage engine's protective shroud and a wire tunnel in the third stage. Engineers revised their understanding of the aerodynamic characteristics of the GSLV and added an on-board camera system to better monitor the rocket's performance in flight.

Before approving the improved GSLV for flight, India completed two acceptance tests of the GSLV's third stage fuel turbopump to ensure it will not succumb to the same problem that plagued the April 2010 launch. Engineers also put the third stage engine into a vacuum chamber to simulate ignition at high altitude.

The third stage engine, designed to produce nearly 16,860 pounds of thrust, will take over 4 minutes, 54 seconds after liftoff.

The third stage engine will fire for 12 minutes during Monday's launch to inject the GSAT 14 satellite into a geosynchronous transfer orbit with a low point of 111 miles, a high point of 22,353 miles and an inclination of 19.3 degrees.

GSAT 14's own propulsion system will raise the low point, or perigee, of its orbit to an altitude of 22,300 miles and align its orbit over the equator to begin a 12-year mission.
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