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FC helicopter attacked, TTP claims responsibilty

Yes, the militants had AAA and many guns have been seized. But this is illogical saying that they shot a helicopter, landing at army camp. They would have been caught by now.
Though the AAA has been used on Pakistan Army Aviation helicopters earlier and rarely got away with it too..

The heli may have been shot up further away from the camp and then managed to make it to the camp and made an emergency landing...
The heli may have been shot up further away from the camp and then managed to make it to the camp and made an emergency landing...

So you believe in the terrorists who admit every act of terrorism is executed by them, and other groups claim that they have done it. Or do you believe in the engineers who said that it was a hydraulic fault. If it were shot, the bullet-riddled body would have proven it, and a search operation would have been started with air support in a large radius that militants can't escape from. They would instantly have Cobra pounding over them after the pilots of the helicopter inform the base of the co-ordinates of the fire.
So you believe in the terrorists who admit every act of terrorism is executed by them, and other groups claim that they have done it. Or do you believe in the engineers who said that it was a hydraulic fault. If it were shot, the bullet-riddled body would have proven it, and a search operation would have been started with air support in a large radius that militants can't escape from. They would instantly have Cobra pounding over them after the pilots of the helicopter inform the base of the co-ordinates of the fire.

I don't believe the taliban for everything they say, but neither I trust the ISPR who lie a lot more than any other institution in our country. Time will probably tell us the true story.
I don't believe the taliban for everything they say, but neither I trust the ISPR who lie a lot more than any other institution in our country. Time will probably tell us the true story.

its an information or disinformation war as well whatever you hear or read might not be true
either sides will claim, reject, exaggerate or cover incidences depending on the nature of the incident.

the militants are not amateurs, loathe them fear them or appreciate them, they have taken on a regular army on the Pakistan side and NATO forces on the other side as well

they are thriving on the mistrust between Pakistan and American forces.
they have claimed shooting down a cobra and a Mil before already
Our forces dont know what they r doing, they are fighting for america and what americans did put 10 m bounty on hafiz saeed basically its not on hafiz saeed its on ISI
What usa, israel and india planning and doing in baluchistan and also in karachi
We must sort ourself out before its too late, fighting in own will make us more weak, now its time to unite everybody, to shut down helicopter in not impossible and we dont have very advance helicopters too dont forget our air chief murdered in air crash the one who opposes american bases in pakistan
they have claimed shooting down a cobra and a Mil before already


They have already shot down a Cobra !

Our forces dont know what they r doing, they are fighting for america and what americans did put 10 m bounty on hafiz saeed basically its not on hafiz saeed its on ISI

That Hafiz Saeed thing is simply a pressure tactic, in reply to the blockade of NATO supplies.

Got nothing to do with the topic on hand here.

All the occupants of the heli are safe at the moment.

BTW< what was the heli? Was it of the army of some other force, considering it had the IG FC in it. A UH-1 of Bell 412 most probably.
According to TTP , they will release the video of the attack on heli very soon.
I wonder what ISPR will look like then :blink:
According to TTP , they will release the video of the attack on heli very soon.
I wonder what ISPR will look like then :blink:

There will be no video. When it comes out you can PM me!!!

Will post some more info on this incident after some days if I can.
Even if TTP didn't shoot the helicopter, why not bomb the shyt out of them? Opportunity to test our shiny new JF-17s.
They did not shoot down the helo, it stalled out while landing due to failure in the Hydraulics system.
It'd be pretty whack if the Taliban shot down the IG's helo, sitting ON the landing pad, INSIDE the military compound!

On a serious note, Mohmand is free of militants, the presence of Pakistani troops on Salala check post (outermost reaches of Mohmand is a testament to that). Ghalanai camp lies on top of a mountain, covered on three sides by mountains and over looking the valley to the west. No way you could be sitting with an Ack-Ack somewhere and not be noticed.

According to TTP , they will release the video of the attack on heli very soon.
I wonder what ISPR will look like then :blink:

Because there will be no video, as they never shot down the helo!
I think The downing of Cobra happened in Orakzai, Where both pilots were killed and the rescue team to secure the wreckage came in Mi-17 helicopter got shot too and there were causalities among them . And some senior officer of Colonel or Brigadier rank i think got shaheed in that incident.
They're bluffing, the helo crashed on landing due to a failure in the hydraulic systems. That's why it crashed dead centre on the heli landing pad of the Ghalanai FC camp.
That's part of the info war of these yahoos. They wait for anything such as this to happen and then go to town claiming credit for the incident!

IDIOTS! :tdown:
I think The downing of Cobra happened in Orakzai, Where both pilots were killed and the rescue team to secure the wreckage came in Mi-17 helicopter got shot too and there were causalities among them . And some senior officer of Colonel or Brigadier rank i think got shaheed in that incident.


Where did you get the casualty figure from?

the Cobra was flown to Chaklala (or a base in FATA before that) first then the Cobra workshop( in bahawalpur I think) slung underneath a Mi-17.
First of all, Taliban on both sides of the border wrongfully boast about inflicting casualties on our forces. This could very well be one of their so-called claims without any proof. The Soviet invasion caused the total destruction of Afghanistan, and with our support and the will of the Afghan people, the Soviets were forced to withdraw. When we entered Afghanistan, it was in total ruins. In the last decade Afghanistan has seen the most development in infrastructure. Roads and railway tracks have been built. Buildings for office, schools and colleges have been constructed. Today Afghans are in a much better situation then they were ten years or so ago. One has to take off the blinds of conspiracies to see it.

We have to realize who the enemy is. We fail to see their atrocities. Even today six innocent Pakistanis were killed by an IED near Jumrud. Till we seek the truth and admit who the real enemy is, we will never be able to completely eliminate terrorism. Our forces are again working together to eliminate this menace, to thwart the callousness of desperate scoundrels on the run. It is time for all to get behind the people who are trying hard to rid the region of all terrorists so more and more Pakistanis can live in peace and prosperity.

Maj David Nevers
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
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