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Fear of influence


Apr 8, 2007
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By James Lamont and Amy Kazmin

Published: July 12 2009 23:06 | Last updated: July 12 2009 23:06

Hambantota, in southern Sri Lanka, was a sleepy seaside village devastated by the 2004 tsunami. Famous for salt flats and a searing climate, it’s most celebrated building was a British-built watchtower, now home to a fisheries museum.

Gwadar, likewise, until seven years ago, was a fishing town in Baluchistan on Pakistan’s south-western shoreline. An enclave on the Arabian Sea given to Islamabad by the Aga Khan, it was not much thought of as a key staging point between central Asia and the Gulf.

Today these little-known towns are fast emerging on to a bigger political and economic map thanks to Chinese finance and engineering, which is upgrading their ports into world-class facilities. They are part of China’s so-called “string of pearls” – the ports, staging posts and hubs that analysts say describe expanding Chinese interests and diplomatic initiatives in south Asia. The outreach – or, to some, apparent encirclement – is underpinned by infrastructure projects, arms supplies, energy routes and diplomatic protection.

Nowhere is this development causing more disquiet than in India. As energy dumps and refineries, jetties and gantries emerge on neighbouring shores, New Delhi fears that Beijing is extending its power to control shipping lanes in the Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea – waves that it prefers to rule. The moves have the potential to intensify the competition – and scramble for resources – between the world’s fastest-growing big economies, both nuclear-armed powers.

Arundhati Ghose, India’s former ambassador to the UN, says Beijing’s manoeuvring in south Asia is “causing us a lot of disquiet”. China is “flexing its muscles,” she says. “What they want to do is say ‘We are the big boys here and Asia can only afford one power’ ... The message is that the power in Asia is China, and this is her periphery, and China is the one which will determine what is going to happen here.”

Beijing insists that its intentions are peaceful, aimed at development.

Relations between the two sides have never recovered since a short-lived border war almost half a century ago. In June 1962, Chinese forces overran mountain regions in a bitter, high-altitude conflict.

The episode brought an abrupt end to the vision of Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s first prime minister, of brotherhood between the two countries. It also deeply wounded India’s confidence that it could defend itself.

Today, the cool relationship across the Himalayas continues to do harm. Trade between Asia’s two most powerful emerging markets may have grown, yet distrust allows neither to drop its guard. The territorial dispute still rankles, emblematic of a broader, and potentially more dangerous stand-off stirred by economic dynamism and rising military might.

While the People’s Daily, the mouthpiece of Chinese Communist party, claims Indians view China’s accomplishments with “awe”, Manmohan Singh, India’s prime minister, and his country’s corporate leaders boast that India’s democracy has more staying power than China’s one-party rule.

Friction has risen recently with the two sides sparring over multilateral loans, India’s civil nuclear deal with the US, and trade.

One of the most striking disagreements is China’s holding up approval of the Asian Development Bank’s loan assistance plan to India, on the grounds that it involved finance to territory it claims in India’s north-east. The Chinese opposition to the $2.9bn (€2.1bn, £1.8bn) plan – which earmarked $60m for flood management in the disputed region – is unusual and has left bank officials aghast at the treatment of India, its largest borrower. The Chinese have expressed “strong dissatisfaction” with the ADB saying it had no chance of changing “immense territorial disputes.”

Similarly, China sought to block India’s access to the nuclear supplies as the US administration of former president George W. Bush pursued a civil nuclear deal with New Delhi. That deal brought India’s nuclear programme out of decades of international isolation and was a milestone in its coming of age as a big power.

New Delhi has found ways to hit back. One weapon is trade. India has imposed bans on Chinese-made toys and mobile telephones. Another is troop deployment. It has recently aggravated China by bolstering its forces on the Himalayan border.

But while India can stem the tide of goods, it can do little about what it sees as regional encroachment in newly triumphant Sri Lanka, military-ruled Burma and arch rival Pakistan, and even the former mountain kingdom of Nepal.

Indian defence officials eye China’s activities in Sri Lanka with particular concern. – not least as the island overlooks important shipping lanes that carry much of the world’s oil trade.

Chinese military ordnance was decisive in the final stages of Colombo’s war against the Tamil Tigers, defence experts say. Beijing has increased its aid to Sri Lanka fivefold to $1bn a year and stepped up supplies of sophisticated weapons such as Jian-7 fighter jets, anti-aircraft guns and air surveillance radar.

As well as an arms supplier, China also served as important diplomatic ally to Sri Lanka, helping to deflect western criticism at the United Nations of Colombo’s human rights record in defeating the Tamil Tigers, which cost thousands of civilian lives.

“On both counts – diplomacy and arms supply – China has rendered invaluable help to Sri Lanka in its war effort against the Tamil Tigers,” says R. Hariharan, a retired colonel turned political analyst. Sri Lanka’s president, Mahinda Rajapaksa, cemented relations in 2007 by awarding Chinese companies the contracts for developing the Hambantota port, in his home constituency. The port, deeper than the one at Colombo, the capital, would provide docking and refuelling facilities for, among others, Chinese merchant and naval ships.

Such efforts, says Col Hariharan, could see Sri Lanka emerge as “a friendly cockpit” from which to keep an eye on key shipping lanes – yet another concern for India, which sees the island is the southern vanguard of its strategic defence.

To India’s east, China has emerged as the closest ally and international protector of Burma’s isolated military junta, which is shunned by most western governments and subjected to sanctions. China is Burma’s largest trading partner, and was long rumoured to have a listening post in southern Burma on the Bay of Bengal.

“I don’t think there is some nefarious Chinese scheme on Burma, but with western sanctions, there has been a vacuum in Burma and China has been happy to fill that vacuum,” says Thant Myint-U, an authority on the relationship between Burma, China and India.

Beijing, which has repeatedly shielded Burma in the UN Security Council, is being repaid with access to some of Burma’s rich trove of natural gas at “friendship” prices, according to some Burmese analysts. China is beginning the construction of a pipeline that will carry oil from Sittwe, on the Bay of Bengal, to China.

For Indian policymakers – some of whom still recall when Mandalay, Burma’s second city, was the eastern-most city in British India – Beijing’s close ties to the Burmese generals are a cause of deep concern.

“In Burma, the most atrocious and evil government is supported by China, and India has no choice but to do something about it so we are not totally zero there,” said one senior retired Indian diplomat, who asked not to be identified. “But we can’t be party to people [China] wounding and needling an animal in our forest and then leaving us to handle the wounded tiger.”

China is also allied to what many Indians consider their greatest threat: nuclear-armed Pakistan. Beijing provides financial and technical support to Islamabad and is described by some western diplomats as the Islamic republic’s most special relationship. Relations have deepened over the 40 years since Pakistan was slapped with US economic and military sanctions following its 1965 war with India.

“Pakistan considers China a well-trusted friend. There are virtually no issues between us,” says a Pakistani foreign ministry official.

The Gwadar port project, one of the highest-profile examples of Chinese assistance, envisages a naval anchor, and transport and energy transhipment links reaching all the way to Xinjiang province in China’s west.

China has also emerged as Pakistan’s largest supplier of defence hardware, and is helping renew the country’s jet fighter strike force.

Such links have prompted India’s more hawkish commentators, traditionally focused on the threat from Pakistan, to turn their attention to their more powerful neighbour. Some warn that China is an unstoppable results-driven business machine with little time for democratic niceties. “Each mayor and party secretary has objectives relating to investment, output and growth, which are aligned to national goals,” says Gurcharan Das, a Delhi-based political analyst and former chief executive of Procter & Gamble India.

Naresh Chandra, India’s former ambassador to the US and former cabinet secretary, says Beijing has little interest in partnering with New Delhi to develop a common regional approach.“They fail to recognise their own power to do good in Asia. Their entire thinking is based on the People’s Liberation Army” he says.

New Delhi’s anxieties have been exacerbated by growing deference to Beijing by western powers, particularly the US, who look to China’s economic dynamism to rescue the global economy from its current crisis.

“We are not in a position to take them on militarily, economically and now not even politically,” says Ms Ghose. “The only option we’ve got is diplomatic. At the moment, the US is of no help. ”

Many Indian officials prefer to be more bland in their comments about China, and its “string of pearls”. Kamal Nath, a senior cabinet minister and former trade negotiator, says India and China follow two different models but need not be antagonistic in pursuit of growth and power.

“It cannot be India versus China. It has to be India and China,” he says.

Additional reporting by Joe Leahy and Farhan Bokhari


After the return of the Chinese naval expedition to fight piracy off the Somalia coast in May, Rear Admiral Du Jingchen, the commander of the fleet, declared the mission accomplished. “It was safe, smooth and satisfactory,” he said.

In truth, for China and the countries clustered around the Indian Ocean, the mission was much more, writes Richard McGregor.This was the first time Beijing had used its navy to escort vessels sailing under its national flag at such a distance from its homeland. The fact that Chinese ships transited through the Indian Ocean, an area New Delhi regards as its backyard, gave the event an extra geopolitical edge.

“The Indian Ocean is very important – it gives [China] a broader space,” says Bud Cole, a professor at the National War College, and an expert on the Chinese navy.

Like most displays of Chinese power, the naval mission said more about the future of Beijing’s influence than its authority today. The navy has little capability to conduct sustained missions far from home. As Mr Cole points out, it has only a handful of supply ships essential to such missions, and is not rushing to build many more.

But there is little doubt Beijing harbours long-term ambitions to build a navy with a capability that matches both its ambitions to be a great power and its swelling global economic interests.

The People’s Liberation Army and its naval wing moved beyond a singular focus on Taiwan “several years ago”, according to Alex Huang, of the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Taipei. “They are sending a message that the Chinese navy is going places, and that they are the new player on the block.”

Rear Admiral Yin Dunping, the vice-commander of the anti-piracy expedition, said in an interview on the mission’s conclusion that China needed a strong navy to safeguard its national interest.

“It is important to accelerate and improve the navy’s abilities to cross the ocean [to] escort, rescue and evacuate Chinese nationals abroad, maintain peace, and a variety of other military tasks,” he told Xinhua, the state news agency.

It is not just India and its neighbours that are feeling the effects of China’s rise. The US and its allies in the Pacific, including Japan, Australia and the Philippines, have all been forced to adjust their strategic outlook to take account of Beijing’s ambitions.

But few regions have been so methodically mapped out by China as the Indian Ocean and its environs, where Beijing has built or financed ports from Burma to Pakistan to draw a line of influence – the so-called “string of pearls” – from south-east Asia all the way to the Middle East.

Every new display of the navy’s latest hardware is accompanied by a statement from the Beijing leadership reassuring neighbours about China’s desire for peace and co-operation.

But as military strategists have long known, China’s mere presence in the region is a statement in itself. Once it is accompanied by military hardware, the power of the message will only be redoubled.

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India is in absolutely no position to compete with China militarily, economically or diplomatically. India still spends a measly 2% on its defense while homegrown insurgencies rage on. In 62 years, we still haven't managed to quell internal discontent, never mind countering China with their 4 trillion dollar economy. They have spread their web all over South Asia, generously 'helping' while furthering their own interests. All this in fighting among South Asians will ensure that outside powers have more of a say in our internal affairs than we do. East Asia, Europe, North America are all gaining in stature, while we, as they say are 'wahin ke wahin'.

Every now and then I look at India and I have some hope that one day, just maybe, we will be a part of the big league, but most of the time the situation is just so frustrating that I'm surprised anybody still has hope. Its sad.
china's "string of pearls" reported by Pentagon in 2005.......it make sense.
Pakistan has decided to hand over the operation of the Gwadar port to a Singaporean company, Sri Lankan Foreign Minister has denied the existence of the arms deal with China,this kind of report is full of BS

does this trading port looks like a naval port
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meh cant blame the chinese government for wanting to protect it vital trade routes going through the indian ocean after all they can only depend on themselve, in war the us is sure no gonna be of any help

then again cant blame the neighbors for getting jittery when bases are spring up around them
so talks have to be done
especially between the india they've got a paranoia against china.
india and china will be superpower and nobody can stop anybody..india enjoys good and transparent relations worlwide whereas global opinion about china is there under cover operations and strategies...like currency, miitary spending, support to North Korea, time to time ban on media, internet, imposing hard decisions on its people, humanatarian conditions, it is also known in the western world that given the kind of political structure china has it is practically impossible for china to unwind...here India scores up-front with the kind of political structure, open media and good diplomacy ...further the most important thing for any country is "Its relations with US".,..chinese are not comfortable with US policies..whether it is supporting Taiwan, Japan, South Korea. On the other hand India has long history with Russia in the sub-continent and now has broken the cold war ice where US is now seeing India its allies....india will definitely has this edge over china..however given the good relations that china and india has developed ...i hope indians will some-how manage to develop more deep relations with themselves..and the kind of markets that both these countries have will make them self reliant and dependend on each other..i believe chinese and indians will understand this
i really miss that France who's craping on US and UK for starting iraq war,that France have its own voice instead of following BBC or CNN,our two countries' relation was always ok before Sarkozy inaugurated .in my opinion,i think he just tried to divert public attention from the economic crisis ,i know France is trying to get back to NATO,but i don't think you should abandon your national integrity to reach that target .maybe i am making things complicated,Sarkozy is just too short to see the really china or too romantic to hide under his model's skirt
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India is in absolutely no position to compete with China militarily, economically or diplomatically. India still spends a measly 2% on its defense while homegrown insurgencies rage on. In 62 years, we still haven't managed to quell internal discontent, never mind countering China with their 4 trillion dollar economy. They have spread their web all over South Asia, generously 'helping' while furthering their own interests. All this in fighting among South Asians will ensure that outside powers have more of a say in our internal affairs than we do. East Asia, Europe, North America are all gaining in stature, while we, as they say are 'wahin ke wahin'.

Every now and then I look at India and I have some hope that one day, just maybe, we will be a part of the big league, but most of the time the situation is just so frustrating that I'm surprised anybody still has hope. Its sad.

Its a good job the indians dont have people like you in govt otherwise we would get a superpower india.
finally i remember one thing...u can replace your enemies as friends and friends as enemies time to time.....but you cannot replace your neighbours...so it has to be friendly....no options !!
india and china will be superpower and nobody can stop anybody..india enjoys good and transparent relations worlwide whereas global opinion about china is there under cover operations and strategies...like currency, miitary spending, support to North Korea, time to time ban on media, internet, imposing hard decisions on its people, humanatarian conditions, it is also known in the western world that given the kind of political structure china has it is practically impossible for china to unwind...here India scores up-front with the kind of political structure, open media and good diplomacy ...further the most important thing for any country is "Its relations with US".,..chinese are not comfortable with US policies..whether it is supporting Taiwan, Japan, South Korea. On the other hand India has long history with Russia in the sub-continent and now has broken the cold war ice where US is now seeing India its allies....india will definitely has this edge over china..however given the good relations that china and india has developed ...i hope indians will some-how manage to develop more deep relations with themselves..and the kind of markets that both these countries have will make them self reliant and dependend on each other..i believe chinese and indians will understand this

"india enjoys good and transparent relations worlwide "

by that you mean the US and her allies

"chinese are not comfortable with US policies..whether it is supporting Taiwan, Japan, South Korea."

why the hell would they be?? for 30 years since the founding of the PRC the US has refuse to recognize them and decided to ignore a billion + people. it was the US that forcibally bunch all communist nations with USSR. the Us only reconized PRc when they saw that it was good for their positions using them as a counterweight to the USSR(something its doing to india). and even though offically the US reconizes there is only one china it is bound by law to intervene if taiwan declares independence. why would china be happy about this? to them it would be essetually a invasion by american forces if the taiwan situation plays out as offically us says taiwan IS part of china. as for japan, there was WW2 and things like the 3 All's policy would obviously make the Chinese people weary of a strong japan. that and the previous japanese president vistin the WW@ shrine deal.
and offically there isnt too many problem with the south koreans just that the area is swarming with US bases. not soemthing that PRC likes.

"the most important thing for any country is "Its relations with US""

now may i remind you that the china-us trade number vs india-us trade number are not comparable
china own a trillion+ of the US debt.
thus it can be said that chinese relationship with the US is a economically one and one that is more important than many other nations.
Sri Lanka Port Projects

China constructing the Hambantota port.

South Korea modernizing the Colombo port.

Japan will construct two fisheries ports.

Sri Lanka receiving financial loans from China, South Korea & Japan to construct and modernize ports.

Sri Lanka Defense Deals

Sri Lanka has Defense deals with China, USA, Russia & Pakistan.

Sri Lanka buying weapons from China, USA, Russia & Pakistan.

Sri Lanka directly receiving Diplomatic, Economic & Defense support from China, South Korea, Japan, USA, Russia & Pakistan.
Please take note that skorea and japan as well as china relies heavily on the route that passes by sri lanca, so the stability within the region fits the benefits of all these countries as well as sri lanca people.
"the most important thing for any country is "Its relations with US""

now may i remind you that the china-us trade number vs india-us trade number are not comparable
china own a trillion+ of the US debt.
thus it can be said that chinese relationship with the US is a economically one and one that is more important than many other nations.

it says on its own...even with triilion dollar debt as u say...the geo-political goals of these two countries..do not match..pls remember..there is a very pld pro-verb".....IF US sneazes the whole world catches COLD"......dont u feel the economic impact..in china...however it is more important that for natural allies to have same geo-political goals...yes ofcourse trade comes next...

---------- Post added at 07:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:41 PM ----------

Sri Lanka has Defense deals with China, USA, Russia & Pakistan.

Sri Lanka buying weapons from China, USA, Russia & Pakistan.

srilanka has cancelled 800 million dollar arms deal from china...it says after LTTE it doec not need weapons
it says on its own...even with triilion dollar debt as u say...the geo-political goals of these two countries..do not match..pls remember..there is a very pld pro-verb".....IF US sneazes the whole world catches COLD"......dont u feel the economic impact..in china...however it is more important that for natural allies to have same geo-political goals...yes ofcourse trade comes next...

---------- Post added at 07:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:41 PM ----------

srilanka has cancelled 800 million dollar arms deal from china...it says after LTTE it doec not need weapons

1. i was replying to the post before me says you need to have a good relationship with the us, i was making the case that us and china a so mix economically that its hard to see to us directly confront china and that the trade relationship with china is much more important than trade relationship with many other nations, thus while goe-political standing may not be the same trade will force them to work together.

2. its 200 mil i think(correct me if im wrong) and yea why buy more when you dont need it, if they canceled the port deal i would be worry then

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