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Fake Chinese Space Walk !!

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plus if it was faked then the chinese would have never broadcasted it live...they would have first recorded it...then viewed it then they would have released it........they have brain.....while you indians dont have even common sense....you cant even make a simple engine for cheap tejas plane and here you talking about technology and space stuff.

What if they already did the same and broadcasted it later with a 'LIVE' tag? Can we ever know?
If it's an underwater shoot, it should have more than 'one bubble', isn't it?
There are many BUBBLES, check the part 1 of video. Please read the opening post or see the videos first before commenting!
What I can see is that the Chinese faked the space walk. Think about it, flags don't wave in space... :china:

Now I think about it, why are there floating Chinese and English letters overlaying the video? It's a clumsy photoshop for sure.

Most damning is if you pause at 2:02. You can make out a bit of green and white on that 'waving' flag. The only conclusion is, I believe that the Chinese flag is photoshoped on top of an Indian flag, and the Chinese took credit for the first Indian space walk.

How are the Indian government and the ISRO keeping their mouths shut? They must of been bought off by the CCP! I've lost all faith in China now. :hitwall:
its debris...period.
buddy it is not a $1 Toy made of plastic, so that there are countless debris breaking off the astronauts dress and shuttle. There are countless bubbles popping out and accelerating all the time.
watever its...

but chinese successfully placed their own space module like ISS...
you cant ignore it..
Show me a credible source with an article then we talk
are you for real? There in front of your eyes is the ORIGINAL VIDEO and you can see the BUBBLES popping out? Why don't you post the ORIGINAL VIDEO if the one I posted is not original SPACE WALK video?
If my posted video is original, then explain the Bubbles (and other mistakes).
are you for real? There in front of your eyes is the ORIGINAL VIDEO and you can see the BUBBLES popping out? Why don't you post the ORIGINAL VIDEO if the one I posted is not original SPACE WALK video?
If my posted video is original, then explain the Bubbles (and other mistakes).

Are you an expert on space technology? if not stfu dont make a fool of yourself
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