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Famous Lawyer Asma Jahangir Passes away

I just saw this video of hers.. a political stunt?

Asma Jahangir speaks up against Indian atrocities in Kashmir, advises India to lay off Balochistan

اکستان میں انسانی حقوق کی سرگرم رکن اور معروف وکیل عاصمہ جہانگیر نے کہا کہ بھارت اور پاکستان کی سول سوسائیٹز نے مشترکہ طور پر اس بات کو تسلیم کیا ہے کہ بھارت کے زیرِ انتظام کشمیر میں جو بربریت ہو رہی ہے وہ یکطرفہ اور بلا جواز ہے۔

بی بی سی اردو سروس کے ریڈیو پروگرام سیربین میں بات کرتے ہوئے عاصمہ جہانگیر نے کہا کہ وہ اس بات پر بھی متفق ہے کہ کشمیر میں حالیہ عوامی احتجاج میں کسی دوسرے ملک کی شدت پسندی کا ہاتھ نہیں ہے۔

بلوچستان کے بارے میں ایک سوال پر انھوں نے کہا کہ بھارت کے زیر انتظام کشمیر اور بلوچستان کا موازنہ نہیں کیا جا سکتا اور بلوچستان میں انسانی حقوق کی صورت حال اتنی تشویش ناک نہیں جتنی بھارت کے زیر انتظام کشمیر میں ہے۔

انھوں نے کہا کہ بھارت کے زیرِ انتظام کشمیر میں ’شوٹ ٹو کل‘ یعنی دیکھتے ہی گولی مار دینے کی پالیسی جاری ہے جب کہ بلوچستان میں ایسا نہیں ہے۔ عاصمہ جہانگیر نے کہا کہ بلوچستان میں انسانی حقوق کی خلاف ورزیوں کی نوعیت اور ہے۔

انھوں نے کہا کہ اس کے علاوہ بلوچستان پاکستان کا حصہ ہے جبکہ کشمیر کی نوعیت بالکل مختلف ہے اور کشمیر کے تمام حصے متنازع ہیں۔

ایک سوال کا جواب دیتے ہوئے انھوں نے کہا کہ پاکستان اور بھارت میں انسانی حقوق پر یقین رکھنے والے اور انسانی حقوق کی پامالیوں کی مذمت کرنے والے کارکنوں کو مشترکہ طور پر اس بات پر زور دینا ہوگا کہ کشمیر سے فوجوں کا انخلاءہو۔

کشمیر کے علاوہ انھوں نے کہا کہ سیاچین سے فوجیوں کو بھی واپس بلانا چاہیے۔ ان کے مطابق سیاچین میں فوجیوں کی تعینات غیر انسانی اور غیر منطقی ہے۔

کشمیر کے مسئلہ پر ایک اور سوال کا جواب دیتے ہوئے انھوں نے کہا کہ یہ مسئلہ دونوں حکومتوں کا بھی مسئلہ ہے اور بجائے اس کے دونوں ملکوں کے لوگوں کو دور کیا جائے دونوں ملکوں کو قریب لا کر اس مسئلہ کا حل نکالنا ہو گا۔

بین الاقوامی انسانی حقوق کی تنظیموں سے رابطے کے متعلق ایک سوال پر انھوں نے کہا کہ وہ بین الاقوامی تنظیموں سے مسلسل رابطے میں ہیں یہ ان کا روز مرہ کا کام ہے ۔انھوں نے کہا کہ ان رابطوں کا اثر بھی سامنے آیا ہے۔

بھارت کی سول سوسائٹی سے متعلق ایک اور سوال پر انھوں نے کہا کہ بھارتی سول سوسائٹی کشمیر کے بارے میں پوری طرح آگاہ ہے اور ان کا ردعمل بہت حوصلہ افزا تھا۔

I just saw this video of hers.. a political stunt?

just a political stunt.
just a political stunt.

Thanks.. I suspected this..
Subhan Allah. Reading this thread the verses of Surah Ale Imran come to mind. Verily it is only in the power of Allah that he elevates and honors whom he wills. And he humiliates whom he wills. But indeed he only humiliates the wretched and wicked in nature.

Exact verses:
View attachment 453329

Amazing how Quran coming to life in front of us. Here we have two individuals both died around same time. And how differently Allah is causing them to be talked about by the people.

Indeed Allah honors whom he wills .... What a few anonymous nobodies say on an internet forum means nothing ... Her political opinions aside, the entire nation is paying tribute to one of the greatest human rights activist Pakistan has ever produced ...

Asma Jehangir, tumhain hamara salam
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Indeed Allah honors whom he wills .... What a few anonymous nobodies say on an internet forum means nothing ... Her political opinions aside, the entire nation is paying tribute to one of the greatest human rights activist Pakistan has ever produced ...

Human Rights activist................ LMAO............... you most be high on some thing ................ Watch Rauf Clasra on her........ and her Human Activism..............
May Allah Judge her what she did with Pakistan and Islam................ And what nation????????? Few pisiods libis..........
Human Rights activist................ LMAO............... you most be high on some thing ................ Watch Rauf Clasra on her........ and her Human Activism..............
May Allah Judge her what she did with Pakistan and Islam................ And what nation????????? Few pisiods libis..........

Chacha g, Sindh government, in recognition of her services for human rights, has already announced one day mourning .... Wait and see , a lot will follow ... Indeed, Allah honors whom he wills

Chacha g, Sindh government, in recognition of her services for human rights, has already announced one day mourning .... Wait and see , a lot will follow ... Indeed, Allah honors whom he wills


The same Sindh government that can't even provide clean water? Wah ji wah. That's a human rights abuse in of itself lmao.
Even I am not a big fan of Asma Jahangir for various reasons.

However that doesn't mean I should use filthy words for her or to celebrate her death. She was a Pakistani and a muslim.

We should condole her death and if that is not possible then at least shouldn't say cr@p after she is dead.
Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun

Nobody should judge her. As prophet (saw) said 'I have not been commanded by god to cut open man's chests to see what is inside their hearts.' Better it's left to the Almighty rather than throwing abuses over the dead.
Chacha g, Sindh government, in recognition of her services for human rights, has already announced one day mourning .... Wait and see , a lot will follow ... Indeed, Allah honors whom he wills


In recognition of her services to help Hussain Haqqani runaway... fits as the first sentence of this letter..
two threads running. @waz @Horus
Chacha g, Sindh government, in recognition of her services for human rights, has already announced one day mourning .... Wait and see , a lot will follow ... Indeed, Allah honors whom he wills


LMAO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Sindh Govt,,,,,,,,(she let haqni runaway) what next,,,,,,,,,,, you said whole nation............. so even that's few dozens vadaras and other likes her.............
And about honor.......... go out in Pakistan and ask normal Pakistanis ,,,,,,,,,,, you will know the honor..... leave Pisiod libis area.......................
And yes Allah will Judge her , so you me and all other will answer to HIM(SWT) ....... Just wait for that time......
Even I am not a big fan of Asma Jahangir for various reasons.

However that doesn't mean I should use filthy words for her or to celebrate her death. She was a Pakistani and a muslim.

We should condole her death and if that is not possible then at least shouldn't say cr@p after she is dead.

Well I agree with you.. but it doesn't mean that we forget our internal enemies.. otherwise TTP terrorists are Pakistanis and Muslims too..

Anyway, lets not celebrate, but at least remind ourselves of her services provided to all the enemies of Pakistan..
Well I agree with you.. but it doesn't mean that we forget our internal enemies.. otherwise TTP terrorists are Pakistanis and Muslims too..

Anyway, lets not celebrate, but at least remind ourselves of her services provided to all the enemies of Pakistan..

Asma jahangir cannot be compared to anyone like TTP or BLA. She was not a militant or tried to kill anyone.

She had an ideology. Right or wrong she stuck to it. She stayed in Pakistan till her last breath and didn't run away or sell herself like Hussain Haqqani or that rat Tarek Fateh.

If she was such a big enemy of Pakistan then how come she was present in Pakistan and was allowed to do whatever she wanted to. Are we saying we allowed an enemy of Pakistan to rome this freely?

At least in case of Asma Jahangir I can say it was more of ideological differences with us than something else like being a sellout like Hussain Haqqani.
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