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Father of Orlando shooter anti-Pakistan, Taliban sympathiser

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Father of Orlando shooter anti-Pakistan, Taliban sympathiser
By Reuters
Published: June 13, 2016

Screengrab of Seddique Mateen father of Orlando shooter

WASHINGTON: The Afghan-born father of Omar Mateen, the man police identified as the gunman who killed 50 people at a packed gay nightclub in Florida on Sunday, hosted a political show on an US-based Afghan satellite channel that took a hard anti-Pakistan line.

In an interview with NBC News on Sunday, Seddique Mateen, also known as Mir Siddique, said his son’s rampage had “nothing to do with religion.”

He described an incident in downtown Miami in which his son saw two men kissing in front of his wife and child and he became very angry.

‘Afghan American’ shooter kills 50 in US nightclub

“We are saying we are apolosizing for the whole incident,” NBC News quoted him as saying. “We weren’t aware of any action he is taking. We are in shock like the whole country.”

Seddique Mateen lives in Florida, according to public records, but it was not immediately known when came to the United States. He did not immediately return messages left on his phone, which appeared to be turned off, or respond to an email.

Omar Khatab, the owner of the California-based satellite channel Payam-e-Afghan, said in an interview that Seddique Mateen occasionally bought time on his channel to broadcast a show called “Durand Jirga,” which focused in part on the disputed Durand Line, the frontier between Afghanistan and Pakistan demarcated by the Indian subcontinent’s former British rulers.

“Three or four times a year, he would show up in Southern California,” Khatab said in a phone interview on Sunday. “He’d talk for about two to three hours. He’d buy his own time and come here and broadcast and leave within a day.”

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Khatab said Seddique Mateen’s political views were largely anti-Pakistan.

One of Seddique Mateen’s videos refers to the “ISI” – the acronym for Pakistan’s main military-run intelligence service – as the “creator and father of the world’s terrorism.”

US officials have accused ISI of backing violence against US targets in Afghanistan, although Pakistan denies the allegations.

A US congressman said Omar Mateen, a 29-year-old Florida resident and US citizen, may have pledged allegiance to the Islamic State militant group.

US officials cautioned that they had no immediate evidence of any direct connection with Islamic State or other foreign extremist group, nor had they uncovered any contacts between the gunman and any such group.

Fifty-three people were wounded in the rampage. It was the deadliest single US mass shooting incident, eclipsing the 2007 massacre of 32 people at Virginia Tech university.

He was mentally unstable, says ex-wife of suspected Orlando shooter

Seddique Mateen interviewed Afghan President Ashraf Ghani in January 2014, according to a video posted on his YouTube channel. The interview touched on economic development and youth unemployment in Afghanistan. Khatab said Mateen conducted the interview in Kabul and brought it to California for broadcast.
Pakistan should act on it own for the safety of Pakistan. All efforts should be made by Pakistan for friendship with Afghanistan have failed & now Pakistan should do anything to protect its border & kick out all Afghanis from Pakistan because these bloody refugees are directly working for Afghanis & India.

The future of Afghanistan is in the hands of only anti Pakistani elements & Pakistan should act according to the threat which it faces from Afghanistan.
Having and raising kids is a responsibility and pigs like this only produce pigs..we have a culture which focuses only on numeric reproduction and quantity of life rather than quality of life..as material worth of a nation reduces the life value also decreases..and such is the situation in Pakistan.....

Pakistan should act on it own for the safety of Pakistan. All efforts should be made by Pakistan for friendship with Afghanistan have failed & now Pakistan should do anything to protect its border & kick out all Afghanis from Pakistan because these bloody refugees are directly working for Afghanis & India.

The future of Afghanistan is in the hands of only anti Pakistani elements & Pakistan should act according to the threat which it faces from Afghanistan.

It is our fault that we have taken a soft tone to Afghanistan..for once we can blast the entire border and enforce a DMZ...all Afghan refugees should be enlisted in forigen legion and set to Arabia for fighting rental wars.
Most of the Afghans, especially those of Tajik origins that I have come across hate Pakistan. Because rightly or wrongly, they view Pakistan as the root cause of all of the Afghan problems.

But why are we discussing the father? Orlando shooting was committed by Omer Mateen the son, who was born not in Afghanistan but in the United States. Omar Mateen was brainwashed by the ISIS/Takfiri propaganda; his being of Afghan origin has nothing to do with Pak-Afghan relations or that his father is pro Taliban and anti-Pakistani.

No religion gives an individual the right to be judge, jury & the executioner. However in Pakistan, dozens of innocent boys from Kasur were sodomised; the guilty are allowed to roam free. Whereas grave of cold blooded killer Mumtaz Qadri has become a Shrine. I haven’t come across any Muslim scholar of note; whether Wahhabi, Sunni Braelvi or Shia; who has condemned the Orlando killing which IMHO is a crime against humanity.

I honestly believe that the religion preached by the modern day Islamists has little in common with the peaceful religion revealed to our holy Prophet (PBUH). No wonder that when non- Muslims look at Islam all they see is target killing, suicide bombs and beheading of the infidels.

This dastardly act has improved Donald Trump’s election chances. Which could mean difficulties for future Muslims immigrants. This reinforces my view that worst enemy of Muslims is the radical Islam and the conspiracy against Muslims is largely engineered by Muslims themselves. Quoting Muneer Niazi

“Kujh saanu ve shauq maran da si” meaning we also had a suicide wish.
Most of the Afghans, especially those of Tajik origins that I have come across hate Pakistan. Because rightly or wrongly, they view Pakistan as the root cause of all of the Afghan problems.

But why are we discussing the father? Orlando shooting was committed by Omer Mateen the son, who was born not in Afghanistan but in the United States. Omar Mateen was brainwashed by the ISIS/Takfiri propaganda; his being of Afghan origin has nothing to do with Pak-Afghan relations or that his father is pro Taliban and anti-Pakistani.

No religion gives an individual the right to be judge, jury & the executioner. However in Pakistan, dozens of innocent boys from Kasur were sodomised; the guilty are allowed to roam free. Whereas grave of cold blooded killer Mumtaz Qadri has become a Shrine. I haven’t come across any Muslim scholar of note; whether Wahhabi, Sunni Braelvi or Shia; who has condemned the Orlando killing which IMHO is a crime against humanity.

I honestly believe that the religion preached by the modern day Islamists has little in common with the peaceful religion revealed to our holy Prophet (PBUH). No wonder that when non- Muslims look at Islam all they see is target killing, suicide bombs and beheading of the infidels.

This dastardly act has improved Donald Trump’s election chances. Which could mean difficulties for future Muslims immigrants. This reinforces my view that worst enemy of Muslims is the radical Islam and the conspiracy against Muslims is largely engineered by Muslims themselves. Quoting Muneer Niazi

“Kujh saanu ve shauq maran da si” meaning we also had a suicide wish.
Isn't the responsibility of the parents to guide their children to the right path....after all he was living his parents. If the parents themselves are so bigoted, they will have a bad influence on their children too.
Omar Mateen was brainwashed by the ISIS/Takfiri propaganda; his being of Afghan origin has nothing to do with Pak-Afghan relations or that his father is pro Taliban and anti-Pakistani.

Out there when U something good, U are portrayed as proud American (not Muslim, not someone have to do something with foreign roots) and if the same proud American does something wrong then they try to find out if he had any alien genes as supposedly nothing can go wrong with Americans as they are not even capable of doing anything wrong. Its the most simple and easy way to shift blame on others while the guys in power keep on enjoying unscratched.
Isn't the responsibility of the parents to guide their children to the right path....after all he was living his parents. If the parents themselves are so bigoted, they will have a bad influence on their children too.

Omer Mateen did not shoot Pakistanis, thus his father's bigotry towards Pakistan has no relevance to the shooting in Orlando night club.
Omer Mateen did not shoot Pakistanis, thus his father's bigotry towards Pakistan has no relevance to the shooting in Orlando night club.
Really? So you think bigotries are of different types and are mutually exclusive?
What we believe is that a bigot can harm anyone regardless of their backhground, beliefs or sexual orientation in this case. If you have a parent who is teaching hate against anyone and vitiating the minds of his/her child since the childhood, it will manifest at some point against someone...it does not need to be exact target...the kid will just unleash his/her hate on anyone.
Most of the Afghans, especially those of Tajik origins that I have come across hate Pakistan. Because rightly or wrongly, they view Pakistan as the root cause of all of the Afghan problems.

But why are we discussing the father? Orlando shooting was committed by Omer Mateen the son, who was born not in Afghanistan but in the United States. Omar Mateen was brainwashed by the ISIS/Takfiri propaganda; his being of Afghan origin has nothing to do with Pak-Afghan relations or that his father is pro Taliban and anti-Pakistani.

No religion gives an individual the right to be judge, jury & the executioner. However in Pakistan, dozens of innocent boys from Kasur were sodomised; the guilty are allowed to roam free. Whereas grave of cold blooded killer Mumtaz Qadri has become a Shrine. I haven’t come across any Muslim scholar of note; whether Wahhabi, Sunni Braelvi or Shia; who has condemned the Orlando killing which IMHO is a crime against humanity.

I honestly believe that the religion preached by the modern day Islamists has little in common with the peaceful religion revealed to our holy Prophet (PBUH). No wonder that when non- Muslims look at Islam all they see is target killing, suicide bombs and beheading of the infidels.

This dastardly act has improved Donald Trump’s election chances. Which could mean difficulties for future Muslims immigrants. This reinforces my view that worst enemy of Muslims is the radical Islam and the conspiracy against Muslims is largely engineered by Muslims themselves. Quoting Muneer Niazi

“Kujh saanu ve shauq maran da si” meaning we also had a suicide wish.

So kasur accident is somehow Islam problem ?
Brainwashed by ISIS?propaganda ?
"difficulties for future Muslims immigrants"
spoken like a true immigrant. feel sorry for how you look at things like this,the way west wants you to think. While US and NATO killed 20 million innocent people over last 15 years mostly Muslims , we are blaming Islam for death of 49 homosexuals ? The christians and jews and not the angels you thinks they are they are committing worse crimes then all terrorists group around .A quick look at the crimes committed by NATO will show you that.

This kind of behavior is understandable when your government and president are run by the US and now India. If any thing afghans should be kneeling to Pakistan for saving their a*** from the USSR and show respect .
it is obligatory for media to bring ISI and pak in every matter
I would strongly recommend for all to go through the links below and see for yourself the true nature of the family of this Afghan terrorist.

In link below, the father is going about in Dari talking rubbish about Pakistan and Punjabis. He speaking Dari actually is clear sign that he is a farsawan as oppose to Pakhtun. YET for some weird reason, he is supporting the Talibans who are a Pakhtun movement and hated by the farsawans.


The reason becomes very clear as it seems that this character got some strong backing within American power circles. The congressman Dana Rohrabacher and Ed Royce are his mentors. Any Pakistani worth his/her salt will know what these two sh|tholes are and their views about Pakistan and Baluchistan in particular. Watch him sh|t his pants in below link when a report ask him about his pro Taliban views. He goes 180 degree and declare them terrorists!! There are pics of him with the Dana and Ed as well.


It is clear that this chap got backing from American state to use American soil to talk his non sense about Pakistan and it seems there was some sort of planning in motion to get Afghan Taliban hostile against Pakistan. But the yanks forgot that when you feed snakes at home, they will come to bite you on your backside sooner or later.

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