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FBI agent arrested in Pakistan on weapons charge


Sep 27, 2007
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FBI agent arrested in Pakistan on weapons charge

FBI agent arrested in Pakistan on weapons charge - The Washington Post

By Tim Craig and Adam Goldman, Published: May 6 E-mail the writers
An FBI agent is being held on anti-terrorism charges in Pakistan after authorities found ammunition in a bag as he boarded a plane in Karachi, Pakistani and U.S. officials said Tuesday.

The agent was detained by airport police in Karachi about 4 p.m. Monday when he tried to board a Pakistan International Airlines flight to Islamabad. He was in possession of 15 bullets and a magazine for a 9mm pistol, police officials said.

On Tuesday, he appeared in court on charges that he had violated local anti-terrorism laws that prohibit the carrying of weapons or ammunition on a commercial flight. A judge ordered that the agent be detained until at least Saturday so Pakistani security officials can investigate the matter.

The American’s arrest was news across Pakistan, and one television station aired footage of the agent sitting in a jail cell in Karachi, the country’s largest city and one of its most dangerous .

U.S. officials in Washington confirmed that the agent, who is assigned to the FBI Miami Field Office, was in Pakistan on temporary duty. They requested that the agent’s name be withheld, citing the sensitivity of the situation.

A U.S. official with knowledge of the case said the agent was not armed and had apparently forgotten about the loaded magazine in his bag. The agent was in Pakistan as part of a multi-agency effort to help the Pakistanis investigate corruption, the official said.

Reached by phone, the agent’s father said his son was scheduled to be in Pakistan for about three months for “office-type work” with “a non-FBI-type” entity.

An FBI spokesman in Miami referred questions about the arrest to the State Department.

Meghan Gregonis, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad, said U.S. officials are working to resolve the matter.

“We are aware of the reports, and we are coordinating closely with Pakistani authorities on the matter,” Gregonis said.

State Department officials also voiced optimism that the matter can be quickly resolved. But a Pakistani Foreign Ministry official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive subject, said officials are trying to gather more information about the agent’s job in Pakistan.

It’s common for FBI agents to be assigned overseas, where they often work out of U.S. consulates or embassies.

One former FBI agent who used to work in Pakistan said agents are allowed to carry weapons there. But the former agent, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to be candid, said they are not allowed to carry weapons onto civilian aircraft.

In recent years, several Americans have been detained in Pakistan on charges that fueled diplomatic tension between the two countries. In the most high-profile case, a CIA contractor was detained for nearly two months in 2011 in the killing of two men in Lahore.Raymond A. Davis, who was part of a secret CIA team that had been operating in the eastern city, argued that he had acted in self-defense after the two men tried to rob him.

The incident sparked violent protests across Pakistan and greatly strained bilateral relations. Pakistan initially rebuffed requests from senior Obama administration officials that Davis be granted diplomatic immunity. But he was eventually freed after arrangements were made to compensate the relatives of the victims.

At the time, anti-American sentiment was growing in Pakistan because of U.S. drone strikes and disagreements over whether the Pakistani military was doing enough to combat terrorism.

But in the past year, officials on both sides have stressed that relations are on the upswing.

On Monday, the Pakistani military announced that the U.S. military was being granted rare permission to use Pakistani airspace so it could more safely transport vehicles and other supplies from Karachi to Afghanistan.

Craig reported from Kabul. Julie Tate in Washington, Nisar Mehdi in Karachi and Shaiq Hussain in Islamabad contributed to this report.
An FBI agent is being held on anti-terrorism charges in Pakistan after authorities found ammunition in a bag as he boarded a plane in Karachi, Pakistani and U.S. officials said Tuesday.
How stupid can one get with ammunition in a bag on an airport? What did he think if he waved his badge he will be free? :unsure:
How stupid can one get with ammunition in a bag on an airport? What did he think if he waved his badge he will be free? :unsure:
There's something more than meets the eye here. I mean being an FBI agent, he didn't know the rules regarding carrying arms/ammo on a plane? Or are FBI agents so stupid? Yep, something does seem fishy. :ph34r:
There's something more than meets the eye here. I mean being an FBI agent, he didn't know the rules regarding carrying arms/ammo on a plane? Or are FBI agents so stupid? Yep, something does seem fishy. :ph34r:
Hence my sentence started with "How stupid can one get"
Hence my sentence started with "How stupid can one get"
maybe he was not stupid but mislead in believing that with Democracy in place and a very acceptable party in power he shouldnt have any problem at customs and security checkup.

nothing big will come out and he will be on his way back to USA soon
maybe he was not stupid but mislead in believing that with Democracy in place and a very acceptable party in power he shouldnt have any problem at customs and security checkup.

nothing big will come out and he will be on his way back to USA soon
Another Raymond! Now everyone thinks everything is ok on our land :cray:
Another Raymond! Now everyone thinks everything is ok on our land :cray:
They should throw the moron out of country and don't let parties do point scoring on it. GOVT needs to focus on problems of people.
Question is not why he boarded the airplane with weapons, bigger question should be what is a FBI agent doing in Pakistan and
how he go in the country, I am sure an ISI agent will not be given visa to enter US then how come FBI agent was allowed and by whom
Question is not why he boarded the airplane with weapons, bigger question should be what is a FBI agent doing in Pakistan and
how he go in the country, I am sure an ISI agent will not be given visa to enter US then how come FBI agent was allowed and by whom
True...I thought FBI was limited to US and CIA did the outside work, no?
Pakistan dismisses case against FBI agent

(AFP) / 19 May 2014

The unidentified agent was held at Karachi airport early this month when security staff found him carrying 15 rounds for a 9mm handgun during routine checks before a flight to the capital Islamabad.

A Pakistani court on Monday dismissed the case against an American FBI agent arrested for trying to board a plane while carrying ammunition, officials said.

The unidentified agent was held at Karachi airport early this month when security staff found him carrying 15 rounds for a 9mm handgun during routine checks before a flight to the capital Islamabad.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation agent was later released on bail. The Washington Post has said he was on temporary assignment in Pakistan to help local authorities investigate corruption.

A district judge in Karachi, Hasan Ali Kalwar, quashed the case after police failed to present any evidence against the agent.

The judge said police had invoked an incorrect section of the law.

He was not carrying any weapon but was carrying only the bullets and magazines,” Kalwar was quoted as saying by a court official.

Police did not pursue the case after the interior ministry informed them that the agent was authorised to carry the ammunition, police officer Khalid Mehmood told AFP.

The agent’s lawyer also submitted a copy of a US embassy letter showing that he was on a mission and was allowed to carry the ammunition.

The incident came at a time of relative tranquility in Washington’s often-fraught relationship with Islamabad.

Ties have improved markedly since almost collapsing in 2011 amid a series of crises, including the US raid in Pakistan that killed Al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden — which Islamabad branded a violation of sovereignty.

The fatal shooting of two men by CIA contractor Raymond Davis in the eastern city of Lahore in January 2011 also sparked a diplomatic crisis between the two “war on terror” allies.

A Pakistani court eventually freed Davis following the payment of $2 million in blood money to the families of the dead men.
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