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Fall of Swat

If that gives you sufficient reason to live in peace neglecting real problems then you are free to think like that...
In future when India forwards beyond your reach dont become a cry baby...

so do you deny that any christians being killed by extremist hindus?
so do you deny that any christians being killed by extremist hindus?
First of all you should see at yourself..Have you people left any minorities to live...If there are some then they have to live under your official muslim republic ..
India is a big country with 1.2 billion people..Once in a decade these types of incidents happen ..Dont worry there have been less casualities than whatever death happened in pakistan in each day terrorist activities..
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I think this is a good lesson to Pakistan for how they turned a heaven of earth Kashmir - a nice place for tourism to a place of terrorism.The same way they loosing SWAT.Good if they learn some lesson out of it and stop supporting extremists.

And friend Awaaz,Your forefathers were Hindus and been occupied and converted to Muslims by Afghan Kings.Please do not forget you were ruled by Hindu kings for 1000s of years and you are just a lost piece of our great civilization having 5000+ years of history.

Please do remember Harappa a great civilization originated only from Pakistan.Every country is identified only by its history and your history of Islam in your country is a very little duration.Lets forget our religion,It was just created for our convenience we can always change it if its not suitable.Lets not bring religion everywhere.
Thank you India for another wonderful gift to Pakistan.
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