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Father of the Nation A politician named Jinnah.


Mar 8, 2019
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A politician named Jinnah.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a human like the rest of us who went through different stages of like and kept evolving as a person. Most importantly he was a politician who, like others, faced different people and problems he had to deal with and had to find a solution by making difficult choices.

Actual Date of birth 20 October 1875 Jhrik
Official 25 December 1876 Karachi

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Young Jinnah heroes were William Gladstone, Edmund Burke and John Locke.

He used to see political debated in House of commons, which made him interested in politics.
On other hand Jinnah also liked Shakespeare and used to watch stage dramas. Once he applied for acting and he was chosen.
Jinnah identified himself as an Indian nationalist. He claimed he was an Indian first and Muslim later.

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In India he was Inspired and trained by two Indian nationalists Gokhale and Dadabhoy.

When Muslim League was created in 1906, Jinnah called it British conspiracy to divide Indians through communalism.
Three purposes of creating Muslim League.
  • Creation of sense of loyalty for the British in Muslim community.
  • Protection of rights of Muslims.
  • Ending hatred within Muslim community against non-Muslims.
Muslim League’s demand for separate electorates was seen as ‘British tactic of divide and rule’ by Jinnah.

Jinnah supported interfaith marriages bill.
Jinnah banned child marriages.
As a layer and legislator, he helped the oppressed and helped form modern Indian judiciary. As a politician, he campaigned for free education and spoke for unions and the workers.
His hard work was behind the creation of Indian Military Academy, modeled after the British military schools.
Because of his achievements, he was called “The uncrowned King of Bombay.”

Jinnah often consumed alcohol in private and wasn’t religious but he never asked his wife to abandon her religious of any kind.
Some people think Allama Iqbal was the real founder of Pakistan. They claim that in his address at Allahabad in 1930, Iqbal presented the concept of separate county or sovereign state.
But That’s not true. Iqbal talked about ‘Autonomous states.’

Between 1857 and 1929, over 64 people presented more than 80 schemes regarding autonomy of provinces and division of India. Iqbal’s scheme was just one of many schemes.

In 1933, Chaudhry Rehmat Ali conceptualized ‘Pakistan’. He wanted north western areas and some parts of Afghanistan to form an empire of Muslims outside of India, by the name of ‘Pakistan Commonwealth of Nations’.

Rehmat Ali propagated this scheme to a great length through his pamphlets.

Jinnah rejected this scheme in 1934 when some came to him to make him accept it.

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Also in 1934, Iqbal rejected this scheme in his letter to Edward Thompson. In 1937, he changed his mind and wrote letters to Jinnah and told him what kind of Pakistan he really wants. At this point Iqbal just had an opinion about Pakistan’s nature and he wasn’t the founder of its concept. Remarkably, Jinnah didn’t reply to Iqbal’s letter.

Next year, since Iqbal was famous in Punjab, he asked Muslims of Punjab to accept Jinnah as their leader. Iqbal died same year.

Jinnah however, once again rejected Pakistan scheme in 1938 during All India Muslim League’s annual session.

Opportunists in Muslim India. Everyone had his own vision for India. Openly supporting one group’s vision would’ve meant losing support of another. So, Jinnah remained silent about definition of ‘Independent states’ till 1946.

Soon after Lahore Resolution, congress media started its propaganda and claimed that Muslim league was demanding Pakistan and wanted to divide India. At first, Jinnah protested against the word ‘Pakistan’ being associated with him, since his demands were a bit different. But later he decided to use this word for political gains due to word’s popularity among the masses. But Jinnah’s Pakistan was different than Rehmat Ali’s one. He merely called Muslim India, Pakistan, and Hindu India, Hindustan, and saw both as part of some Indian federation or confederation.

This was the reason why Rehmat Ali remained bitter about Jinnah, as he felt betrayed. Jinnah also gave a political statement that Iqbal was his mentor, to get even more support from Punjab.

Iqbal and Jinnah both were their own men and stayed that way. Iqbal opposed secularism unlike Jinnah. On other hand, Iqbal wanted some modified version of Islamic laws in Pakistan. Jinnah however opposed that too. The very reason there is no mention of religious laws in Lahore Resolution or any other official document crafted by Muslims League during the presence of Jinnah himself.

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While Jinnah kept territorial nature of Pakistan a secret until 1946, he confirmed 3 things straight away.

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Jinnah didn’t use the word ‘Shariat’ that often. One of his letters comes to mind where he mentioned ‘Shariat laws’ which were basically Muslim personal laws and part of India Act 1937’s section 2. Personal laws were mentioned in previous documents of Muslim league and they are part of today’s India as well. These aren’t anti secularism but pro secularism because they allow people of every faith to live their lives according to their own religion.

Inclusive constitution of Pakistan was also going to have laws for non-religious people. Actually, Jinnah’s liberalism was inspired by the approach of John Locke, the father of liberalism, himself. By today’s standards, john Locke is considered as religious person. His liberal interpretation of the Bible’s verses encouraged people to adopt liberalism and modern values.

Jinnah wasn’t religious and he never used verses but by claiming that the third point was compatible with the Islam’s soul, He tried to encourage 86% illiterate Muslims of India to adopt liberalism and democracy instead of seeing them as anti-Islamic. Because the other path leads to destruction.

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Short sighted people often use two incidents against Jinnah’s liberalism.

First one is about Ilm Din who was involved in blasphemy killing. Not Jinnah but Farrukh Hussain was his lawyer. During trail Ilm din claimed he was innocent and pleaded ‘Not Guilty’.

Then Jinnah, in professional capacity, appeared to make sure an innocent man wasn’t about to get hanged. Ilm Dim however, lied about his innocence. Hence, he was hanged since evidence was credible after all.

Jinnah was against blasphemy laws.
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Second incident is about his daughter. They claim Jinnah disowned his daughter because she married a non-Muslim. Jinnah was unhappy before marriage because despite his efforts since 1913, British India still didn’t allow interfaith marriages or divorce. If husband turned out to be abusive and disrespectful. Only way for Dina to marry her boyfriend was to leave Islam. Apostate was punishable by death according to Alt-rights.

Jinnah was leading Muslims as well and Mullahs were already after him and his family. This would’ve cause serious political and personal problems for both. Hence, Jinnah didn’t attend his daughter’s marriage. But he sent flowers and congratulated her on this event. He maintained good relations with his daughter after her marriage and kept meeting her.

Before coming to Pakistan, he gave his cap to his grandkid and thought his will, divided his earnings among his sisters, daughter and her children. Dina herself debunked the propaganda by calling it a rumor. Her diary confirmed her statements afterwards.

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In 1938 upon Ataturk’s death, Jinnah asked leaguers to observe Kemal day.

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Few days after Lahore Resolution was passed, Jinnah’s close friend raja of Mahmudabad, who was also funding the League stated that Pakistan will be an Islamic State with laws based on Quran and Sunnah.

Jinnah’s prophetic words in response were quite telling. He said a society with over 70 sects of Islam can’t create such state. He said that people will start fighting over definition of Islam which will only end with the destruction of the whole state. Then he continued after a brief break and stated,

“We will only be a liberal democratic Muslim state.”

Maulana Maududi created a religious party Jamaat e Islami in 1941. JI along with Ahrar Ul Islam, Khilafitists and other religious parties called Jinnah ‘The Great Kafir’ and Pakistan ‘The Land of Dirty’. JI stopped people from voting Muslim League, they called it a sin. Secularism and liberalism according to them was not compatible with Islam and Jinnah was going for anti-Islamic state with his vision. Jinnah’s most Muslim opponents belonged to Deobandi sect. Many of them were merely propagandists for congress because The Congress supported Khilafat Movement while Jinnah opposed it and sided with Ataturk.
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In 1942, Jinnah turned Muslim Leauge into a populist party just like congress.

Hindu Mahasabha was created under congress and inspired by Nazi Germany. Its goal was Hindu Domination and expulsion of all Muslims from India.

In response now Muslim League formed its own para military wing called ‘Muslim League National Guard’. Its goal wasn’t as ambitious as Mahasabha’s but its members were also ready to fight and shed some blood.

In 1943, some members of Muslim League, introduced a resolution calling for a model based on first 4 caliphs. A resolution calling for a model based on first 4 caliphs.

Jinnah stopped that resolution from getting passed and told Leaguers not to bring such resolutions again.

Also in 1943, a member of religious group Khaksar movement Rafiq Sabir, entered Jinnah house and attacked Jinnah with a knife to assassinate him. Mr. Jinnah stopped his attacks with his hands. During this struggle, Jinnah’s hands, shoulder and face were injured but radical Muslim failed to kill Jinnah and soon Jinnah was rescued by his guards and Rafiq Sabir was put on trial.

First major speech by Jinnah after the elections was made in Peshawar in 1946 in which he explained one of the main reasons behind his Pakistan demand which was improving economic condition of Muslims. However, as Punjab’s governor, General Glancy pointed out common folks in villages started thinking that Pakistan was name of war between Islam and Kaffirs.

This was the reason why one Muslims leaguer chanted What does Pakistan stand for? In front of Jinnah expecting everyone to chant “to implement God’s law and to believe in his oneness”. Instead, Jinnah hated it. Later a poem by a school teacher, Ashghar Sodai was written after independence which used those words. It popularized this religious slogan and during Zia’s regime it was made part of Pakistan’s distorted history.
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“Hundred million of Muslims cannot be categorized as a minority. We want the division of India into Hindustan and Pakistan. Because that is only practical solution which will secure freedom for both Hindus and Muslims and the achievement of stable and enduring governments of Hindustan and Pakistan, which I am confident will settle down as friends and neighbors like Canada and united states and other sovereign states both in North and South America. Hindu India and Muslim India must be separated, Unless the gravity of this aspect of the problem is realized and tackled, frankly and boldly by the British Government, chaos is inevitable which must have serious repercussion and endanger the world peace.”

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On 21 May 1947, during his interview with Reuters Jinnah openly opposed partition and called it a grave error. He claimed that Sikhs would suffer the most as a result and both new states would immediately become hostile to each other. This was the reason why Jinnah was also against the partition of Palestine. He wasn’t against it because he opposed the creation Jewish state but method of its creation, the very same method which he opposed in India. So, it won’t be wrong to say that Jinnah was consistent in his views. In the very same interview, Jinnah once again showed interest in confederation. He wanted states to remain connected through roads & opened borders.

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In his interview with Reuters, Jinnah criticized Pan Islamism. Jinnah claimed that Pakistan would be a democratic state based on Equality and only prioritize its citizens, the real center of power.

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After hearing about partition of Punjab, khaksar Movement once again decided to send people for Jinnah’s assassination, when Jinnah was addressing the people in a hotel, the rebel invaded it with shovels in their hands to attack Jinnah with them. Police entered the scene and controlled the situation through shelling. Jinnah kept seeing everything through his eyes and didn’t move an inch.

Not so long ago, Ahrar ul Islam, had also declared a Jihad against Jinnah because of his Shia faith. Terrorist organization in today’s Pakistan, like Sipah e Sahaba follow the ideology of Ahar ul Islam.

India was partition and divided in to two independent and sovereign states in real sense of the word. India was given the name of India to treat Pakistan as separation and country outside of India. Jinnah objected and claimed that this would create confusion in the future. He was ignored.

But he wasn’t wrong because many these days think Pakistan was a call for separation and this caused identity crisis and Indophobia in Pakistan. Since Pakistanis were denied their ancient Indian identity through this separation tactic, Pakistanis started ignoring their history linked to Indus valley Civilization and started owning history of much disliked Arabian looters, even though only 5% in Pakistan have Arabian blood. Other 95% are mixture of Europeans, Persians, Indians, East Asians and these people were living here for over 5000 years.
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When Pakistan was about to become a reality, a lot of right-wing Opportunists like Shabir Ahmad Usmani started telling fables like how they received messages from God to join Muslim League. On the other hand, due to Punjab’s partition, non-Muslims population in West Pakistan was reduced to 5%. This encouraged anti-Jinnah and anti-Pakistan forces who called him Kafir, opposed Pakistan and tried to assassinate him multiple times to come to West Pakistan and pollute it with their ideology due to its overwhelming Muslim majority population in post partition era.
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Jinnah have had kept the door opened for confederation and treaties until now, but partition caused deaths of one million people on top of Kashmir issue. Both of these events pretty much closed the door for Jinnah’s wish for unity, good relations and some sort of connection with the neighbors. Jinnah also wanted constituent assemblies of Pakistan and India to celebrate Independence Day on 15 August 1947 in Delhi together before going their separate ways. This was his last attempt at keeping sub-continent together in some shape or form for a better future. Congress claimed that it wasn’t interested in seeing Jinnah and any member of the League near Delhi on 15th of August. This made things worse for both sovereign states relations.

Jinnah finally accepted the reality and owned the Pakistan he got and looked towards the new future. However, the night of partition and loss of lives haunted him till his last days. Before resigning from Muslim League and becoming Governor General of Pakistan, Jinnah wrote a letter to secular Dr. Khan Sahib of Red Shirts.

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On other hand Gandhi started helping refugees of all communities during refugee crisis in post partition of Sub Continent. He announced that he would spend rest of his life in Pakistan to protect interests of Hindu Minority in Pakistan. Jinnah welcomed Gandhi. After seeing this soft corner for Muslims refugees and Pakistan Gandhi own followers, extremists Hindus, assassinated him. In response Pakistan honored Gandhi’s services.

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Jinnah was politician, when seen in context, you find consistency in his addresses to people. However, it’s the actions, that define a politician’s legacy and character. Every country has its own version of secularism, even the word secularism itself is not sued many times directly. This was the reason why Nehru didn’t include this word in Indian constitution, even though it was secular in nature. The word ‘Secular’ was added by Indira Gandhi in 1975. Normally, secular states don’t have a state religion but protestant Christianity is state religion in todays United Kingdom. Christian values and traditions are part of their society. But UK’s preamble states that power rests with the people, which makes the constitution secular in nature, since through even a Muslim can become a Mayor of the city. Similarly, American constitution doesn’t feature terms like ‘Secular Constitution’ but its secular because of its 1st Amendment. On other hand, Turkey’s secularism was inspired by French philosophers. This version of secularism believes in its implementation by force and it is against the use of religions in any shape or form in the constitution.

Similarly, Pakistan had its own version of secularism, created by Jinnah. On 10 August 1947, Jinnah got words like ‘Swear’ and sentences like ‘’So help me God” removed from his oath taking ceremony to set an example and pave the road for even an atheist to become a Prime Minister in the future. Religious references on other hand were still present in the oath taking ceremonies of the Great Britain and India.

America still uses religious references and a bible in 21st century.

Jinnah went further than today’s ‘Champion of democracy’ back in 1947, the 20th century. Then in his first cabinet, he made Zafarullah Kahn, an Ahmadi the first foreign minister of Pakistan. Dalit Hindu. Jogendranath Mandal was made first law minister. His responsibility was to frame the country’s constitution and he knew nothing about Sharia Laws. Interestingly, Mandal was a colleague of Ambedkar. Both were Dalits and belonged to the same movement. Ambedkar was chosen by Nehru to write Indian Constitution, while Mandal was chosen to write Pakistani constitution. Jinnah’s first cabinet had no ministry for religious affairs. He also stopped people from declaring a state religion and through these actions created a secular state of Pakistan.

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On 11th of August, Jinnah addressed constituent assembly of Pakistan. Address to this assembly is the most important address of any democratic leader because in it he talks about his vision and road map for the new state. During this address Jinnah mentioned everything he learned in England. He gave a lecture on war between Catholic and Protestant Christians as well as the history of liberalism, the reasons behind emergence of secular democracy in the West. Jinnah cited Shia Sunni and other religious conflicts as one of many reasons his wish for a secular democracy. He wanted a state where only personal laws could become part of constitution and in other matters, religion would stay away from Politics. He also criticized corruption. Black market and class-based society and asked the nation to deal with them with an iron fist. According to Jinnah he would never bring the type of Constitution which would affect his own lifestyle.

After the creation of Pakistan, he addressed Islamia college in Peshawar. Propagandists claim, he wished for an ‘Islam lab’ in his address there. Facts say otherwise.

“You must now direct your attention to scientific, commercial, banking, insurance, industry and technical education. And I want to make it clear the public are free, absolutely free, to do what they like provided they will maintain discipline.”
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Once he even cited French Revolution as an inspiration for Pakistan.
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Now state wants to get rid of these mistakes but it’s proving difficult as every institution has been infiltrated by the radicals.

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These statements of Jinnah were almost censored by certain elements even when he was alive. Dawn news editor, Altaf Hussain received calls from some people from the religious parties as well as government who asked him not to publish Jinnah’s statements about welfare state and secularism. The process of censoring Jinnah’s statements intensified when Mr. Jinnah passed away. Because of his illness, he was sidelined during his time as Governor General of Pakistan and many of his orders fell on deaf ears.

“Every life, every property and the religious beliefs should be, fully protected by the state at any cost. My guiding principles will be, Justice, Fair play and complete Impartiality. And I’m sure, with your support and cooperation, I’m looking forward to making Pakistan, one of the greatest nations of the world.”

Thousands along with Dina and Fatima Jinnah attended Jinnah’s funeral. Some people were absent however. Of course, none other than religious parties including member of Jamat e Islami who paid tribute to Jinnah much after his death only to act as real protectors of Pakistan and its distorted ideology.

After Jinnah’s death, the process of history’s distortion began. Maududi forced first Prime Minister, Liaquat Ali Khan, to pass Objectives Resolution, which was first strep towards theocracy and against what Jinnah stood for.
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How does no theocracy translates into secularism?

Jinnah R.A never wanted something like Iran but he also never wanted something like Turkey. He valued islamic principles and wanted to create a progressive muslim state.

Now it was hindus who thrust Pakistan and demanded partition to damage Pakistan. Jinnah R.A wanted constitutional guarantees that all states will be heavily autonomous that is why he accepted the cabinet mission of 46.

Hindus wanted full centralized control like soviets.
One more thing.

Hindu attitude convinced Jinnah R.A that a soveriegn legal entity must emerge at all costs. Because hindus made it clear that cabinet mission is non binding and they can change laws at will.

This is why Jinnah R.A accepted Pakistan which he himself called moth eaten. He was pushed to the wall.

We can also discuss his views on kashmir and hyderabad and why he didnt simply exchange them.

Any Pakistani reading this i hope u understand. Hindus saw themselves as the next mauryan empire after the british .Hindu fanatic patel was already getting ready to ban cow slaughter as a first step to hinduization.

When Jinnah R.A demanded autonomy they got mad. Hindus demanded partition of only muslim majority provinces. The aim was to damage Pakistan as much as possible. That is why they want kashmir to further damage Pakistan.
Jinnah was a liberal secular in his early age but he got closer to Islam when he returned back.. portraying only some part of his life and hiding other wont make him a liberal and vice versa

Ps: nothing funny that I said 🙂
Jinnah was not secular indeed quite hardliner, He never forgive his only child for marrying outside Islam.
Jinnah also wanted constituent assemblies of Pakistan and India to celebrate Independence Day on 15 August 1947 in Delhi together before going their separate ways. This was his last attempt at keeping sub-continent together in some shape or form for a better future. Congress claimed that it wasn’t interested in seeing Jinnah and any member of the League near Delhi on 15th of August. This made things worse for both sovereign states relations.
Jinnah in his early years was secular and strong supporter of Hindu Muslim Bhai Bhai but he saw reality once he came back
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