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Fall of Swat


Jan 12, 2009
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Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

Editorial: The fall of Swat

After a year of military operations in Swat, the territory controlled by the terrorists has reportedly increased from 25 percent to 75 percent. On Friday, the army killed 12 Taliban in different parts, but could not prevent the demolition by them of a rest house owned by the ANP’s late leader, Mr Abdul Wali Khan. The party that rules in Peshawar has been systematically decimated in Swat as its allies walk in fear and no longer criticise the Taliban in public, accusing only the army of being “indiscriminate”.

Swat had voted last year for ANP as a liberal alternative to the now defunct MMA because they wanted their home territory to be made safe against the vandalism of the Taliban. But what they have got is the systematic destruction of the female educational infrastructure in Swat by the Taliban and loss of protection by the state. The terrorists had warned last month that if any girls’ schools opened after January 15, they would be bombed. Consequently, after the expiry of the deadline, none of the 400 plus schools has reopened, causing 80,000 girls to go without education for the foreseeable future. Along with them, 8,000 female teachers will be rendered jobless in state sector and private institutions.

The federal information minister, Ms Sherry Rehman, has responded to the questioning in the National Assembly by saying that the government is not oblivious to the situation and will do something about it. But this isn’t terribly credible. The Taliban have already bombed out of existence 122 girls’ schools in Swat while the army operations go on inside a fast shrinking territory of the writ of the state. The inhabitants no longer believe that the state is capable of protecting them and talk on TV channels freely in favour of the army clearing out of the area and the government negotiating with the terrorists to give them what they want, including a literal ban on the public movement of women.

The ANP government began talking peace with the Taliban after coming to power in 2008. It reached an agreement on the enforcement of sharia with the terrorists and even let their founder-cleric out of jail as an earnest of its peaceful intent, but, according to the ANP leaders, the contract was sabotaged by the warlord Baitullah Mehsud who sent in more “foreigners” into Swat to tighten his hold on the territory. Reporters have described youths who behead people in the valley as people who speak differently from the locals and even look like non-Pakistanis.

In Pakistan, the foremost obstacle in pacifying Swat is the national division of opinion. A majority of the people who mould public opinion think that “it is not Pakistan’s war”, and trace it to the cruelties inflicted on the innocent people of Swat by the Musharraf regime. A recent opinion on the plight of Swat was expressed like this: “Swat was totally peaceful until two years ago. Then the government of Pervez Musharraf destroyed its peace. It spilled the blood of innocent people, and now the same innocent people had become greatest oppressors. They are killing each other in the name of Islam. What a great irony that the dictator who loudly proclaimed his enlightened moderation cast Swat into the clutches of religious extremism. And now he is going around the world lecturing on peace”.

But the truth is that Swat saw its trouble first in the mid-1990s with a radical cleric Sufi Muhammad asking for sharia. In 2001, the Sufi joined the Taliban in Afghanistan to fight the Americans. After his arrest, his son-in-law Maulvi Fazlullah unfurled the flag of jihad in Swat and was soon taking orders from the South Waziristan warlord Baitullah Mehsud. Today, Swat lives under the sharia of Fazlullah. Civilian collateral damage has been considerable, and may have caused rebellion in some cases, but most of the “obedience” observable in the valley is because of the fear of beheadings by the terrorists.

The measure of lack of success of military operations in Swat can be had from the fact that the terrorists now have an autonomous state of their own, complete with running sharia courts and an FM radio station exhorting the people to accept the new order or die. They have their own network of intelligence and an information secretary that you can ring up and talk to. Every day the people of Swat wake up to find someone or the other either beheaded or hanged on the Green Chowk of Mingora now called Khuni Chowk. Those who could flee Swat have done so; those who have nowhere to go will live under the terrorists. The “state” will soon have to survive on the economy of contraband and kidnappings in the settled areas of the NWFP.

Pakistan can turn away from the obligation of saving Swat only at the risk of further more dangerous erosion of the state. It is a war that has to be fought and Pakistan cannot afford to lose it. Islamabad must realise that Swat terrorists have their networks in the rest of the country; and last year, Lahore’s girls’ schools had received threats of closure the same way as in Swat. *


Will Pakistan be able to restore Swat or its lost ?

Lost? It's not a keychain that it will be lost. It's very much part of NWFP and NWFP is very much part of Pakistan, and both are here to stay!

There's much more to Swat than meet the eyes. Do not be fooled by such reports. Tho a grim situation, but nothing that could be dubbed as grim as lost. It's just part of the broader political agenda Pakistan have at the moment against the enemies of Pakistan who are cashing in the opportunity by interfering covertly in this northern hamlet to create a civil war kind of situation. It's just a matter of time when the tables will be turned on the external enemy. Keep the eyes open and ears hooked. The stars are moving! ;)
agreed with the bhaisaab above ^^^
taliban will never has and never will take control of pakistani land
Lost? It's not a keychain that it will be lost. It's very much part of NWFP and NWFP is very much part of Pakistan, and both are here to stay!

There's much more to Swat than meet the eyes. Do not be fooled by such reports. Tho a grim situation, but nothing that could be dubbed as grim as lost. It's just part of the broader political agenda Pakistan have at the moment against the enemies of Pakistan who are cashing in the opportunity by interfering covertly in this northern hamlet to create a civil war kind of situation. It's just a matter of time when the tables will be turned on the external enemy. Keep the eyes open and ears hooked. The stars are moving! ;)

totally agree with you on this, those even of pushtoon origin from both sides of the border who are helping external elements bring instability to swath and pakistan etc have a horrible death waiting for them.

If need be brother will kill brother to preserve the unity.
Where do you indians get all these ideas from look at you aids infested nation, you guys are being ripped apart and Insha Allah we wont rest till we see you guys ripped to small little pieces.
Your wicked ambition has bought pakistan to its present condition...
Your wicked ambition has bought pakistan to its present condition...

But what can you do about it?
like i said talk is cheap fella, actions speak louder then words, we are ready to sacrifice our lives and press the button can you say the same?.
Uneducated ,poor ,hungry people can be easily brain washed to sacrifice their life..What is there in sacrificing when the life which they are leadng is not worth living..

Very True!

No wonder Indian army personnels kill their colleagues and commit suicides.
Very True!

No wonder Indian army personnels kill their colleagues and commit suicides.

Wrong perception dear..
You want to say army personnel are hungry ,uneducated and poor ..Is it so in pakistan ...I am afraid situation is different in this side of border..
Uneducated ,poor ,hungry people can be easily brain washed to sacrifice their life..What is there in sacrificing when the life which they are leadng is not worth living..

Well is that the experiences that you are fhaving, always felt india wasnt a just country and people were normally fed up with their lives and aids.

You people cant control your women who in Europe are most of the time in our bed let alone a country.

Please look back at history and see we have ruled you for more then 700 years, what happened to great india then hay, being conquered by the Muslims.

So tell me if all is good in india why is everyone fighting the aids infested hindus hay? why is everyone up in arms?.

You guys rumble on about surgical strikes and this and that, typical hindu bullshit talk, you have no balls to do anything, if you have why dont you do it rather then just go on about it
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Well is that the experiences that you are fhaving, always felt india wasnt a just country and people were normally fed up with their lives and aids.

You people cant control your women who in Europe are most of the time in our bed let alone a country.

Please look back at history and see we have ruled you for more then 700 years, what happened to great india then hay, being conquered by the Muslims.

So tell me if all is good in india why is everyone fighting the aids infested hindus hay? why is everyone up in arms?.
No dear just read this artical..

It turns out there is a cost to human life after all, and in one case in Pakistan, it was $600.

Police reportedly have arrested five suspects in Lahore, Pakistan’s second-largest city, for planning an attack at the home of a National Assembly member, using a suicide bomber-for-hire and explosives expert that they hired for just $15,000.

At the time of the Aug. 6 bombing, the attack was blamed on military action against Islamic militants in northwest Pakistan, as it came amidst a rash of attacks on political leaders and government officials. A police investigation, however, found that the attack at the home of Rashid Akbar Niwani, which killed 26 people.

Police said two of the suspects, Waqas Hussain and his father, Dr. Nazar Hussain, hired the bomber to kill Ejaz Hussain, to whom Waqas allegedly owed money, the Pakistan daily newspaper Dawn reported on Wednesday.

Waqas Hussain had reportedly borrowed the cash from Ejaz to start a used-car dealership, but failed to get his business going. He attempted to repay his creditor with seven vehicles, but according to police, Ejaz demanded another 5.4 million rupees ($68,658.61) in addition.

Niwani had attempted to mediate the dispute, and a second meeting was between the two parties was scheduled on August 6. Several days earlier, however, Waqas and his father allegedly hired a mercenary Jaan Muhammad Wazeer to put a hit on Ejaz Hussain.

After confirming that Ejaz was at Niwani’s house, Jaan brought the suicide bomber there, where he succeeded in killing his target - along with 25 bystanders. Niwani managed to escape.

The final price tag for the carnage was 1.2 million rupees ($15,257.47), or just $600 per victim.
No dear just read this artical..

It turns out there is a cost to human life after all, and in one case in Pakistan, it was $600.

Police reportedly have arrested five suspects in Lahore, Pakistan’s second-largest city, for planning an attack at the home of a National Assembly member, using a suicide bomber-for-hire and explosives expert that they hired for just $15,000.

At the time of the Aug. 6 bombing, the attack was blamed on military action against Islamic militants in northwest Pakistan, as it came amidst a rash of attacks on political leaders and government officials. A police investigation, however, found that the attack at the home of Rashid Akbar Niwani, which killed 26 people.

Police said two of the suspects, Waqas Hussain and his father, Dr. Nazar Hussain, hired the bomber to kill Ejaz Hussain, to whom Waqas allegedly owed money, the Pakistan daily newspaper Dawn reported on Wednesday.

Waqas Hussain had reportedly borrowed the cash from Ejaz to start a used-car dealership, but failed to get his business going. He attempted to repay his creditor with seven vehicles, but according to police, Ejaz demanded another 5.4 million rupees ($68,658.61) in addition.

Niwani had attempted to mediate the dispute, and a second meeting was between the two parties was scheduled on August 6. Several days earlier, however, Waqas and his father allegedly hired a mercenary Jaan Muhammad Wazeer to put a hit on Ejaz Hussain.

After confirming that Ejaz was at Niwani’s house, Jaan brought the suicide bomber there, where he succeeded in killing his target - along with 25 bystanders. Niwani managed to escape.

The final price tag for the carnage was 1.2 million rupees ($15,257.47), or just $600 per victim.

Same is happening in india, as more and more people are opening their eyes and turning away from Hinduism and turning to Christianity, the extremist hindus are killing Christians and many more.

The india military is out of control and plots against its own country by carrying out incidents and then blaming pakistan eetc.
Please look back at history and see we have ruled you for more then 700 years, what happened to great india then hay, being conquered by the Muslims.

I fail to understand your people's mindset. Being ruled by Muslims doesn't mean we were ruled by Pakistan. And you speak as if you are proud of occupying forces, maybe you are proud that Americans rule Iraq and Israelis rule Gaza. And if you did occupy us then justify it....should we take revenge?

Anyway a large part of Pakistan was ruled by Sikhs very recently (research Maharaja Ranjit Singh) and Hindus ruled Pakistan for thousands of years before that. Maybe the time has come for history to repeat itself! :yahoo:
Same is happening in india, as more and more people are opening their eyes and turning away from Hinduism and turning to Christianity, the extremist hindus are killing Christians and many more.

The india military is out of control and plots against its own country by carrying out incidents and then blaming pakistan eetc.
If that gives you sufficient reason to live in peace neglecting real problems then you are free to think like that...
In future when India forwards beyond your reach dont become a cry baby...

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