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Fastest Growing China and Taiwan Relations

Max The Boss

Jan 29, 2009
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Fastest Growing China and Taiwan Relations

Resumption of high level contact – from 2008
A series of meetings between the two sides have followed. On April 12, 2008, China president Hu Jintao held meetings with Taiwan’s vice-president elect Vincent Siew as chairman of the Cross-strait Common Market Foundation during the Boao Forum for Asia. On May 28, 2008, Hu Jintao met with KMT chairman Wu Po-hsiung, the first meeting between the heads of the CPC and the KMT as ruling parties. During this meeting, Hu and Wu agreed that both sides should recommence semi-official dialogue under the 1992 consensus. Wu committed the KMT against Taiwanese independence, but also stressed that a "Taiwan identity" did not equate to "Taiwanese independence". Hu committed his government to addressing the concerns of the Taiwanese people in regard to security, dignity, and "international living space", with a priority given to discussing Taiwan's wish to participate in the World Health Organization.
Both Hu Jintao and his new counterpart Ma Ying-jeou agree that the 1992 Consensus is the basis for negotiations between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. (1992 Consensus sees both sides recognize there is only one China)
Inter-government - Semi-governmental contact is maintained through the Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF) and the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS). Negotiations between the SEF and the ARATS resumed on 11 June 2008.
The first priority for the SEF-ARATS meeting will be opening of the three links, especially direct flights between China and Taiwan. Dialogue through semi-official organizations (the SEF and the ARATS) reopened on June 12, 2008 on the basis of the 1992 Consensus, with the first meeting held in Beijing. Chen Yunlin, President of the ARATS, and Chiang Pin-kung, President of the SEF, signed files on June 13, agreeing that direct flights between the two sides would begin on July 4 and that Taiwan would allow entrance of up to 3000 visitors from China every day.
From 2008 - Initiate direct passenger airline services every weekend from 4 July 2008. Both parties agreed to negotiate on the routes of cross-strait direct flights and establish direct communication procedures concerning air traffic management systems as soon as possible. But before the routes of direct flights are finalized, charter flights may temporarily fly across Hong Kong Flight Information Region. There is no need to stop in Hong Kong, but planes still have to fly through its airspace. Weekend charter flights shall fly from each Friday to the following Monday for a total of four full days.
China agreed to open the following five cities as destinations: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Xiamen and Nanjing. China shall open Chengdu, Chongqing, Hangzhou, Dalian, Guilin, Shenzhen and other destinations later on and other cities if so demanded by the market.
Taiwan agreed to open the following eight cities as destinations: Taoyuan, Kaohsiung, Taichung, Taipei, Penghu, Hualien, Kinmen and Taitung.
Opening Taiwan to Chinese tourists. Both parties agreed that Chinese tourists must travel to the Taiwan in groups. Tourists must enter into, visit, and exit from Taiwan in groups. The maximum quota of tourists received by the party responsible for tourist reception shall not exceed the average of 3,000 persons per day, and each group shall consist of a minimum of ten persons and forty persons at the maximum, being in Taiwan for a maximum of ten days.
On 4 November 2008, ARATS and SEF signed a number of agreements in Taipei. The agreement relating to direct passenger flights increased the number of charter flights from 36 to 108 per week, operating daily instead of the four days a week previously. Flights would now operate to and from 21 Chinese cities. Flights would also take a more direct route. Private business jet flights would also be allowed. The agreement relating to cargo shipping allowed direct shipping between 11 sea ports in Taiwan and 63 in China. The shipping would be tax free. The agreement relating to cargo flights provided for up to 60 direct cargo flights per month. Finally, an agreement was made to set up food safety alerts between the two sides.
April 26, 2009 China and Taiwan signed three agreements that will enhance economic ties. Three agreements signed at a meeting in the eastern Chinese city of Nanjing. First agreement will enable financial services firms to establish branches in each other's territory and allows for the creation of a currency clearing mechanism. Second agreement was signed to increase the frequency of direct flights from 108 to 270 flights a week and open new routes to Taiwan from Six Chinese cities. A third agreement was signed to permit cooperation in criminal investigations.
Negotiators also started to pave the way for investment by Chinese companies to be allowed in Taiwan and Taiwanese companies to be allowed in China. The next round of meetings is scheduled to be held in Taipei in the latter half of the year.
Cross-strait investments have greatly increased in recent years. Predominantly, this involves Taiwan-based firms moving to, or collaborating in joint ventures, in China. The collective body of Taiwanese investors in China is now a significant economic force for both China and Taiwan.
Inter-marriage between the two sides has increased in recent years. New couples eventually settling in China or Taiwan.
With the help of China, Taiwan recently admitted as WHO observer under the name of Chinese Taipei. In addition, China Navy (PLAN) recently successfully saved a cargo ship of Taiwan from Somali pirates’ attack.
According to an opinion poll released by the Mainland Affairs Council taken after the second 2008 meeting, 71.79% of the Taiwanese public supports continuing negotiations and solving issues between the two sides through the semi-official organizations SEF and ARATS.
Cultural exchanges have increased in frequency. The National Palace Museum in Taipei and the Palace Museum in Beijing have collaborated on exhibitions. Scholars and academics frequently visit institutions on the other side. Books published on each side are regularly re-published in the other side.
Students of Taiwan origin receive special concessions in the National Higher Education Entrance Examination in China.
Religious exchange has become frequent. Frequent interactions occur between worshippers of Matsu.
The China and Taiwan have provided humanitarian aid to each other on several occasions. Most recently, following the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, an expert search and rescue team was sent from Taiwan to help rescue survivors in Sichuan. Shipments of aid material were also provided under the co-ordination of the Red Cross Society of Taiwan and charities such as Tzu Chi.
The SEF-ARATS has gone a long way for the 2 Chinas to be
Taiwan has been part of the Peoples Republic of China
since the Chinese Empire.The past is no longer an obstacle in
rebuilding the broken ties of this 2 states.
The reunification of the Communist Party of China and
the Koumintang will be the final step i hope.
Taiwan might become like Hong Kong again.
The SEF-ARATS has gone a long way for the 2 Chinas to be
Taiwan has been part of the Peoples Republic of China
since the Chinese Empire.
The past is no longer an obstacle in
rebuilding the broken ties of this 2 states.
The reunification of the Communist Party of China and
the Koumintang will be the final step i hope.
Taiwan might become like Hong Kong again.

Since when was Taiwan a part of any chinese empires rule? Hans? Mings? there was no rule. there were only uninvited migrations.

Taiwan belongs to none but its Aboriginals. Meanwhile it would be more logical to say that China belonged to taiwan if your argument is based on the people from China who had migrated there over the time. PRC belonged to KMT before they were driven out to Taiwan.
Here is a brief review of whole issue, a review of my version.


CPC and KMT conflict is a legacy left by intra-fighting among the Chinese.

Both CPC and KMT strive for a strong and prosperous China since the fall of Qing Dynasty. They nonetheless follow their own but different ideologies as to how to build a new China.

KMT (Chinese Nationalist Party, or Nationalist Party of China) created the first republic in Asia: the Republic of China (ROC, currently still in Taiwan) in 1911. ROC (KMT and CPC) joined USA, the Great British, France and Soviet Russia in WWII as the Allies, and successfully defeated the Axis, and became one of the 5 creators of United Nations. But, KMT was infested with extreme corruption, morbid feudalists and deplorable ineptitude, plus it licked (and is licking) the boots of USA, and thus being tossed out of game by nationalist Chinese.

CPC (Communist Party of China, or Chinese Communist Party) successfully utilized communist ideology in calling people to shake themselves off the oppressions from “three mountains” that had been on the Chinese people for hundreds of years: imperialism (implying USA, GB, etc.), feudalism (domestic bad landlords, warlords, etc.), and Bureaucrat-capitalism (mainly corrupted KMT governmental officials and foreign exploiters). The majority of Chinese, being fed up for more than a century, responded with enthusiasm. And the People’s Republic of China (PRC, currently in mainland and replaced ROC in UNSC) was thus established in 1949. Under the leadership of CPC, PRC was initially very successful in developing itself and defending itself.

Being a Chinese peasant movement in nature, CPC and its leader Mao Zedong, et al, made huge mistakes, even committed crimes, on their route to build a great China. Regardless, Chinese have been liberated from hundred years of humiliation; Even though it is still poor and backward, China has been regarded as an important world power, and is moving forward.

Beaten by CPC and fled to Taiwan in 1949. KMT was initially abandoned by USA, as USA deemed KMT too corrupted to support. However, Korea War (1950-1953) alarmed the US to an imaginary communism invasion of the free world. Taiwan was thus under protection of US 7th fleet. Meanwhile CPC was deeply involved in Korea War. CPC deemed the war a matter of survival or death for China, as it couldn’t tolerate a traditional buffer zone being occupied by a hostile and strong enemy.

As KMT dictator Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek passed away in 70s, his son Chiang Ching-kuo became the president of ROC (much like North Korea today). He started democratization of Taiwan political system and allowed multiparty to exist. One of the most infamous new parties is Democratic Progressive Party.


Being antagonized by oppression of corrupted KMT in the past, (KMT mainly composed people from the mainland) DPP calls for “Taiwan Identity” and promotes “Taiwan Independence”.

DPP conveniently forgets that their ancestors were also from the mainland, albeit a couple of hundred years earlier than KMT. As it has been revealed now, DPP’s ex-boss, ex-Taiwan president Chen Shui-bian was so corrupted that under the name of democracy and Taiwan independence he has fatten his family through bribery and embezzlement to a horrendous degree.

DPP’s movement toward Taiwan independence alarms CPC, as this is a grave challenge to CPC’s legitimacy of ruling over China. Should Taiwan be allowed to separate, so would potentially be Tibet, Xinjiang, perhaps but less likely Inner-Mongol…

CPC considers Taiwan an integral part of China territory and vows to unify it, so does KMT. In addition, the overall situation is tilting in favor of mainland, being it in military or in economy. That is why CPC and KMT finally come to a degree of reconciliation.


In addition to what CPC’s territorial claims, KMT claims all of AP or Zangnan (perhaps much to the horror of Indians who support ROC or Taiwan) an integral part of China. KMT also claims part of Burma, whole of Mongol, part of far east of Russia, part of North Korea, all islands in dispute with various countries in South China Sea, Diaoyu islands (Senkaku Islands) in dispute with Japan, all occupied territories by current PRC, integral parts of (Republic of) China. One word, ROC claims a lot more than PRC, but is unable to exercise its sovereign over most of them.

The US has profited greatly from both sides of the Taiwan Strait thus far. Via Taiwan Relations Act, the US has (domestic) legal obligation to protect Taiwan (by selling weapons to Taiwan, for instance), though nothing being said as to how to. At the same time, based on the three communiqués the US supports one China and Taiwan belongs to China. Taiwan issue has been the key issue between Sino-US relationships. US’s role in the affaire could be marginalized if mainland and Taiwan reconcile further.

DPP’s movement towards an independent Taiwan has delighted India enormously, event though India officially recognizes Taiwan is a part of China; whereas the reconciliation between CPC and KMT definitely worries India.
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Since when was Taiwan a part of any chinese empires rule? Hans? Mings? there was no rule. there were only uninvited migrations.

Since Qing Dynasty.

Taiwan was ceded to Japan in second Sino-Japan war, but was return back to China (ROC) after the Allies defeated the Axies.

Taiwan belongs to none but its Aboriginals. Meanwhile it would be more logical to say that China belonged to taiwan if your argument is based on the people from China who had migrated there over the time. PRC belonged to KMT before they were driven out to Taiwan.


Hope you could spend more time to read history, buddy, instead of posing reckless stuff here...
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Since Qing Dynasty.

Taiwan was seceded to Japan in second Sino-Japan war, but was return back to China (ROC) after the Allies defeated the Axies.


Hope you could spend more time to read history, buddy, instead of posing reckless stuff here...

Now that you are the history copy paste expert and asking me to learn history I also would like you to learn some real history that you will never hear from the PRC. Here it goes.

In an effort to sabotage the KMT, the Sino Japan war was triggered by the communists by creating the Marco Polo incident. PRC friends will offcourse not admit and will curse me for posting such stuff. But I
must admit that ROC is the actual china and KMT(now in Taiwan) was the one with veto power which the cummunists had snatched. Current PRC belongs to ROC.

As as an Indian I have full support for KMT not only because they oppose communism but because they also helped us fight the indo-japanese war during WW-II . there are still unrecognized graves in the jungles of indo-china border where the KMT soldiers rest. Attached is one of the pics .

Not all histories are written my expert friend. Some still lies in the jungles and some only in peoples mind, waiting to be written.

Long live KMT and long live freedom.
Now that you are the history copy paste expert and asking me to learn history I also would like you to learn some real history that you will never hear from the PRC. Here it goes.

In an effort to sabotage the KMT, the Sino Japan war was triggered by the communists by creating the Marco Polo incident. PRC friends will offcourse not admit and will curse me for posting such stuff. But I
must admit that ROC is the actual china and KMT(now in Taiwan) was the one with veto power which the cummunists had snatched. Current PRC belongs to ROC.

As as an Indian I have full support for KMT not only because they oppose communism but because they also helped us fight the indo-japanese war during WW-II . there are still unrecognized graves in the jungles of indo-china border where the KMT soldiers rest. Attached is one of the pics .

Not all histories are written my expert friend. Some still lies in the jungles and some only in peoples mind, waiting to be written.

Long live KMT and long live freedom.

no one gives damn about your indian thought,it's our business.KMT helped you fight the Japanese?LOL,Jiang jieshi was even fraid to fight for Chinese,thank gud we had Mao ,China didn't turn out to be a pathetic country like India ,it's hard to imagine billions of Chinese are living in the slum?
Freedom?tell me what kind of freedom you have but we don't,LOL,you indian really have no shame talking about that , The "untouchable" is everywhere in your country
Now that you are the history copy paste expert and asking me to learn history I also would like you to learn some real history that you will never hear from the PRC. Here it goes.

In an effort to sabotage the KMT, the Sino Japan war was triggered by the communists by creating the Marco Polo incident. PRC friends will offcourse not admit and will curse me for posting such stuff. But I
must admit that ROC is the actual china and KMT(now in Taiwan) was the one with veto power which the cummunists had snatched. Current PRC belongs to ROC.

As as an Indian I have full support for KMT not only because they oppose communism but because they also helped us fight the indo-japanese war during WW-II . there are still unrecognized graves in the jungles of indo-china border where the KMT soldiers rest. Attached is one of the pics .

Not all histories are written my expert friend. Some still lies in the jungles and some only in peoples mind, waiting to be written.

Long live KMT and long live freedom.

As much ignorant as you may appear to be: in anti-Japanese war, CPC and KMT had formed a coalition government, historically called the Second KMT-CPC Coalition.

I have a remote grand uncle who was fighting Japanese in Burma in KMT army together with USA and GB. He might have fought with British-Indian soldiers as well.

Chinese, American and British (including British-Indians) saved India from being devasted by Japanese.

I’m fortunate to able to access stories from all sides, and avoid being brainwashed by none.

Indeed long live freedom, equality, welfare, literacy and no-hunger!
Now that you are the history copy paste expert and asking me to learn history I also would like you to learn some real history that you will never hear from the PRC. Here it goes.

In an effort to sabotage the KMT, the Sino Japan war was triggered by the communists by creating the Marco Polo incident. PRC friends will offcourse not admit and will curse me for posting such stuff. But I
must admit that ROC is the actual china and KMT(now in Taiwan) was the one with veto power which the cummunists had snatched. Current PRC belongs to ROC.

As as an Indian I have full support for KMT not only because they oppose communism but because they also helped us fight the indo-japanese war during WW-II . there are still unrecognized graves in the jungles of indo-china border where the KMT soldiers rest. Attached is one of the pics .

Not all histories are written my expert friend. Some still lies in the jungles and some only in peoples mind, waiting to be written.

Long live KMT and long live freedom.

my friend
we have a lot resouce in china these day talk about kmt fight with japanese in wwii
and there is a famous chinese army even trained in indian by american
the General of this army is sunliren from china and Joseph Warren Stilwell
this militray force act a very impartant part during the time when chinese fight back from indian burma region
these chinese army is one of the best in all chinese military force during wwii time peroid and much more

these imformation are all open source in china on the interenet my friend
no one gives damn about your indian thought,it's our business.KMT helped you fight the Japanese?LOL,Jiang jieshi was even fraid to fight for Chinese,thank gud we had Mao ,China didn't turn out to be a pathetic country like India ,it's hard to imagine billions of Chinese are living in the slum?
Freedom?tell me what kind of freedom you have but we don't,LOL,you indian really have no shame talking about that , The "untouchable" is everywhere in your country

I knew you will come and specially with those abuses of hunger and slum etc. Surprised not to see some pics of indian proverty as well.

Thats great that billions of you are not living in hunger. But with your propaganda and help, millions are hungry in north korea. And there was every help to the north koreans to turn south korea into the same during korean war.

Thankfully South korea, taiwan are places with free and prosperous people today. But no thanks to you for there might have been few more millions of hungry people otherwise. The people that you are blaming who might have otherwise turned china into a poor country , are also the same people who have built a prosperous Taiwan.

And you know what, I don't give a damn either about what china is or what it does, but some things are always true and no one has ruled for ever by sabotaging other peoples rights and freedom.

You know what freedom indians enjoy and you also know what the chinese don't. We don't need a discussion here. Yes, we aren't shameful about our freedom. We are proud of it.

WE HAVE EARNED IT, and will not loose it to anyone ever.... no mater how hungry or poor we are. you better understand that.
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Since when was Taiwan a part of any chinese empires rule? Hans? Mings? there was no rule. there were only uninvited migrations.

Taiwan belongs to none but its Aboriginals. Meanwhile it would be more logical to say that China belonged to taiwan if your argument is based on the people from China who had migrated there over the time. PRC belonged to KMT before they were driven out to Taiwan.

Now, 95% of Taiwanese are Han Chinese, including Taiwanese Green Camp (Pro-independence groups).

Most of Taiwanese Aboriginals are Blue camp (Anti-independence or Pro-unification groups).

Indian has no right to talk about Chinese thing.

Without Japanese and Western invasion of China, there is no Taiwan problem.

Without British invasion of India, there is no unified India.
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Now that you are the history copy paste expert and asking me to learn history I also would like you to learn some real history that you will never hear from the PRC. Here it goes.

In an effort to sabotage the KMT, the Sino Japan war was triggered by the communists by creating the Marco Polo incident. PRC friends will offcourse not admit and will curse me for posting such stuff. But I
must admit that ROC is the actual china and KMT(now in Taiwan) was the one with veto power which the cummunists had snatched. Current PRC belongs to ROC.

As as an Indian I have full support for KMT not only because they oppose communism but because they also helped us fight the indo-japanese war during WW-II . there are still unrecognized graves in the jungles of indo-china border where the KMT soldiers rest. Attached is one of the pics .

Not all histories are written my expert friend. Some still lies in the jungles and some only in peoples mind, waiting to be written.

Long live KMT and long live freedom.

India don't concern if KMT return to China, you only concer if Tibet will become part of India.

But I tell you that, KMT think Tibet is lawful part of China. Don't forget KMT overthrew Qing Dynasty in 1911 and inherited Qing everything including Tibet. India has nver governed Tibet but China has done it for 700 years.
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Tibet has been accepted as a part of china...the GoT in exile...continued to enjoy our hospitality...no one is causing any harm to anyone...
as far as theTaiwan issue is concerned...it's america not India that you should be angry at...
In an effort to sabotage the KMT, the Sino Japan war was triggered by the communists by creating the Marco Polo incident.

You sir have one twisted view on history which is very disgusting.

First of all, the battle was between Nationalist Revolutionary Army and Japanese army.

Second, Marco Polo bridge is located in CHINA.
Lets pretend Chinese communists triggered this battle for a moment. So, when Chinese communists provoked Japanese army in CHINA, it's their fault for doing such thing? Why was Japanese army in China anyway? China was invaded and Chinese were to blame for it?

Such twisted view only can brew from a twisted mind.
You sir have one twisted view on history which is very disgusting.

First of all, the battle was between Nationalist Revolutionary Army and Japanese army.

Second, Marco Polo bridge is located in CHINA.
Lets pretend Chinese communists triggered this battle for a moment. So, when Chinese communists provoked Japanese army in CHINA, it's their fault for doing such thing? Why was Japanese army in China anyway? China was invaded and Chinese were to blame for it?

Such twisted view only can brew from a twisted mind.

yes sir, twisted or crooked or bs or whatever you call my thinking. But I have no doubt communists have done it. Japanese invasion of china is very unfortunate and I condemn it. But I have no doubt that in order to make the nationalists weak , the communists have commited this incident so that slowly they can get over with the nationalists after the japanese war.

Want to put an end to this deviating discussion. So getting back to the topic, it is very good that china and taiwan are seeing breakthrough in new relationships. This is very good for the common people, business concerns , tourists. :tup:

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